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ICMAG Administration endorses The Regulate, Control and Tax Cannabis Act of 2010

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ICMag Donor
After reading the Bill and weighing the pros and cons, the Administration of ICMAG would like to urge members to vote yes on The Regulate, Control and Tax Cannabis Act of 2010 that will come before the Voters in the State of California this Novenber.

From Gypsy's perspective, I'd like to post this quote.

I look at this whole Californian vote on Prop 19 from a global perspective.......California is within the United States of America.......and the USA over the last 80 years has managed to get most all countries across the globe to comply with it's sullied and in-humane reasoning that cannabis use is some sort of practice conducted by devil worshipers/rapists/habitual criminals/weirdo's/terrorists/outlaws/lunatics/junkies/dark skinned musicians e.t.c.....ad nauseum...

The USA and it's IMF (International Monetary Fund) have with-held much needed aid/grants/loans to a multitude of different countries unless they comply with the USA's attitude on cannabis prohibition to try and eradicate cannabis and criminalize those that grow/supply and use it.....sending thousands of troops into foreign countries to propergate this war on the plant and supplying billions of dollars in military aid to various governments to help them to further this war on the plant and those that choose to cultivate or use it.......

So if I can see Californians vote 'Yes' on legalization of cannabis and the population of that state of the Union can grow and use it without getting their lives screwed up by being penalized for it.......so can the rest of the world who I reckon will take California as a model for their own laws to change for the better in regards to cannabis.......

Taxation of Cannabis on those that wish to sell it will offer a great incentive for other foreign governments to legalize......since they all run on money, and are always looking for more ways to aquire it.....

If the USA is no longer the protagonist that continues the prohibition of cannabis then all of these other nations could well come to their senses and realize that there is a fortune to be made in its legalization and a fortune to save by not criminalizing it......

The whole world is looking at California to do the right thing here and legalize cannabis.....no matter what the small print is, no matter what taxes are put upon it.......it could well set the ball rolling so that all the people on the planet who wish to peacefully cultivate or use cannabis can do so without risking their lives and liberty any more.....

In my opinion, there is no reason other than greed that would make someone vote no on this Bill. Some of us have waited decades to see this happen, and to read some of the comments from people regarding wanting this Bill to fail, both saddens and angers us.

Regarding the issue of tax, we would much rather see it untaxed, yet we know in reality this will never happen. And because it does not affect 215 in any way, it would be wrong not to vote yes.

There are many other reasons to pass this Bill, but the main reason is the safety it will offer people, along with an avenue to grow and smoke their own Cannabis. Adults will finally be able to grow and smoke Cannabus with no fear of fines or incarceration. It could also open the door to the release of some people already incarcerated in jails and prisons on non violent Cannabus related charges.

The most of us have hoped to see Cannabus legalized worldwide, and we feel that although not perfect, the passing of this Bill could be a major stepping stone to making these dreams become a reality.

EDIT. Due to many false statements being made regarding what you can carry, store and regarding children I feel it's necessary to post this as an edit so people can see what the Bill says.

Section 11300: Personal Regulation and Controls (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, it is lawful and shall not be a public offense under California law for any person 21 years of age or older to: (i) Personally possess, process, share, or transport not more than one ounce of cannabis, solely for that individual’s personal consumption, and not for sale. (ii) Cultivate, on private property by the owner, lawful occupant, or other lawful resident or guest of the private property owner or lawful occupant, cannabis plants for personal consumption only, in an area of not more than twenty-five square feet per private residence or, in the absence of any residence, the parcel. Cultivation on leased or rented property may be subject to approval from the owner of the property. Provided that, nothing in this section shall permit unlawful or unlicensed cultivation of cannabis on any public lands. (iii) Possess on the premises where grown the living and harvested plants and results of any harvest and processing of plants lawfully cultivated pursuant to section 11300(a)(ii), for personal consumption. (iv) Possess objects, items, tools, equipment, products and materials associated with activities permitted under this subsection. (b) “Personal consumption” shall include but is not limited to possession and consumption, in any form, of cannabis in a residence or other non-public place, and shall include licensed premises open to the public authorized to permit on-premises consumption of cannabis by a local government pursuant to section 11301. (c) “Personal consumption” shall not include, and nothing in this Act shall permit cannabis: (i) possession for sale regardless of amount, except by a person who is licensed or permitted to do so under the terms of an ordinance adopted pursuant to section 11301; (ii) consumption in public or in a public place; (iii) consumption by the operator of any vehicle, boat or aircraft while it is being operated, or that impairs the operator; (iv) smoking cannabis in any space while minors are present.

a(i) covers what you can transport. This Bill allows you to transport one ounce or less for personal use.

a(iii) covers the plants and product that you can posess after your harvest. This section gives you the right to possess and store what you have grown in your 25 sq foot growing area.

c(iv) states you can't smoke cannabis in any space while minors are present. Notice the word space? This section will make it so minors do not come in contact with second hand smoke. I see this as pretty much common sense.

