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1 main additive for taste?


What's the most beneficial additive I could use for taste in coco with GH nutes and a reservoir run to waste?

When and how do you apply your favorite additive?


Rubbing my glands together
To be quite honest with you, each strain has its own unique flavor. I'd rather have the taste the final produce produces on its own instead of some artificial taste enhancer. Grow it right and flush it right and the natural flavor will be there. Just my 2 cent worth.

bong ripped

best additive for yield, smell, taste, and look is.

as always

your shadow
from what iim learing from experienced growers whove done side by side comparissons is that its genetics and that the only thing that will change flavour aside from a good flush is bad growing skills, aka stress.
Many very experienced growers who have had years to prefect their technique all probably could suggest certain nuts or additives. But as has been stated the variety of your plants will give you the most variation in flavors. Next to that proper flushing, of which there are many threads about on IC. But I can say with certainty that time and patience are the two things that gave me the most variation in flavor. Many growers rush harvesting, drying and curing, in fact if you take bud from the same flushed plant and you take the time not too dry it too quickly and give it a good cure it will taste 100 times better then some bud tossed in a room in front of a space heater and then smoked.

Although curing is like constantly looking at a clear cookie jar and not being able to eat any even though its yours :?


Many very experienced growers who have had years to prefect their technique all probably could suggest certain nuts or additives. But as has been stated the variety of your plants will give you the most variation in flavors. Next to that proper flushing, of which there are many threads about on IC. But I can say with certainty that time and patience are the two things that gave me the most variation in flavor. Many growers rush harvesting, drying and curing, in fact if you take bud from the same flushed plant and you take the time not too dry it too quickly and give it a good cure it will taste 100 times better then some bud tossed in a room in front of a space heater and then smoked.

Although curing is like constantly looking at a clear cookie jar and not being able to eat any even though its yours :?

couldn't agree more, good advice!


5.2 club is now 8.1 club...

Almost all the weed I see is taken early, so, good advice for 95%+ of growers is to try leaving it another 5 or 10 days. You will usually get more taste, smell, flavour and a stronger high with more duration. It requires patience, not money, does not come in a shiny packet with a Placebo effect for you and realy works.


floralicious plus or floranectar?

This guy had it.
If you using GH, use all the line up.
Floralicious Plus makes potant meds
and Flora Necter brings out the flavor very well.
Hate to say it but Advanced Nutrients Sweet Leaf or Kushi Kush also.
Those two are also great for adding flaver.
Me I use GH aggresive bloom, Floralicious+, Necter, Kool Bloom, etc
i when used floralious bloom @ 2ml per gal and diamond nector @ 2ml per gal and it has improved my flavor for sure. but i dropped them for kushie kush and bud candy.


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
To be quite honest with you, each strain has its own unique flavor. I'd rather have the taste the final produce produces on its own instead of some artificial taste enhancer. Grow it right and flush it right and the natural flavor will be there. Just my 2 cent worth.

Took words outta my mouth

Ganja D

Try bud candy, you won't be disappointed. Me and 3 other growers recently grew the same cut of strawberry cough. I used bud candy. We actually all got together and sampled each others weed. Everyone noticed that mine smelled and tasted way more intense and sweet. Trust me it's awesome. If you want good taste make sure your water is good and flush, but bud candy is an awesome additive for taste, smell and resin production. Does way more then molasses. Also try carbo load in combination with the bud candy. It's no joke.

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