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08 outdoor session

Hello folks, Its outdoor time again and its time to get started. I am not an advanced grower but I have had some successful grows in the past. This year I was gifted some great genetics from a good friend of mine. Got a couple new holes dug being that a couple plants last year diddnt like the lighting near the end of the year. I popped a bunch of seeds just in case I wasnt able to get my hands on the genetics I wanted,and just like clock work I got the clones i needed to fill my holes and was left with a bushel of female seed plants. The seeds will be forced to flower and I have spread the joy by gifting a few to friends in need. The seeds were a bunch of a friends crosses such as wcn99,ssh99,jackie o 99. Genetics I have in the ground from clone are bubba kush, ssh, jackie O, hawiian sativa, and sd/99. the only new strain I am doing that I diddnt do last year is the bubba kush. I will sprinkle in pics of last years grow along with this years to keep the yawning to a minimum in the next couple months. Pics up soon! happy growing!
A pic of my plot with empty holes

Bunch of early seeds before sexing

more seed sprouts

these are a few of the female seedlings that are going to be headed for a early flower

Updates when i get some more pics uploaded!
Here is a row of bubbas that i got in the ground

and a little closer

One of the 3 sd99 i have in the ground

This is a pic of my lone sd99 that I did last year, The sd99 is the one on the right with the yellowing leaves. I loved it last year and decided to dump a couple more in the ground this year!



Smoke weed and prosper
you got big cojones man. i'll give you that! i can see over your fence and even the house not so far away (other side of the road maybe). you must live in one cool neighborhood...
I have great neighbors who are very supportive of my medical grow and of prop. 215. They dont have a bunch of kids around and give me extreme privacy. I have been there for these neighbors many times and have a strong bond with them so i have no problems.


looks so well prepared bro! wonderful!



love the pic from last year, i have a feeling your pictures for 08 might out do them ;)
Gantz:good gestures and good neighbors go hand in hand!
esbe:right on, needless to say I will be using cages this year
Drkong: thanks bro I have alot of pics of last yr and cant wait to out do them this year!
bannana man: More pics to come
Got the last of my ssh in the ground today and now i can work on the pots i plan on doing

garden shot

This is the lone seed plant that got into the ground, she is a ssh/99


couple pics of the jackie O

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I put 4 hawiian sativa in the ground (one of my favorites) however one girl started to flower so she had to be dug up and flowered with the others early.

Here is A pic of one of the hs in the ground. she was a real stretcher last year!

and a couple pics of last years hs

see ya soon :headbange


Active member
kick ass lookin meds there mang. It does indeed look like this year will beat last year. Good luck!
Hey folks! Finally the clouds have blown off and I am hopein for some good california weather from here on out. Every thing seems happy to get into the ground and I only had the one (Hawaiian) that thought it was time to flower.Bubbas are starting slow but with some good sunny days im sure she is gonna get her legs. The usual stretchers are doing their thing (sd/99 and hawaiian), but that is what I expected. Been giving them their weekly spray with the neem oil and havent really had a bug problem,however there are alot of red ants present on the ground. I will get the camera out and snap some shots tomorrow but for now here is a shot of the sd99 I did outside last year. By far my favorite smoke that I did last year.
What is your soil mix WS? Looks like you have some decent sized holes to work with! Those pics of last years hawaiian sativa are freakin awsome!


Damn they sound like some nice genetics.
I'm jealous that you can grow in your backyard and don't have to lug heavy soil etc like us guerillas!
saibai:Yes it is very convenient to have a back yard garden and have much respect for the guerrillas
backwoodburner: thanks bro, and im mixing supersoil and foxfarm ocean forest part for part. most holes are 10 to 12 cubic ft.
phate: Hang in there i might be on to somthing :headbange
Ganja Smile: Right on brother, glad I could catch your eye!

Still havent had a chance to take any new pics of my girls but i will keep it going with a couple of more pics from the garden last year! enjoy and thanks again for all the feedback!

SSH 07


SSH 07

Hawaiian Sativa

Thanks barefoot! Here are a couple more pics from last years grow and i will be back later tonight with some updates on this years babies!
this was my small bush of cat piss. I diddnt go with it again this year, she is a much better plant protected and under lights.

this is a blue haze, she was a monster, tall and wide, another i diddnt go with this year, she had nice thick buds but once they dried up they were real leafy and ended up being kind of harsh. nice looker though

Grape ape, she was a light stealing beast of a plant, had a very nice yield

and her flower (grape ape)

Blue haze flower

And a couple pics of the jackie O

This one the tower in the back is the grape ape cola and a few ssh

See you on flip side :headbange

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