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08 greenhouse



bosshoggin said:
do they have tht material a lil bit darker i guess ?i dnt have alot of coverae so i need somethig a lil more discreet.great job by the way!!!sory if i missed it but what genetics?this is my bagseed grow

is it cheaperto build one than buyin one of those pop ups s to speak.the cheapest is 170 buks bu id rather build one.ecurity wise the pop ups might be better
high,i found no materiel with darker face,,and i have northern lights,mango,purple,white widow,white russian,and some of jacks attack(seeds from yr before last)and my clones have budded,,way to early dammit,,oh well,,anyway,todays pics,,growing just fine

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Torog said:
Howdy Jack,

Every plant looks happy !:D

I'm curious about the 5th pic from the top,the plant has all narrow leaves,do ya know what strain it is ?

Have a good one ! :D
high torog,,i no not what they are after i plant them,before yes,after no,for i take away all name tags,i go for inside,not looks,,but to each his own i say


well,i never said i was perfect,just wanted to be in the fine art of growing,,so anyway,,i found a few hermies,never before anyway,,so i now have 7 inside greenhouse,instead of 16,,less than what i intended was half of 16 which is 8 ,,so i am one off of my intended grow inside greenhouse,,still i think i did ok on my finel count inside greenhouse,,but i will not get monsters,,i should of started in jan,reasons are ,they showed bud and regrew,or showed male to destroy early,,anyway,next season i will start in january,as i should of started this season,,many reasons why i will start in jan next yr,,monsters rule in my greenhouse if i started in jan,,it looks naked in greenhouse now,,but they will prosper with more light..pics soon,,,,but i do have 4 outside,which 3 is females for sure,one yet to be ident,,,

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Howdy Jack,

Hermies ! ? Git a rope ! lol :D Well at least ya caught em in time and as ya point out-the ones that are left,will have more light and room,to prosper..now then-may they yield mightily for ya ! :smile:

Got yer message yesterday..that's one of the 'doh !' moments..lol..anyhow- no problemo bro !

Have a good one ! :rasta:


more pics from the man with a ham for the cam,,,almost time to take down a few sides of greenhouse,,so i can tie down ,and they are growing outside of greenhouse door anyway,and a few are over 6 fe tall now,,soon will have to tie down,,to late to top,topped one yr this late in grow,,had way to small mass buds,,

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Howdy Jack,

Happy Father's Day ! :D

Looks like everyone's happy in yer garden :D They've grown at least a foot ! :D :yes: :jump:

Have a good several million ! :D


Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
Im late coming into this thread but, nice greenhouse. Those plants are looking puurrrty. Best luck Ill be back to check out the flowers.

Till then :rasta:


Howdy Jack,

s really cool to git some praying mantis and ladybugs to help with yer garden ! :D

We gotta a nice dab of rain this morning,but now it's a steambath outside..lol. Still trying to be patient,I'll holler at ya when I can relax ...

Have a good one ! :D


Torog said:
Howdy Jack,

s really cool to git some praying mantis and ladybugs to help with yer garden ! :D

We gotta a nice dab of rain this morning,but now it's a steambath outside..lol. Still trying to be patient,I'll holler at ya when I can relax ...

Have a good one ! :D
should of been relaxed by now, :bashhead: hows the back?,i have a week back ,,ive had it sence a week back,,,,old hey abbet and costello joke,,,i cant find but a few ladys and the mantis is in a cacoon yet,or i believe much babys pop out,,never did live bug aide before,,shit my next concert is live bug aide,,,,,with live pics to boot,but the lady bugs are all under the leaves deep in the forest to them,this is the mantis cacoon atop the plant



08growbyjack said:
should of been relaxed by now, :bashhead: hows the back?,i have a week back ,,ive had it sence a week back,,,,old hey abbet and costello joke,,,i cant find but a few ladys and the mantis is in a cacoon yet,or i believe much babys pop out,,never did live bug aide before,,shit my next concert is live bug aide,,,,,with live pics to boot,but the lady bugs are all under the leaves deep in the forest to them,this is the mantis cacoon atop the plant

Howdy Jack,

The back comes and goes..lol..good days and bad days.. :Musicboohoo: :D

I'm looking forward to seeing pics of the baby mantis's..I'm sure they will be cool ! :smile:

Have a good one ! :D
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overgrew greenhouse again ,,oh well,maybe one yr i might try to keep inside greenhouse,crap,,roof is 12 0r 13 ft tall ,,i dont even remember anymore,seems like each yr i out do my self,i said self,try to keep not so high,and this is sides anyway,i had to top as i did not want to ,but they are growing for the sky

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Active member
overgrowing is the best !

overgrowing is the best !

yo jack , how are you feeling?
once again, i'm freaking impressed man, the growth rate and size of those girls is crazy indeed! got very big very fast since I last checked lol.
really can't wait to see those in flowering...im sure they'll make huge fat buds for your head!
I dig the pool too!:D nothing beats smoking a J in a cold pool on a hot summer day..

take care jack, feel well! and keep on updating , cuz it's getting serious now hehe!:D

~peace~ :joint:


Howdy Jack,

Daggum ! It's like magic ! lol :D :jump: Are ya sure ya ain't sprinkling some magic grow dust on em ? lol :D

Didn't even look yesterday,but will today..I'll holler at ya later.

Have a good one ! :D


ma bell says ,dont look anymore,,,says ma bell,hint hint,,,anyway,i made a few hemp bows to go with this yrs arrows i see in the making from my hemp trees,semper fi,,elvis lives,,,go figure



Howdy Jack,

I'm sorry I missed yer call yesterday..hopefully,I'll catch yer next call..other than that,everythings okay..didn't bother yesterday..a watched pot doesn't boil..or else it seems to take a really long time..lol.

I like yer hemp bows,they're cool ! :D

Have a good one ! :D