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1/4 Teaspoon of GH ph Up in 4 Gallons of Well Water ?


I can't find my one pH meter and don't have the $$ for the Hanna Combo pH/PPM meter right now.

I over-goosed some plants in 12/12 by using dilute Liquinox Bloom, on a soil mix of Happy Frog, bone meal, and wood ash.

(1 cubic food of Happy Frog, 3 cups of bone meal, 1 cup of wood ash, was the proportions on the soil.)

The plants voiced their rebellion a few days ago with unhealthy fan leaves.

We measure the run-off, it WAS running at 6.2 pH and 1800 ppm.

I did a MASSIVE flush, sort of a work-out actually. Tested the run-off a day later at 6.7 pH and 1050 ppm.

SAVED by the local Hydro store, the guy there let me borrow his Hanna Combo meter.

The plants still are not where I would like them.

In your experience, how long does it take plants to recover from the acidic nutrient overdose (which may have actually created an 'under-dose' related to chemistry and lock-out) they got for about 2 weeks, and showed the last 3 days ?

I had a 4th plant of White Castle, not exactly the Runt of the Litter, but, sort of (my experience with runts is that they sometimes morph into super-hashy little guys that make great medicine.)

Anyway, I tried White Castle #4 with a mix of 4 gallons water with 1/4 teaspoon of pH up to see if it would help the plant to recover from my mistake.

The guy at the Hydro store said that pH up will move the pH FAST, e.g. 1/2 teaspoon in 4 gallons could raise the pH from 7 to 9 easily ... something like that.

G.O. Joe

Well-known member
In your experience, how long does it take plants to recover from the acidic nutrient overdose (which may have actually created an 'under-dose' related to chemistry and lock-out) they got for about 2 weeks, and showed the last 3 days ?

A few days here in promix, but it's full of peat and not soggy from flushing. Hard to guess with your mix. IMHO pH meters are for hydro growers - a little bottle of bromothymol blue costs nearly nothing, and its yellow just starting to turn green will never go out of calibration. I use hardware store ammonia for pH up and only need like 5 drops per gallon.