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Plant broken while being lsted down, please asist


Active member
Hi guys, i broke my plant when i was tiding it down, its been 5 weeks old when it went outside on 15 june, it was topped at 4 1/2 weeks.

Picture just before accident:


And now i am almost left just with lower buds damn.

I tried to support it will shoe laces it didnt went well, then with some sticks i had with me, it broke than even more, first it was just 1 branch and then the second aswell. I then tried while holding the plant and used all kind of twigs etc that were on reach of a hand, and after that it barley supported that.

I think i dont have much time, its like 90% riped off. What do you guys think, would it be ok if i try to do something like this with bandages and sticks (yellow, blue), red is the cut.

Please help, i only have 3 girls this year and this one is the biggest.


Ps: Grow: https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=240587

Sat X RB

can you get some chicken wire or mesh wire and make a circle/tube of it to put around the plant? just let the broken branches rest on the wire.
if yr plant is growing well the breaks will callous over and the branches will keep growing.
things are not so bad as you think. cannabis is tough!


Aww man..jsut tie it with tape..hope for the best,,thats why I personally hate LST..I much much prefer topping...


Active member
Thx for all the answers guys, i dident expected them so soon.

I hope this thing will work let me know what do you think:

-firstly i tapped it hard
-than i added that carton from toilet paper, i cuted it and then put around that part tightly, i secured it with a paper stapler and put 2 "ties" around tight aswell
-i then used bandages ( 2 m) around stem, around one branch, around stem, around second branch ect.
-i also used 2 young trees (thin) and bended them one on the left one on the right, both very close to that part, i used some rope and conected them with stem, and lastly i wired both together losely around stem so it cant go anywhere.

I forgot mobile phone at home so no pics this time.

One branch was 100% thorn away when i came, because the plant has hole in the stem i just kinda screw it in and the other was just barley holding for the "skin", that i tried to put on the original place.

What do you think, can it work?


Fat Tone

I had this happen a few weeks ago. I stuffed the huge arm I broke off home and threw it in my aquarium while I prepared to make clones out of them. All the clones made it. Better than getting nothing out of a broken branch that could have yielded a Q P


tape and good props, give some extra firts and water. mulch with hay or straw or my favorite, grass clippings.and TLC. mine used to break all the time and could not see them much, used electrical tape and sticks. would come back 2 or 3 weeks and they would be fine. good luck

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