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Closet Grow

Hi all,

I was bored today, so I built another grow room in an extra closet I have, shown below...

I used to just store things in here, but now I need more medicine for new patients and such, so I am taking advantage of new places around the house...

Step #1: Clean area well.

Step #2: Drop Black plastic everywhere.

Step #3: Cover in white plastic.

step #4: Hang light, mine is 150W HPS hanging from shelf seen in first pic.

step #5: Get Fresh air. Mine is the output from the flowering room next to this. They run on opposite schedules, so this should work fine.

stealing air...

here it comes

I also put a small fan for air circulation in the room which is sitting on an upside down milk crate. Eventually it will be hung from the shelf above the grow area.

The grow area is roughly 4' x 1' and 4.5' tall. I have just the one 150W HPS in there, but I plan on putting two side by side to have ~75W/ft.

I also plan on trying my hand at some modular scrog as I have never done that before. Hopefully some people have some advice, I am very impressed with everyones setups on here so I am trying my hand at a closet to see if I can get some serious grams/watt here.

Here is a last pic of everything today at day one. It looks like the temp will be 78.5F in the day and 76.3F at night for day 1.

The plants are two Ninja Turtle x (MK-Ultra x MK-Ultra) #3 on the left and two White Northern(White Rhino x Northern Lights) on the right. The plants where all fimmed a 5 days ago or so, the far right White Northern was already multi topped so I fimmed it twice.

I will upload some more pics tomorrow, but the ladies are sleeping now, which means I have to work in the big garden so everyone go get your hands dirty.



Smile Vs Cry
great genetic and efficient setup should be a interessant grow, i'm tuned new menber you are welcome in ic-mag!!!


Hi all,

Thank you for the kind words.

I watered the tallest ninja turtle today and setup two modular screen frames for the biggest two plants. I used 7/16 and 1/2 in dowel rods, the 1/2 seemed easier to work with.

I am uncertain as to what to use for the screen. The local garden shop has some trellis netting that I can buy. I have seen on here people using pieces of metal coat hanger attached to the wood. Another idea I had was to simply tie some hemp from one side to the other, I use hemp a lot in various parts of my garden.

Another thing I was uncertain about was the mesh size. Do people use 2 inch mesh? That seems to be what I see, but I do not know about these methods.

Anyways back to the garden, I have some youngins to tend to, there is a post in the testing varieties section if you want to see them, here is the link.


Watered the 3 other plants today, the plants are sort of arranged how they will be when there are two 150HPS in there in the pic below.

Still haven't put mesh on the two screen frames I made. Also i realized that until I get the second light, I probably should not put the other two screens on. That would make me have to space the plants out more than I wish with one light.

The nutes so far per gallon are:

10mL FoxFarm TigerBloom
15mL FoxFarm BigBloom
1/4tsp FoxFarm Open Sesame
7mL GH BioRoot
1mL GH Floralicious Plus
4-6mL Hygrozyme
1/4cap SuperThrive

adjusted pH to roughly 6.5.

Anyways, hopefully these ladies start to take off, I have never really grown in this small of a setup before. I am not sure how it will work start to finish. I have two almost identical Ninja Turtle plants in dirt under one of my 1000's and they seem to be shooting up just as their hydro friends next to them.

The soil plants are about 7 days in and the hydro are at about 10 days.

There is a pic of my White Northern plant on the bottom of the following link:


Hopefully I can get a larger harvest out of these as I have topped/fimmed them and wish to do a scrog.

Peace all
Well, I decided on using some hemp to make my screens, I figure I can add or remove as necessary. The mesh seems to be about 3" in each direction. I also added some more dowel rod to make the structures a little more safe.

Here are the two ladies I fixed up...

I am not really sure if I have this right, but the screens seem to be about 8" above the top of the pot and the plants are starting out just under the screen.

On a side note, my AC is starting to die or have problems, so my temps are something like 81F now. I guess this is just an excuse for me to make better use of the freezing air outside. Perhaps I will post something on what I do, it will have to involve some type of warming chamber for the air and good filters.

If anyone has any ideas that would be awesome. I would rather have temps of 72-75 instead of 81 with the light on.

Anyways, I will keep everyone posted on the grow. My second 150HPS will be in next week, I cannot wait to double the light on these girls, I think they are quite ready.

