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10 LPs and an Island

Fer grins, found a list that some friends and I did on the subject of.....

If you were stuck on an Island and could have only 10 girlfriends, er, wait, cough, cough....10 albums (yeah, thats it, albums) what would they be??? Well I found my list and thought it may be fun to compare notes if i can copy and paste properly. So here goes and included is a short list of 10 or so contenders. So jump in, and remember, "My Guitar Wants To Kill Your Mama"....In no particular order mine are,

1) Roy Buchanan, You're Not Alone (What? A Les Paul? No Tele?)
2) Hendrix, Band of Gypsies (Original LP Version)
3) Its a Beautiful Day, Self titled 1st LP (White Bird, where????)
4) Blind Faith, Self titled (EC's best work since the Yard Birds and since time began
5) Yardbirds...Live with Jimmy Page (Who??? +2 early Zep songs)
6) King Crimson, In the Court of the Crimson King
7) Blue Cheer, Vincebus Eruptum,
8) Captain Beefheart, Safe As Milk 1st LP (Zappas chum, A young Ry Cooder on guitar)
9) Pretty Things, SF Sorrow (English RnB band spends 8 weeks in a studio on acid.
10) Boz Skaggs, Self titled 1st LP (Pre-disco w/ D. Allman guitar)

Black Sabbath, Self titled 1st LP (the pre-hit single days)
Faces, A Nod Is As Good As A Wink.....
Grand Funk Railroad, Live (Atlanta, 1970)
Randy Holden, Population II (This should've been Blue Cheers 3rd LP)
Johnny Winter (one and two self titled)
Led Zep, 1 & 3
George Thorogood, 1st and 2nd LPs
Zappa/MOI any Original "Mothers", Apastrophe, Bongo Fury
John Mayall, Turning Point
Pink Floyd, Meddle, Wish You Were Here, Animals

No hit singles here but a lot of "listen to the whole thing" type jams. 2 or 3 would be very hard to find short of going to a record show or at least a good used/collectible record shop and Randy Holden still denies Population II ever got officially released on the Uni Label.

"Help I'm A Rock"


Well-known member
dang, i could come up with 10 just from Pink Floyd, but that would leave out the Rolling Stones , & i've gotta have the Beatles "Abbey Road" album. like you mention, Black Sabbaths first lp would need to be in the mix, as would Jethro Tull. man, this is making my brain get cramps...


Well-known member
dammit, did it AGAIN! can someone tell me why my posts are at top instead of the bottom of the threads...dang!
dammit, did it AGAIN! can someone tell me why my posts are at top instead of the bottom of the threads...dang!

You attention hog you........hahaha, just kidding. I thought it was me then I remembered I'm not buzzed, guess its not Firefox too. Yeah, I was real confused for a moment then I read your 2nd post. Dunno why but it had me going for a sec.

Yeah, BS 1st lp is often over looked, the UK version opened up and told a story about the cover pic but I don't remember it. If you can find it, there is a BS vid making the rounds. It was a studio concert on French TV. 2 Parts, sort of a French "In Concert" I guess. They only had 2/3 (?) lps out and its the best thing I've seen in a long time. They are actually having fun, smiling, cutting up. Guess it was before the coke, stardom, and the big head syndrome kicked in. Don't know if it was ever officially released tho. Playing some tunes from the 1st lp too. They actually were having fun before the egos kicked in. They lost me after "Vol 4" tho but I still crank up Iron Man and such if they are played on the radio.

Fer grins, you might check your OS and see if your time and date are correct. Sometimes in windows this can do strange things. But I'd like to know why to but on a geek level. 'Tis strange tho.

Damn, I did leave out the early Tull. This Was, Stand Up, Benefit. The guitarist on the first LP was Mick Abrams. Did at least one decent solo LP. but you can't replace Martin Barre.

Good luck with the "top posting"..........


Active member
Wow.............I could think of at least 10 of each genre of rock.........late 60's English stuff, early & mid 70's American rock & roll, Late 70's - Early 80's heavy metal, etc.

10 off the top of my head in no definite order.................

Zeppelin II
Black Sabbath - Master of Reality (IMO their best work, although The Wizard & Black Sabbath from the first album are iconic songs)
Black Sabbath - Heaven & Hell (they became an entirely different band w/ RJD)
Metallica - Master of Puppets
Allied Forces - Triumph
The Great Radio Controversy - Tesla
Number of the Beast - Iron Maiden
Rocks - Aerosmith
Moving Pictures - Rush
Nice List, I will confess to only knowing of Triumph, Metallica, Tesla, and Iron Maiden thru any radio play they might have had. Was it Tesla that did a remake of the old song "Signs" by 5 Man Electrical Band??? With the exception of Moving Pictures, Rush lost me after Farewell To Kings. I kept going to the shows til I didn't recognize ANY songs they played. Their 1st live LP is great too.

The Wizard, wow, one of the first songs that the drumming really impressed me. Wonder when the last time Oz has played a harmonica? Dug the long songs and still do. Some of RJDs best work is with BS, I remember 1 called Mob Rules (???) I think at the time Iomni changed his sound a wee bit. Wonder if he still played his Gibson SG at the time???

