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Zamaldelica + Malawi small screw-in LED grow


[FONT=&quot]So this was going to be a grow with four small plants: 2 x Zamaldelica, 1 x Malawi and 1 X Panama Haze, all from ACE, all feminized. I planted all seeds in seedling soil mix. (I don’t use the paper towel method as there is risk of fungi and the tap root tends to grow into the paper tissue.) On day 4, Zamaldelica #1 appeared. Two days later the Malawi was born.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]And that was it. On day 15, I dug out the other two seeds. The Panama Haze had not cracked. I scuffed it with sand paper and now I did use the paper towel method on it. But, to no avail, alas. It’s still between those pieces of paper, but I’m pretty sure, by now (Day16 after planting), that it’s as dead as, you know, that old movie. The Zamaldelica #2 was more interesting. I found the seed split into two halves. The embryo was partly brown, green and white. Apparently it rotted? Funny, I was sure I hadn’t overwatered.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Zamaldelica, 1st half:

[FONT=&quot]and second half:
Anyhow, this is now a two strain grow. My fourth alltogether [FONT=&quot]and my first pure sativa.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Small grow tent: 60x60x160 cm (roughly 2x2x5 ft.)[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Prima Klima 160/280 m3/h exit fan with active carbon filter[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]10x13w screw-in LED 2700k + 3x13w screw in LED 4000k (caps from the LED bulbs removed, blynx’s method (maestro, I salute thy great mind!))
[FONT=&quot]11 liter pots,[/FONT] B[FONT=&quot]ioBizz light mix and BioBizz organic nutrients[/FONT].
Plan is to top above 3rd or 4th node and send 6-8 colas per plant into flowering, lst-ing and possibly doing a scrog if things seem to get out of controll.

[FONT=&quot]This will be a [FONT=&quot]compact[/FONT] grow report, meaning I will not update every day but document the major steps and finish with a smoke report.[/FONT]




Day 13 veg.
Today I repotted into 3l pots. BioBizz light mix. I watered with 1/3 the recommended dosage of BioBizz Grow. I will increase the dosage carefully to about 1/2, maybe 2/3 over the next weeks. For now, I'm going to leave them alone. It's going to take them a week or more before they need to be watered again.

The Zamaldelica:

The 2 days younger Malawi:

The Zamaldelica from above:


Active member
In normal potting soil you don't have to feed for the 1st couple of weeks.

I usually wait until they produce their 2nd or 3rd set of real leaves before adding any nutrients.

So feed very lightly if you do feed them earlier.

Good Luck.


ACE Seeds Breeder
Hi spugg,

Thanks for choosing our genetics and for starting a grow diary with them.
For some reason, i cannot see your pics.

Although Bio Bizz light mix is not heavily fertilized, it should contain enough nutrients for the first 15 days of life of the seedlings, maybe a bit more (depending on the progresses and size of your plants). I also like to use Bio Grow, Algamic and Canna's Rhizotonic for the growing stage of plants of small/medium size. As corky pointed out, you don't need to feed your 2 week old seedlings in soil, start to feed gently when they are a bit more developed.

Your replacement for the seeds that didn't germinate has been sent.
Best wishes!


@ Dubi, @corcy1968: Thank you for the advice and sorry for taking so long to reply. (As stated in the original post, I will only document the major steps of this grow.) I only water every 5-7 days or so (when the pot gets light), but I will reduce the BioBizz grow next time to 1ml on 3l of water (full dosage would be 6ml/3l). Since the light mix is very light and Grow is supposed to be organic and thus first kicks in after ten days or so (I’m told), I thought it might be best not to let the girls develop deficiencies. Anyhow, plants are growing and I don’t see any clawing yet.

Thanks for sending the replacement, Dubi. I very much appreciate that.
I don’t know why you can’t see my pictures. I’ve created an album to which I upload them and then add them to the posts. I can see them when I’m logged in. Is there another method I should use?


Now to the good stuff! Day 23 since sprout, day 21 for the Malawi. I have to say, these plants are very vigorous, fast growing with strong side branching! As mentioned earlier, these are my first pure sativas.

Zamaldelica, day 23 ov veg:

Malawi, day 21 of veg:

Comparing them to my last grow–Nirvanas ak-48, which is an indica-dominant hybrid–I have to say that the leaves on the Zamaldelica look just as fat as the ak’s did at this stage. There is more stretch between nodes and the serration of the leaves is more pronounced.

Anyhow, today I topped both above 4th node.

Zamaldelica topped:

Malawi topped:

I made two clones out of the tops – we’ll see how they turn out.

To be on the safe side, I’ll probably take one more clone from each as soon as they’ve recovered from losing their head and then send them into puberty seven days from now with 5 colas each.
Until then …

Man, I'm really starting to look forward to this now!


I can't see pics ,either!Maybe you have marked your album as "private" or something like that?


Yes!Nice ladies!

Thanks, man!
Looking at those pics again, the Malawi seems to be a little more stressed out than the Zamaldelica, at least judging by the shape of the leafs. Minor clawing and those curled up edges that seem to be saying, it's too hot, too much light in here, or something, even though it's a mere 23°C and it ain't too bright either.
I'll stay off the nutrients altogether for the next couple of waterings, see how it develops.


