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1 week old seedlings turning yellow


Dr. Doolittle
The ones with the yellowing leaves is nitrogen, the ones with the rips that have brown spotting looks to be old and would not worry about that.

I would be repotting the bigger ones; check to see the root growth, it's easy to remove the root ball in those little potters.
The one with the yellowing leaves could be due to root space lacking or it's hungry for nitrogen.

All strains are different so some can handle root crowding much better than others, and some are very touchy.

The purpling stem is a normal trait color and is nothing to worry about.
Other than that they look like they are making a great recovery and starting to get a happier!


Dr. Doolittle
How big do you plain on vegging them out?
THat depends on how big the pot size should be......... right now I would put them in 1/2 gallon sizes if you want to flower them the size they are now, add 1 gallon size pot.


im gonna vegg them for another week give some of the side shoots that are forming a chance to get a little bigger then provided i dont screw with them, ill throw them into flower.


hello hello again, well its been a while since ive updated this mainly because I haven’t screwed thing up too badly and haven’t had to come and frantically ask for advice on how to remedy my errors. There hasn’t been anything this I haven’t been able to handle. Here’s the update. all four have been transplanted to 1 gallon containers, and three are in flower, the white widow, hazeXskunk and the satori #3 , while the satori#2 is vegging nicely.
i believe the White widow has started to show sex but in not sure if its either male or female, and seeing as how i got nothing to loose by letting it flower a little longer that’s exactly what im going to do, that fway I can be 100 percent of the sex. judging from the pictures i've seen floating around i think it may be female; it doesn't have any grape-looking pollen sacks, but rather small little buds with green hairs protruding from them, only time well tell for sure. the hazeXskunk and Satori #3 still haven’t given any sign as to what sex they are but they've only been flowering for 10 days, not expecting immediate results. anywho here are some updated pictures to show what they look like now, comments, suggestions, and anything will be appreciated. and thanks again to all who helped me get back on the right track, i seriously believe my plants would have died if not for the advice i received.



#1 Haze X Skunk


#2 Satori


#3 Satori


#4 white widow


Active member
hey wow, its looking MUCH better. i dont remember if u have mag/cal solution or u used epsom salts but if ur on solution add alot more, give it a strqaight shot of RO and 7/ml per gallon or if your using epsom use 2 tablespoons for the gallons there mag def'd some are kind of hard, but there looking great!