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05 season arround the corner,


New member
Hia all . I am constitly thinking about going all out next year in the great outdoors. i will have more than enuff seeds on my hand so i am a bit confused about how to go with this, my original thoughts was to plant about 10 plants spreaded arround in like 500 yard area, now i have about 70 seeds and thinking of doing spreaded plants alot, plus one or two actual gardens with like 10+ plants in each with fences. I have a brand new enduro bike to help me. I will but alot of effort into this as I am already doing each and every day. Hope it works out , this will be my second grow, i expect to harvest pounds afte pounds, last harvest i got a half pound out of a single mother plant outdoors. I hope you all are getting prepare for next year, cuz i sure am.


Active member
Happy Holidaze to You! Electrostudd, if it were me I'd grow some of the seeds now and establish a Mother and clones would go out in the spring! This way theres no worrying if that big one is a male at seasons end and no extra labor either. A flur will accomplish this and a smaller hid. If this doesn't work for you then check out my thread on "Hands Free outdoor growing just below this. :bolt: Good Growin'!


Active member
I've been kinda kicking that same idea around myself Badmf. I usually start in a mini-greenhouse I built and grow in there for a month or so before transplanting outdoors. I'm kicking around the idea of paying the extra money and just getting female seed. I hate like hell to carry soil water and nutes to big beautiful plants all summer, only to find BALLS later on!!


Active member
You may wish to re-consider that maove as most Female seeds come out hermie anyway. Go to the chat room and ask other growers about their experiences.


Active member
I don't think most Fem seeds are hermie.....but your chances are ALOT greater then buying regular seeds. I agree with badmf on getting a few mothers or start them now.....sex them....revert back to veg....by that time they will have some veg time come next season and you will know they are female.
Or....if you are dedicated enough....plant them all outdoors and take care of them all and kull the males when they finally show.

I myself have a 4' Nev Haze that I am going to take clones of and put them and the mother outdoors in a secured private yard.

Good luck......


Active member

What do you think about starting indoors cut back to 12/12 until sex is shown and then revert the light back to veg?? Would that stress the plants?


New member
I actualy want a good looking male to reproduce me some more seeds, cuz i want to get the genetics , i want to collect them for possible futur grows. but i will get rid of most of them. and ya it will suck to buy twice as much soil and labor work for the males. plus some good ferts


Active member
If you do that....it should not hurt them. It will take them a couple weeks to revert back to full-swing veg.
Now that I think about it....why don't you start them all indoors and take a clone from each when they get big enough. While you are getting the clones to root....keep the light on 12/12 and sex them while they root.

Thats if you have the space.


Active member
Here's the thing. I do not have a light. I have a friend that does but it is occupied. Is it possible to grow say 20 plants under a 200w MH?? I'm trying to get out as cheap as possible and still get the job done. What light would I need minimum for this?

cooked cook

bake at 420 until nicely toasted
gonna give it another shot

gonna give it another shot

OK, I'll admit it. LAst year's outdoor experience spanked my ass rosey red :spank:
It was my first real attempt at some outdoor action.
First off, I never worked so friggin hard in my entire life. The ground around here is hard to dig. I used mostly an entrenching tool (small folding shovel with pick) and a hand auger. Still, very hard to work. Also, it's pretty hot here a good part of the year. At least it was real hot by the time I did most of my work. Got my own soil in the holes, got my dozen plants out there, mostly ak48 and Northern Lights. All got nabbed by rippers. :jawdrop:
They were all staggered back and forth through some natural cover over maybe 100-150 yards. Still pretty small when ripped. Ultimately, the spot could have been chosen better.
I was pretty discouraged after all that, but will try again for '05. I really should be out lookin at plots ALREADY and preppin them. Now that I can clone, I believe I'll get some clones out there early in the season and go for some nice big shrubs. Good luck out there IC buds. :yes:
cook the friendly woodsman -
really, I'm just a treasure hunter. SEE, metal detector :D


Active member
:cuss: One reason I plant on hillsides is its more difficult to explore without expending a great deal of energy. The location I have is very dense with varying greens and thick. Try to LST em and add yellow flowers or berries as nothing we eat is that color. Make your path very hard to follow as some take dogs out to sniff your direction, spill some cayenne pepper in spots to prevent this. If you don't know if your area is traveled then leave a dollar bill out and see if and when it disappears. I also set some trail traps to see if anyone has gone my way(Lenny Kravitz stole my line!) :cuss: I hate rippers!!


Active member
I hate rippers as well, bro. I guess I'm very fortunate in that I have several hundred acres that is VERY private in which I can grow on. I can go in or out with everything I need in the back of my truck and work all day if needed without ever having to look over my shoulder. I think what Ima do is put a 400 MH in my safehouse and veg for 2-3 weeks then revert to 12/12 to force the sex to be shown. No way in hell I'm carrying any more water/soil/nutes to males all summer again if I can help it.



@ walmart they sale REAL cheap 48" shoplights 40wtt bulbs.I use 3 shoplights to either
clone/root 288 clones,or grow 72 in 9oz cups.Thats a total of 240 watts.As HOG stated
take ya cut from each and force them to sex AS they root.This way NO light cycle shock to future Mom/moms and will speed things up..

No doubt on having ESTABLISHED moms for clones for spring/summer.Thats what WINTERS are for.Getting ready!!! Good luck .