Yeah man, thanks!

It is really that simple, about 4-6 hours of work. I tend to do things over a weekend in 2 hour bursts or so to not stress myself.

Just like Jorge says in his books, "one day to setup a growroom, less than a day to tear it down if necessary."

I would really like some input on the screens and such if anyone has experience. This is my first scrog for some reason I feel like this is my first grow.

Peace all
Well a small update on the closet. The two plant that I put the screen over are filling in nicely. Every day or so I have to push the tops back under the screen as mentioned on many posts about scrog's.

Other good news is the garden shop said my light will be in tomorrow, so today is the last day they have to suffer under only 150HPS. I think things will blow up when I double the light, things are already starting to take off with just one 150 HPS in there.

Lastly I will have to make my other two screens, I bought some more 1/2" dowel rods, so I will make the others today and have everything setup as it will be in the end tomorrow afternoon.

I will post some pics then when everything is finalized.

Peace all.
Well today has been a terrible day. For reasons I don't feel like getting into now, I have to tear down a grow room I just setup and move 9 plants if they happen to be alive still.

Anyways, on a good note I got my second 150HPS and built to other mod-scrog screens.

These are the two plants on the left,

here are the two on the right.

I mounted the fan from the shelf above as there is no more room on the floor.

This keeps the room at pretty constant temperature. I am still stealing air from my main flowering room for the fresh air intake. The output is passive at the upper left corner of the entrance.

Here is a pic of everything...

I plan on cutting some of the lower branches when I can see which will make the screen height and which will not. They have been in around a week and depending on how they grow with the new lights, I may do some underside pruning in the next few days.

That is it for now, wish me and my plants good luck with the move this evening. The only benefit from this is I will have almost all my flowering rooms in one area now, just a matter of how to get the appropriate amps in there.

New Air Cooling

New Air Cooling

Hi all,

The introduction of the new 150 HPS and the new room I built in close proximity of the closet grow has increased the temps unwantingly. Oh and I forgot the broken air conditioner.

So I started thinking and thought I have two options,

1) Bring in cold air from outside and warm it somehow to a useable temperature,

2) Cool warm air in the room with the cold air outside.

So I did the following:

Below is a pic of about 6' of 4" ducting wiggled into the space between the window and storm window.

Then I sealed everything with duct tape and black plastic to ensure not much leakage into the room.

Next I looped the output from the new room addition into the right side and out the left side. This cools the air as it goes through and drops the temps in the room about 5 F.

Note, before I had to run a long duct from the dayton blower I was running in the main flowering room. Recently I had to move a 400W I had in the basement upstairs. Now there is an eco -inline 4" fan right next to the closet to use.

Next is a pic of how I setup the fan and cold air intake,

The fan was dropped to blow in the space between the screens and the light. Also, I mounted the intake of cold air to the fan stand so that also blows in the same direction. The output of the room is still passive in the opposite upper corner.

Lastly, here is a pic of one of the larger Ninja Turtle x (MK-Ultra - F1) #3. I think there will be many tops to fill the screen on this one. I have to stick the plant back under the screen almost everyday, it keeps wanting to pop back out.

Anyways, more info as more things happen.

Peace all.
Cooler and propagation mats

Cooler and propagation mats

Hi all,

Well the air cooler I built is amazing. The temps are down about 7F from what they were earlier, this is working so well, I may add one to the other room depending on what those temps are.

On another note, I wanted some propagation mats for clones and/or seedlings. So my fiance has many snakes and a common thing snake keepers need is waterproof heat mats. They commonly use this flexible heat tape called Flexwatt. The stuff is paper thin and comes in 3,4,11" width and any length. It needs to be used with a thermostat, but so does any good heat mat. I purchased a hydrofarm thermostat on amazon for something like $18. Then I ordered 4' of the 11" width Flexwatt and put things togethor.

The flexwatt can be cut into custom length and then wired up. You may also daisy-chain them together to use less plugs.

So here I have two 2' pieces of 11" wide flexwatt.

Here is the thermostat I received. The only problem with this is that it does not turn on until the temp on the probe has dropped 2F, hence it can only maintain within +/- 1F. I think this is satisfactory though as the thermostat is designed for seedlings.

