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1,700 cannabis plants found in Co Meath

Hundred Gram Oz

Our Work is Never Over
Five people have been arrested after gardaí discovered the biggest cannabis grow house ever found in Ireland.
Officers from the Garda National Drugs Unit, along with local units in Meath, raided a shed in a rural area of Grange in Bective at about 2pm.
Gardaí found 1,720 cannabis plants compartmentalised at different growth stages - from incubation to drying - worth over €680,000.
220 of the plants were in a drying room ready for street sale within three days.
The grow house had sophisticated heat, light and irrigation systems powered by a large diesel generator.
Five men were arrested at the scene - four inside the shed and one waiting at a van.
Gardaí believe that the organised criminal gang producing the drugs is based in Finglas in Dublin.
It is the 28th grow house discovered since last July.


Hundred Gram Oz

Our Work is Never Over
"The grow house had sophisticated heat, light and irrigation systems powered by a large diesel generator."

First bust in Ireland that I've heard of, that was using diesel powered generator's.


generaters were apparently for back up power, theres a much better article by the times, any one see videos or pictures?

farm+meath+fuel+generators= customs getting pat on the back i wonder?


eyes that shine...
ICMag Donor
"The grow house had sophisticated heat, light and irrigation systems powered by a large diesel generator."

First bust in Ireland that I've heard of, that was using diesel powered generator's.

there was one in the north early in 2009 in Dromara--a million pound bust that used a room sized diesel generator to run 4 rooms in a large barn.Not much online about it at all but it was a serious operation---so I hear


"The grow house had sophisticated heat, light and irrigation systems powered by a large diesel generator."

First bust in Ireland that I've heard of, that was using diesel powered generator's.

Was there not a similar bust in a barn down in Meath last year?



Two held after cannabis seizure in Leitrim

A cannabis growhouse has been discovered in two vacant houses in an estate in Co Leitrim this afternoon.
Officers from the Garda National Drugs Unit and Carrick-on-Shannon searched the houses in Dromad this afternoon.
They found the internal dividing wall between the houses had been breached, sophisticated cultivation systems installed and over 400 cannabis plants growing.
The garda helicopter had registered on thermal imagery a cooling tube running along the attics and ceilings of the houses.
The electricity had also been stolen from the mains and gardaí believe the houses have been squatted in since last year.
A man and a woman, aged 25 and 18, who are believed to have come originally from Vietnam, have been arrested.
They are being detained at Carrick-on-Shannon Garda Station and can be questioned for up to a week.
The seizure is the latest under the Garda National Drug Unit's Operation Nitrogen, which has so far led to the discovery of 27 growhouses since the end of July last year.