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Clinical trials of sativex in the US is supposed to be released in march!We can only hope! Maybe this will be the evidence our country needs to finally reschedule Cannabis!!!!!:jump:


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
CB this is a huge developement in moving forward with cannabis research as well as re-sheduling, thanks for posting.
Already the UK’s Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) approved the prescription use of Sativex, that can be found here:

It is the first time a prescription drug made from cannabis has been approved for sale anywhere in the world.

Then our AMA reversed its long standing policy on cannabis here: http://www.ama-assn.org/ama1/pub/upload/mm/38/i-09-policy-marijuana.pdf

...this may get the ball rolling around the world. My take on the AMAs change in the way they look at cannabis: ..how important that will be just because of their influance with-in the medical community. Many rural, home town Docs get the mag published by them and just the mention of this is a giant leap forward. DD


Unfortunately, Big Pharma has a different idea ...

Unfortunately, Big Pharma has a different idea ...

Clinical trials of sativex in the US is supposed to be released in march!We can only hope! Maybe this will be the evidence our country needs to finally reschedule Cannabis!!!!!:jump:

Unfortunately, Big Pharma has a different idea ... about what constitutes "medicine", and the DEA is totally on-board their band-wagon. If the active ingredient(s) cannot be isolated, purified, quantified, and patented, or else synthesized in a lab then it isn't medicine.

Herbal remedies are so Third-Worldly folk medicine that have no part in economically predatory Western Medicine, don'tchaknow? Never mind where we first got aspirin & penicillin & more ...

The USA has had at least 1 patient on smokable cannabis for nearly? 20 years, Marinol has been on the market for so long that it's no longer patented, and USA Patent 6630507 for medical application of cannabis has been owned by the US Government itself since 2003. Somehow, I think that the DEA would not consider removing cannabis from CSA Schedule 1, regardless of scientific medical proof to the contrary -- their entire existence and the propaganda they have spewed out for 40+ years would be brought into question.

(Sorry to be a party pooper here ... :wave:)


Green is Gold
I remember watching a documentary about one of those registered federal patients, they showed how the guy gets his medicine and he was driving around and sitting in his office puffing away with not a care in the world. Looked to be very awesome lol


Yeah, I think I saw the same documentary.

Yeah, I think I saw the same documentary.

I remember watching a documentary about one of those registered federal patients, they showed how the guy gets his medicine and he was driving around and sitting in his office puffing away with not a care in the world. Looked to be very awesome lol

From what I understand, there is only 1 of those registered Federal patients now -- IIRC, all the rest have passed away. The DEA would like for you not to know about this defunct Federal program, since it puts the lie to their Schedule 1 classification for cannabis.


We will see I guess, I haven't read everything about Sativex but research so far shows good results so far especially MS patients for which it was originally was designed for!
Thanks for posting the links DD.!
David Marinol faded from view from what I have read & heard is because it was THC only that was synthesized that people that were prescribed it found it not an enjoyable or able to stand the side effects plus they didn't get the same relief as just smoking or eating Cannabis& price tag I believe was around $500.00 a month for a months supply! Correct me if I'm wrong!:wave::plant grow::watchplant:


http://www.guardian.co.uk/society/2005/dec/12/health.drugs said:
Questions will today be raised about the safety of pain relief medicines based on cannabis, as an inquest opens into the death of a 70-year-old woman who took part in drug trials.

The spotlight on Sativex

This is not good business. This is politics as usual. I doubt this drug will be inexpensive relative to dispensary prices, let alone home grown. According to the wiki, its active ingredients are THC and CBD. Where are the other 58 cannabinoids. Is it possible that isolating the two without the rest is enough to kill someone, or are there other chemicals and processes at play?

Edit: there's more than 60 cannabinoids
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I think they are choosing to blame Sativex even though from reading the out come of their investigation I don't think they really killed the 70 YR. old with diabetes & who knows what else, they blamed the Sativex on the psychosis she suffered from & died from!? If it caused a twenty year old to die that might be a different story!


Possibly. Don't hold your breath for cannabis rescheduling because of this though. They have known since at least the 70's that it has medicinal properties. Tell that to the supreme court, if they take your case, which they won't. Flawed system of checks and balances at work.

"The United States of America as represented by the Department of Health and Human Services" owns the patent for cannabinoids. http://www.patentstorm.us/patents/6630507.html Pharmaceutical companies will benefit from those patents. If this is a gov't of the people by the people, why aren't the people benefiting from our own patents?