Here is a pic of the interconnect, I stole some wire from a broken 4' flouro fixture.

Here is the plug end, this is also stolen from the same broken fixture.

Finally, I wrapped everything in black plastic and duct taped together. Finally I have two 11" x 24" waterproof propagation mats with thermostat.

As I have only one thermostat I must put it on the warmer of the two positions to ensure I do not exceed the temperature that I desire.

The thermostat is set at 80F which means it will flip between 78F - 80F.

Anyways, I will give more info on the grows and such.



Hello all,

Today is day 14, the day before the plants two week birthday. From experience I see them stretching for about 1 more week, maybe less for the two White Northern plants.

The air cooler is amazing, yesterday it was like 13F outside though so the room got down to like 69F, which isn't too cold. Luckily the heat mats I got are already helping my clones root faster. This cold weather sure isn't though...

Anyways, here is what seems to be the final setup for the rest of the grow. The aircooler is in place and that is the only circulation in the room at this point.

See pic below.

Then the fan for circulation is now being used for exhaust as this is better than the passive exhaust I had earlier.

There is a simple fold in the door which leaves plenty of room to exhaust heat and air, then a larger piece of black plastic loosely covers the opening to provide a light tight room when the light is off.

So things seem to be going well now that the room is setup efficiently. I am watering about every other day. It seems like the plant on the far right needs more water than others, maybe it is warm in that corner.

I am fertilizing with FoxFarm liquid, the FoxFarm Soluble Tripack, Hygrozyme, SuperThrive, GH Floralicious Plus, and I was using GH BioRoot, but I think they have had enough of that, maybe another week or so. Also Earlier I gave them cow manure and earthworm casting when they were transplanted. I will probably throw some bat guano or bone meal in the top of the soil next time before I water.

I usually apply solid organics when I transplant(clone -> veg, and veg -> flower). And then every two weeks or so when they are flowering up until 4 weeks before I plan on harvesting. For 8 week strains like this, they will only receive solids 3 or 4 times in their life. They have already gotten veg solids twice, so I will try to give them flowering solids( guano, bone meal, etc... ) once or twice as well.

Here are the ladies.

This plant does not have a lot of tops, maybe only like 8, but I think they will all make the screen in the next week before buds start setting in.

This plant is doing best, there are like 8 tops on the screen and 3-4 more an inch or so below. Here is a pic of the canopy of this one.

The previous two plants were the Ninja Turtle x (MK-Ultra-F1) #3.

The next two plants are White Northern.

The other pics of plant 3 shown on the right here were blurry. This is the worst of the three. It is quite healthy but there are only 8 tops total on this plant. Three of these tops are very small and I am afraid I should trim them quickly to aid the growth of the remaining 5 tops. You can see them in the pic next to the tape measure.

I really don't think they will make it to the screen, but I am not sure what I should do. I did some pruning a bit ago whenever I posted last and I was thinking that was going to help these three out, but it seems to not have done that.

If anyone has a tip I would be glad to hear some advice.
The last plant can be seen in the air intake pic.

Here is plant 4.

I think this plant has about 8 tops like the plant on the far right. I am not sure how these two strains will do in the screens, but it will be interesting none the less.

Anyways, back to work, always things to do in the garden.

By the way, here are two pics of these strains growing in a Hydro table in my main room. I think they are 2 weeks ahead of these soil ladies in the closet, so this is a heads up of what they ordinarily look like for me.

Ninja Turtle x (MK-Ultra-F1) #3

White Northern

White Northern - Soil Nugget

Sorry no sample of the NT to show, that hurts me as much as everyone else. I have lots of it coming up in the soil closet scrog, main room soil, and hydro. She is getting her time in the sun so to speak.

Peace all.
Hello All,

I did some watering on plants 1-3 today, the last White Northern on the far right has not dried out yet, but I will get it when it does.

I took more pics, but the rest were not that great...

Here are two of the girls, I think number 2 and 4.

Ninja Turtle x (MK-Ultra - F1) #3

White Northern

I think I will continue to push the tops under for the next few days or so. Then I think it is time to let the nugs form as we are entering the third week of flowering here.

Any input on the matter would be appreciated.

That is all for now, more as I take more pics.