Still I respect the Metallica guitarist, one or both (?) sometimes would show up in Guitar Player Magazine. The guy is fast, but there's more to guitar than fast for me. (I'm picturing some skinny cat with long black curly hair from an interview, maybe the wrong guy?)

In retrospect I didn't include anything by Mahogany Rush, The Groundhogs, or Cactus. Maybe I should get a different Island.


Take A Deep Breath
10 - but not in any order

1) Gong - Radio Gnome Trilogy (3 albums - Flying Teapot, Angel's Egg, You)
2) Hawkwind - Space Ritual
3) Spirit - Kahuna Dream
4) Beatles - Revolver - replace with Jimi Hendrix - Axis Bold As Love
5) Crosby Stills & Nash - Carry On (double compilation, I think they were best circa 1970)
6) Rolling Stones - Their Satanic Majesties Request - replace with Beastie Boys - Hello Nasty
7) Black Sabbath - Black Sabbath (that 1st album)
8) Cardiacs - On Land And In The Sea
9) Pink Floyd - Dark Side Of The Moon
10) Doors - Doors (the first album)

But......I could easily add another 10 or 20. So much good music out there...

Edited +1 week after having time to think about it more
Last edited:
Cool, Gong, I have heard of. Aha, Hawkwind, they did deserve as much of the success as Pink Floyd had in the US on some LPs. Oh, Spirit, damn, and we left out the 12 Dreams of Dr. Sardonicus. The Beatles??? Who?? They come and go for me. CSN, throw in Y and 4 way street for me. Stones, good til Brian left. I dig Paint It Black tho. With ya on BS, did that LP ever get any radio play at all in the US??? Interesting it popping up again. I'm drawing complete blanks on the Cardiacs, ya got me....Darkside is OK, but don't we all know the lyrics to Money??? And Stairway to Heaven, and Freebird??? Sometimes radio kills songs to me by playing them to much. Wish You Were Here and Animals are standouts. I thought The Wall would've been better as a single LP but maybe Waters wanted to sell movie tickets too. The Doors 1st was a ground breaker, a band without a bass player, but why couldn't (to me) Morrison get his act together??? Nice list, now back to news.

Oooops, it took a sec, Buffalo Springfield, For What Its Worth, by Stephen Stills right??? Do I get a cookie, hehehe.....

Your password must be 10 characters long??? I wanted to use the word Penis but they said mine wasn't long enuff....



Take A Deep Breath
Cardiacs were/are a UK psychedelic/alt-rock outfit from 80s. Very obscure.

Hawkwind were awesome pre-78 or so, and shite thereafter - but Space Ritual is the definitive live SpaceRock album.

That first Skynyrd album is a definite contender. Damn that band got wiped out so early.

Floyd had a great run of 3 or 4 albums - I could have nominated Wish You Were Here or Animals, but I think a lot of their stuff was of a lesser tier than the best.

LA Woman could have been there too. I'm with you on Morrison.

Hendrix - Axis Bold As Love? Electric Ladyland?

Buffalo Springfield, you got it. So simple....but so powerful.

Led Zep? I like 'em, but they're not desert-Island grade for me.

Bob Dylan - Bringing It all Back Home. Can't spend the rest of my life without hearing Bob again.
Its all good, care to recommend a Cardiac LP? I may have to check this out. With ya on the Hawkwind too, but Skynyrd, I dunno. Funny thing was before becoming legal age in our state, I developed a serious uh, lets say, hmmm, affection for Jack Daniels Whiskey which culminated in a 2 week binge. When I cleaned up after that, I didn't care much for Skynyrd at all. It was drinking music to me. My alternative to LS was the Outlaws, thought they were better musicians IMO. I have seen LS a few years back and it was kinda sad, shame they didn't move onward.

Floyd, yeah now that I'm "Much Older" some of it doesn't hold up but some early vids with Syd in the band are very interesting. But like Freebird, if they play Money on the radio again, and again, I change the station. You are right, LA Woman is a stand out, they hired a bass player for most of that LP if I remember. Oh Jimi, my main man. (Yes, I used to play a white Strat myself) I'm going with Axis, but the UK version of his 1st LP had a 4 song difference vs the US copy all of which have been on any CD since their invention. I've still got some boots and imports from my youth so that why I went with the UK Version.

Zep vol 1 + 3 faves for me. Page can play that bottleneck when he wants too. Its been re-issued but if you can get the CD "Yardbirds Live w/Jimmy Page (Anderson Theater, New York) some nice insight to where Page comes from.

Dylan, ala history, I like him better when Jimi or Johnny Winter covers him. But the LP with Queen of Hearts is memorable. Cant think of the name haha. Johnny owns Highway 61 rev. Next time at the used record store I may check out the Cardiacs.


Take A Deep Breath
Re Cardiacs : You'll be lucky to find one...but you never know. Do a search on Youtube - there's a few bits on there.

Black Crowes have done some nice stuff in that whole early-70s guitar/Southern thang.
Wow, Cardiacs, they are quite capable aren't they. But sure enuff the 1st one I hit put me off a bit (Tarred & Feathered I think) The performance and rehearsal vids were quite good and one ended with a nice guitar solo and I found myself wishing the vid went on for about 2 or 3 more minutes. I'll be looking some more a bit later.

