
  1. filo d'erba

    80x80x180 e tanto ammore

    partiamo con Il setup box 80x80x180 preso su amazzone led Marte H y d r o t s 6 0 0 aria Estrazione aspiratore eliocolidale Tt vents da 125 mm a due velocita settato a velocità 1 ( circa 220 mc/h) immissione D' aria passiva attraverso le prese d'aria del box substrato plagro n ligth mix...
  2. G

    Biotabs Starterkit + Megaworm and a bunch of other organic stuff

    Hello everybody! I'm planning to setup my first organic grow, and i've got a bunch of organic products home. My plan was to mix with the 'plagron light mix' some coco, megaworm and bat guano, adding a couple of biotabs for every pot (18L). In the starter kit you also find a bunch of ther...