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need advice on nute strenght/feed schedule


Active member
I don't quite understand the lucas formula or any formula for that matter. I just transplanted some plants from promix to coco and am looking for some input for a feeding/strength schedule. I just bought some cns17 nutes and an in day 7 of flower. I do have an ec and ph pen. water out of the tap is ec.12 and ph of 6.3. I guess my basic question is can I use this stuff all by itself or do I have to add something else to it. Also I need to know what is a good ec reading I should be shooting for





Active member
ok I think I just figured this out. profile I came up with for 15ml/gl:cns17 bloom:
n=100 p=39 k=176 mg=32 ca=74 ec1.45 (that's after adjusting for waters ec of .12)
Does this sound about right. and do I need to bring any of these numbers up


Active member
the lucas formula has been modified for coco so follow h3ad's schedule which is 6ml micro + 9ml bloom the first 4 weeks then 9 ml bloom for the next 2 weeks before flushing and you should have yourself some decent smoke
good luck


hey wickedpete

i just finished a gallon of cns, i used 15ml/gal + additives throughout bloom and had good results.


Custom User Title
If you can take the time to go through these three threads you'll learn everything you need to know about feeding and ratios and stuff like that, the info in there has improved my grow by quite a bit.

http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=81674 - The Recipe, by Rezdog
http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=46474 - Plant Nutrition and Visual Diagnosis, by Gr3atfulh3ad
http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=55683 - H3ad goes coco, by Gr3atfulh3ad

If there's too much for you to read there, click on the filter button below the original poster's avatar and you can just read their posts, where most of the information is.

Here's the NPK numbers for Rez's feeding plan, so you can compare whatever you're feeding to this. You don't have to use these exact numbers, but these numbers do work (in coco, haven't used it in soil.)
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Active member
litle soldier whats up, I read that from gh3 and if I hadnt already bought the cns17. I would have gone that route

rooted-- what other additives did you use. from what I can see the only thing I need to bring up is the p.
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Active member
so far i have been mixing 30ml of cns 17 bloom and 20ml of techno flore magcal per 5 gl. ec is about 1.0. At the mix of 10ml/gl I was getting burn that ec was at 1.45

Also wanted to ask I have been watering a quart per day and most of it runs off probably about 50% of it. plus this watering everday thing kinda sucks as it is time consuming. Could i get away with watering every other day with very little run off and then flush once a week on my days off when I have more time


Aloha wickedpete66.
When I am hand watering my coco plants, I usually make 2 passes at them with the nute solution.... my little bansai coco moms in 1g pots each get 1L per day. The way I feed them is I'll give them 1/2L poured slowly & evenly... 5-10 minutes later I'll follow up with the second 1/2L.

I must say unless you are recirculation (reusing your nutes) a 50% runoff is way too much. YOU ARE WASTING YOUR NUTES! Most books I have read suggest hand watering until 10% runoff.

Depending on the size of the container you may only need to water/feed them every other day... or longer depending on how your plants do in your environment.

Just my 2 cents.... and I am not by any means knowledgable, so good luck!


Active member
I'd recommend using House & Garden's nutrient line up. Follow the directions on their nutrient feed chart and you'll be golden. Add cal-mag tho if ur using R/O water.

Shan Diego

Dudes, I started recirculating with a rez after a year plus of hand water to waste, and I will never go back... why did I wait so long? The girls love it, and really, you don't even have to change it...just refill...seriously, don't wait. Do it now, save your time.


Active member
Greyskull said:
Aloha wickedpete66.
When I am hand watering my coco plants, I usually make 2 passes at them with the nute solution.... my little bansai coco moms in 1g pots each get 1L per day. The way I feed them is I'll give them 1/2L poured slowly & evenly... 5-10 minutes later I'll follow up with the second 1/2L.

I must say unless you are recirculation (reusing your nutes) a 50% runoff is way too much. YOU ARE WASTING YOUR NUTES! Most books I have read suggest hand watering until 10% runoff.

Depending on the size of the container you may only need to water/feed them every other day... or longer depending on how your plants do in your environment.

Just my 2 cents.... and I am not by any means knowledgable, so good luck!

I changed my watering method as well. I give 20oz in the morning and another 20 at lights out with very little overflow . flush at weeks 4 and 7. Plants seem to like the 2x daily watering as opposed to once a day

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i like to feed twice a day when i can, i'd like to do a recirculate but im not that handy and my shit usually turns out ghetto as hell lmfao. so i DTW but i have run off but very, and an occasional flush