Why I didn't think you tube earlier I don't know. I just recently got into You Tube and have been putting together/downloading bits and pieces of some early Mahogany Rush Concerts, Can't find any early Cactus and most of the old Blue Cheer stuff has been circulating for years. Now if I could collect the Hendrix vids from the Royal Albert Hall concert in 69 (?) and piece them together. Its a rare Jimi vid or sound that I've never had. You tube seems great for quite a bit of music. Note to self, search for King Crimson vids when possible.

Yeah the Crowes. 2 lps of the most soulful music ever to come from a white boys lips while his brother played rhythm in an open chord tuning. They fell off my radar with the 3rd CD tho. The original lead player quit after the first one and I never knew why and never missed him. Musicians and their egos, geez.....

Thanx for the Cardiac info, wish I was "there" when I was younger.

Happy T-day everyone


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
Fer grins, found a list that some friends and I did on the subject of.....

If you were stuck on an Island and could have only 10 girlfriends, er, wait, cough, cough....10 albums (yeah, thats it, albums) what would they be??? Well I found my list and thought it may be fun to compare notes if i can copy and paste properly. So here goes and included is a short list of 10 or so contenders. So jump in, and remember, "My Guitar Wants To Kill Your Mama"....In no particular order mine are,

1) Roy Buchanan, You're Not Alone (What? A Les Paul? No Tele?)
2) Hendrix, Band of Gypsies (Original LP Version)
3) Its a Beautiful Day, Self titled 1st LP (White Bird, where????)
4) Blind Faith, Self titled (EC's best work since the Yard Birds and since time began
5) Yardbirds...Live with Jimmy Page (Who??? +2 early Zep songs)
6) King Crimson, In the Court of the Crimson King
7) Blue Cheer, Vincebus Eruptum,
8) Captain Beefheart, Safe As Milk 1st LP (Zappas chum, A young Ry Cooder on guitar)
9) Pretty Things, SF Sorrow (English RnB band spends 8 weeks in a studio on acid.
10) Boz Skaggs, Self titled 1st LP (Pre-disco w/ D. Allman guitar)

Black Sabbath, Self titled 1st LP (the pre-hit single days)
Faces, A Nod Is As Good As A Wink.....
Grand Funk Railroad, Live (Atlanta, 1970)
Randy Holden, Population II (This should've been Blue Cheers 3rd LP)
Johnny Winter (one and two self titled)
Led Zep, 1 & 3
George Thorogood, 1st and 2nd LPs
Zappa/MOI any Original "Mothers", Apastrophe, Bongo Fury
John Mayall, Turning Point
Pink Floyd, Meddle, Wish You Were Here, Animals

No hit singles here but a lot of "listen to the whole thing" type jams. 2 or 3 would be very hard to find short of going to a record show or at least a good used/collectible record shop and Randy Holden still denies Population II ever got officially released on the Uni Label.

"Help I'm A Rock"

dude that's a pretty wicked list! Awesome!

Thanx AB, feel free to show us yours, I've shown you mine, hehehe. And picked up on something new also. The Cardiacs, thanx again Blimey. I'm sorta lookin' to see what other people dig and what I may have missed in my youth. Chime in when you're ready, every ones opinion is worth a look.



It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
i actually started to reply...but i cant condense it. I'll keep trying though! if i had to live the rest of my days with just 10 albums...jesus! that would suck

i actually started to reply...but i cant condense it. I'll keep trying though! if i had to live the rest of my days with just 10 albums...jesus! that would suck


Haha, agreed. I was the kid/adult who had about 3000 LPs and turned it into a small sideline mail order biz for a while. Haunting and traveling to any used record store I could find and any record shows in a small radius from home. Picking up the obscure, unwanted, strange stuff that commercial radio and record shops didn't want people to know about. There is some good overlooked stuff out there, you just have to find it.

"We must make boogie music the essential factor in the lives of all. In presenting this thought to the world we must explain and justify our feelings by formulating a definition of boogie music and setting forth its main principles in such a way that all may understand instantly that their souls, their lives and and every relation with every other human being in every circumstance depend on boogie music. And the right comprehension and the right application there of...." Alan Wilson/Canned Heat



It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
nice! i think i must be in the "next generation" vinyl collecting biz lol. but that doesn't mean that i don't have some of the classics on vinyl. I have a mint, original pressing of Pink Floyd's Meddle that i hold very dear to my heart :), among others



Take A Deep Breath
Vinyl....I've got about 1000....waiting for the day when I get a USB turntable and can stick them on the PC. Tons of stuff I haven't listened to in years.

hard rain

in no particular order:

Live -Bob Marley
Made In japan -Deep Purple
Radios appear -Radio Birdman
Atom Heart Mother -Pink Floyd
Lyre of Orpheus/Abattoir blues - Nick Cave
Live at Leeds - The Who
Physical Graffiti - led Zeppelin
London calling - The Clash
Raw Power -The Stooges
Rumours - Fleetwood Mac

100 albums would have been easier.