Proper Update

Proper Update

Hello all,

I thought I should do a proper update as things are starting to get interesting. I have been poking the tops down under the screen now everyday and re-arranging the tops a little bit every few days. I think they are starting to fill the mod-scrogs nicely.

It is a little cumbersome removing the two plants for watering as the screens are almost exactly 1' x 1' and I have a space roughly 51" x 13.5". It seems to work not too bad, but I am always worried about moving more mature plants.

Here are some pics of the ladies after watering.



Next up I have some individual shots of the screens and side profiles under the screens.

Ninja Turtle x (MK-Ultra - F1) #3 plant 1

Ninja Turtle x (MK-Ultra - F1) #3 plant 2

White Northern plant 1

White Northern plant 2

I guess that is all for now. We are somewhere approaching the 3 week mark quickly. I have been noticing many people using the FoxFarm Beastie Blooms later than this point. I have done it in the past a bit, but I think I may push 2.5-3 weeks of Beastie Blooms and then the last bit with Cha Ching, however long that takes.

Another thing I noticed was that other people seem to use FoxFarm TigerBloom longer than I do. I use it the first 2 weeks of 12/12, then skip 2 weeks, then for the rest of the cycle. I may try to use a little Tigerbloom now, but I have not yet.

Any words would be useful if other people are using these products.

Also any input on training and the screens would be cool, this is my first scrog, but I think it may go well.

Peace all.
Ninja turtle is a great name for straight MKxMK f1... The shot you have of it flowering looks very similar to the MK Ultra I have in flower right now. Such an awesome strain!

Nice little setup you've got there!
Hey man, thanks for stopping by. Feel free to post up a pic or link to one of your girl, I would like to see a comparison.

The Ninja Turtle got its name because it was a particular batch of Turtle weed which was better than the rest. The Turtle weed is a local heirloom plant I was lucky enough to get seeds to. Actually I was lucky enough to find a dozen or so seeds in the Ninja Turtle batch.

The plants I have are crosses of the first 5 seeds I put down a while back. I am currently starting a breeding project to get some pure Ninja Turtle. The strain is so amazing and stable it needs to be made available for medical use to more patients.

I haven't really named any of the pheno's of MK-Ultra - F1. There were two that were particularly sativa, one smelled very similar to Martian Mean Green from DNA. There was a second pheno of the sativa type in the F1-generation which was very similar maybe not so mean of flavor, but a little bigger in size. These two were pollinated with an F1 male and I have two F2 plants which I am about to flower, one from each line. I know the MMG-like line is female, I think the other is male, so I may be making some MK-Ultra - F3, which is selected for sativa characteristic.

The sativa pheno's showed up 1/8 in the F1-generation, i.e. I flowered 16 MK-Ultra - F1 girls and 14 boys. Only 1 boy was allowed to pollinate, I think I made like 12 lines, some plants didn't make viable seeds.

Again, thanks for stopping by, feel free to ask questions and such.

Peace man.


lol pez was just tryin to scan through your thread and i think i gave you some neg rep on accident i hit the not helpful button sorry haha!!

-- anyway ill be watchin if you update this thread anymore =)

New update

New update

Hey all,

MacGyver, what a hater... haha I am just kidding it is all good.

Sorry I haven't been updating, I have been really busy with things.

The plants survived my vacation although the closet did the worst of all. The drip system had too hot a solution and some of the plants are being burned. I guess this could be due to the guano I gave them before I left in combination with the liquid in the drip system, but anyways.

I have been giving them plain water and super thrive the last three waterings since I have been back, I think this will help transition and get them going again after some bad ferts.

Here are the ladies, the first two are the Ninja Turtle x MK-Ultra-F1 #3,



up next are the White Northern.



I am somewhat disappointed with the burn on the N.T.x MK-F1#3 plants, another clone of her in my main room is burned as well. On a nicer note though, here is a pic of the same plant I just cut from a hydro setup in my main room.


I am really hoping I can do at least as well in the scrog as in the hydro setup. These plants usually put out 0.75g/w for me but I think this fert issue is going to slow the growth on the scrog plants.

I guess only time will tell when the plants are having good growth and I can start pushing them again.

That is all for now

Peace everyone.

Tarus Bulbar

Hope those lovely ladies bounce back for ya Pez
Id say take it easy on the nutes for a little while an slowly
ease them back into it!! Cheers Bro!

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