Repotting and switch

Repotting and switch

Big day today!
First I went to the post office and picked up Dubi’s replacement for the two dud seeds. Very good experience with ACE, I have to say, I’m very happy! They were replaced swiftly. I’ll put them to use as soon as the flowering stretch is over and I know how much room there’s left in my garden.
Then, secondly, I repotted the girls into their final 11 liter containers and switched the timers over to 12/12. I’ll leave it that way for a week and then switch to 11/13. It is day 30 of veg for the Zamaldelica today and day 28 for the Malawi.
This is how they look now.

Zamaldelica, day 1 of 12/12:

Malawi, day 1 of 12/12:

I have to say, they both grow very vigorously! In the 3 liter pots they were almost root bound. The Malawi stretches more than the Zamaldelica and has become the bigger plant now despite it being two days younger. The Malawi's leafs are narrower now and sharply serrated. The Zamaldelica is bushy and fat-leafed. Still looks like an indica to me. Both show purpling on the stems.

There is almost no clawing anymore. I’ve given them nothing but plain ph’ed tap water for the last two weeks. That seems to have been the right thing to do, but a few leafs now have some dead spots.

I’m diagnosing this as a Magnesium deficiency in its early stage. I’ve had this with all plants I’ve grown with this tap water so far, so I’ll start adding half a tea spoon of Epsom salts to every one liter of water from now on.

As can be seen on the pics, I’ve started to tie them down. Now I’m curious to see that famous sativa stretch!


Hm, those funny little yellow leaf spots turn up here and there. It starts with a small spot somwhere in the middle of the leaf, then the edges get infected and it starts killing the leaf. Looking at it under the microscope, the spots are actually necrotic. The affected leaf feels dry and crispy to the touch. Mostly lower fan leaves are affected, new growth isn't.

This is the most affected leaf:

Temperatures are around 23°C and humidity around 40% so I don't think its a fungus. It could be a manganese deficiancy perhaps?

Ideas, anyone?

If it really is a manganese deficiancy, I could only explain that as a ph problem. I've kept ph at roundabout 6.8 and used vinegar to regulate. Next watering, I'll try to lower ph using PH Down instead of vinegar to 6.5, as manganese is better absorbed at lower ph levels. I'll also add epsom salt for magnesium and give the girls a carefull feeding of BioBizz Grow, since I dont find them to look overfed anymore. (I'll add bloom nutrients after two weeks of 12/12.)

By the way, it looks like the two Malawi clones are starting to root.:)


Did you transplant them again in light mix?If so,I think your plan is correct...I'm not sure about the specific kind of deficiency ,but looks like she just needs some food.


Did you transplant them again in light mix?If so,I think your plan is correct...I'm not sure about the specific kind of deficiency ,but looks like she just needs some food.

Hi Syd, nice to see you stopping by again. Yes, Light Mix. Well, it appears to have been correct. The leaf issues largely took care of themselves after the girls got their new additional soil. They were just root bound and underfed. On day 8 of 12/12 I fed them according to plan with ½ strength BioBizz Grow and ½ a teaspoon of epsom salt. I also added full strength BioBizz Bloom and changed the light schedule to 11/13.

So far everything looks fine. They have stretched a lot, but since they are topped and since I'm tying them down, until now that stretch has mostly translated into lateral expansion. Especially the Malawi is growing tall in between nodes. It is rather thin-leafed with aggressive looking serrations. I can quite picture that plant growing in the African wild with elephants rubbing against it.

The Zamaldelica is more “girlish” with a delicate, feminine posture, slightly thicker leaves, and less stretch between nodes.

No pics today. It looks like on the last ones except that everything is larger, so its not all that interesting right now. Good news also with the clones though. The ones I took from the bottom of the plants have rooted and root ends are already peeking through the bottom holes in the new pots I gave them. I even had to top the Malawi clone as it was stretching into the light. My veg chamber is extremely small, so I need to keep things compact.

The top clones of both plants didn't develop any roots and I had to discard them. I've never been able to make tops grow roots, aybe it just can't be done.

New pics next weekend.


Active member
Nice plants
I like your choice of seeds. I am doing a similar grow with same two sets of Ace genetics.

I went 12/12 from seed to control the stretch and it seems to be working well. I am interested to see how a Veg period works in the same sized space.

Nice set up.

:smoke out:


Nice job spugg those lights seem to be working great especially for being that small. Where did you get those I would like to get a couple for side lighting. And if you don't mind me asking how much are they each.


Nice plants
I like your choice of seeds. I am doing a similar grow with same two sets of Ace genetics.

I went 12/12 from seed to control the stretch and it seems to be working well. I am interested to see how a Veg period works in the same sized space.

Nice set up.

:smoke out:

Thanks! I saw your thread. Looking very good too. Your small Malawi should be ready soon, right? It looks absolutely delicious.

I'm not afraid of big plants. You can always tie them down and even cut away branches if things get totally out of control. Since two of my seeds didn’t sprout and I had more room left, I let them veg a little longer.


Nice job spugg those lights seem to be working great especially for being that small. Where did you get those I would like to get a couple for side lighting. And if you don't mind me asking how much are they each.

Thank you! Those lights are normal 13w “100w equivalent” LED bulbs like this. You can get them for less though, use any brand, in fact. Albeit the cheap chinese ones put out less lumens and more heat for every watt.

I removed the lens from the lights using a Swiss army knife. The lens is made out of plastic and glued on to the light with soft glue. You need to cut into the glue and then twist, cut, and bend a little. Blynx came up with the idea using these lights instead of cfls and started a thread about it here.
I used 23w cfls before but the 13w LEDs are more efficient. The light is more directed if you remove the lens, it penetrates deeper, and the LED puts out less heat.


Check this out!

I stole the picture from Terpene here.