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Cannabis is already here.

Why do we have to hand evil companies more honor with our dignity?

Cannabis was rescheduled... only long enough for some synthetics to be developed... and then it was rescheduled AGAIN.

Really smooth.... nobody noticed.

Now nobody can tell they're hypocrites. :rolleyes:

Stick to poisoning people Pharma... I've got my own grass thank you very much.


SativeX has been here in Canada for a few years now. I knew a few people who were on it, but eventually stopped for 2 reasons. #1 is that it isn't very strong and took quite a few sprays to actually give any pain relief. #2 is that it was incredibly expensive, especially since they were using so much, and it was not covered by health insurance. I don't know if that is the case now though.

Either way, they all went back to medical marijuana.


Marinol now sells over 100 million dollars of product a year.

David Marinol faded from view from what I have read & heard is because it was THC only that was synthesized that people that were prescribed it found it not an enjoyable or able to stand the side effects plus they didn't get the same relief as just smoking or eating Cannabis& price tag I believe was around $500.00 a month for a months supply! Correct me if I'm wrong!:wave::plant grow::watchplant:


Most Cannabis you smoke has only THC with maybe a tiny bit of CBD, maybe. Cannabis has over 90 Cannabinoids, you need different ones for different medical indications, you don't need all 90 for anything I know of, but there is no Cannabis that has all 90 anyway.

This is not good business. This is politics as usual. I doubt this drug will be inexpensive relative to dispensary prices, let alone home grown. According to the wiki, its active ingredients are THC and CBD. Where are the other 58 cannabinoids. Is it possible that isolating the two without the rest is enough to kill someone, or are there other chemicals and processes at play?

Edit: there's more than 60 cannabinoids


Life is one big grow........
Here in euro a lot ppl somke spice, lava ect. its herb sprayed with syntetic THC/CBD from china...
i know its off topic but may sam can say something about it...the ppl how somke this are getting totally dumb and depressiv!!


Can you supply references that prove what you claim, that Cannabis was rescheduled?
What actually happened is Dronabinol, the generic name for Marinol was rescheduled but as a synthetic THC, mixed with sesame oil, in a soft gelatin capsule. So natural THC was not rescheduled. You need to get your "facts" straight, really smooth.
I am wondering do you buy gasoline from evil big biz? Or travel on airplanes? Or buy food at big biz stores? Or clothing from big biz? Why??
Don't you think it is good to have different delivery forms of Cannabis so all patients, so even non smokers can benefit medically?
I do for sure.

Cannabis is already here.

Why do we have to hand evil companies more honor with our dignity?

Cannabis was rescheduled... only long enough for some synthetics to be developed... and then it was rescheduled AGAIN.

Really smooth.... nobody noticed.

Now nobody can tell they're hypocrites. :rolleyes:

Stick to poisoning people Pharma... I've got my own grass thank you very much.
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mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Not so smooth... I guess you're admitting some kind of difference between synthetic THC and natural THC...

My bad.

How is it that America has medical patents on nonmedical substances?

Or do I have that wrong too?

Do you like the idea of big biz?

I don't do anything on your list except buy gasoline.

If you don't want to smoke, eat a brownie.

There isn't any need to "improve" what's already working... unless you work for a company that wants to make a bigger buck off of it.


Overkill is under-rated.
I made my own Sativex last month, dissolved a couple grams of good honey oil in a little everclear, add a few drops of peppermint schnapps, and put it into a spray bottle. Took about 5 minutes to make and fookin POTENT.


So to be clear you are against developing medicines from Cannabis including different delivery forms? Even if it will help patients that don't want herbal Cannabis or brownies, but will use an government approved registered medicine?

And no, their is no difference between natural or synthetic THC. The USA government passed the rescheduling on synthetic THC, with sesame oil, in a soft gelatin capsule, to keep natural Cannabis and natural THC away from patients and researchers. Sativex uses natural Cannabis extracts and is at least a small step in the right direction of more choices for patients.

Not so smooth... I guess you're admitting some kind of difference between synthetic THC and natural THC...

My bad.

How is it that America has medical patents on nonmedical substances?

Or do I have that wrong too?

Do you like the idea of big biz?

I don't do anything on your list except buy gasoline.

If you don't want to smoke, eat a brownie.

There isn't any need to "improve" what's already working... unless you work for a company that wants to make a bigger buck off of it.

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