There are people against this Bill who are saying that it's a felony to smoke with minors in the house. As you see, this is not true.

I will be sure to edit this first post as needed to make this bill clearer to people......
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215 will DEFINITELY be affected. The wording has already been blurred.

Dont you live in New York?



Hmmm, and GUESS how much money Gypsy would stand to make if legalization passes. I SURE that has nothing to do with his "opinion" right????



ICMag Donor
215 will DEFINITELY be affected. The wording has already been blurred.

Dont you live in New York?


We aren't going to play this game. It is clearly stated that this bill gives an excepton to the medical marijuana laws in California.

If you've seen something in the Bill other than this feel free to post it.


ICMag Donor
Hmmm, and GUESS how much money Gypsy would stand to make if legalization passes. I SURE that has nothing to do with his "opinion" right????


And you must be a fool to think that.

Most of the Cannabus grown in California is from clone. And I'm sure if this Bill passes there will be many people going into the business of selling quality clones. I don't see this affecting his businesses one way or another.

What I am sure of is it will stop people that are selling ounces for $400.00. In a short period of time there will be an abundance of Cannabus and the prices will reflect this.


small Q, what happens to people already in prison for cannabis offenses, do they continue their original sentence?


ICMag Donor
small Q, what happens to people already in prison for cannabis offenses, do they continue their original sentence?

They would continue with their sentence. But I feel that legalization could help those convicted of non violent Cannabus to possibly get an earlier release. There's really no way of knowing until it happens.


Thats a pretty serious stretch to think that "taxing" marijuana in california, NOT LEGALIZING IT, is going to lead to a global shift towards marijuana laws. I cant wait until I get to walk into a wal-mart and buy me a sac. Voting a big NO from this california resident. If they want to legalize it without turning it into a fat capitalist pig I'll change my mind
Thats a pretty serious stretch to think that "taxing" marijuana in california, NOT LEGALIZING IT, is going to lead to a global shift towards marijuana laws. I cant wait until I get to walk into a wal-mart and buy me a sac. Voting a big NO from this california resident. If they want to legalize it without turning it into a fat capitalist pig I'll change my mind

Brilliant. You want to buy it in wal-mart AND you want it legalized without 'turning it into a fat capitalist pig'.

Do you read what you write prior to clicking on the submit reply button?

Also, quite a few legal products are taxed.

You seem very, very, very confused. And your confused ass is going to vote, eh? Democracy does have its disadvantages.


stone fool
Bong salute to the Admins for having the stones to take a stand in the best interest of our culture. Our culture is strongest when we reach across borders, cultures and age to achieve a common purpose, to Legalize, then serve our people to make the world a better place. All new paths start with one step.



Shit I'll motor over to Cali,,,,Where DO I Vote. I Have to concur with the Gypsy man and JJ, "ITs GONNA ALL start THEIR.
Might as well Get THE Ball Rolling. I've been in this biz for over 40 years......My customers WOULD never buy their meds AT Walmart.

It Probably be some shit from China anyway. Lmao....

Quote from JJ "In my opinion, there is no reason other than greed that would make someone vote no on this Bill. Some of us have waited decades to see this happen, and to read some of the comments from people regarding wanting this Bill to fail, both saddens and angers us."


Neo 420

Active member
Congrats to the ICMAG administration for vocally supporting this proposition. As a Californian that is voting YES on prop 19, I welcome "the global perspective" and and your views. Keep up the good work ICMAG!!!


ICMag Donor
I fail to see why so many people are getting angry. If you don't like the law, just don't abide by it. It would be the same thing as it is now, only legal. It's as simple as that.

It can't make things worse because you can just ignore it. But to millions of people it will mean they can now grow their own and smoke without fear for the first time in their life. Is the greed of a thousand worth the security of a million? Not in my book. If I lived in Cali I'd get that printed on a few thousand Tshirts and make some money. "Is the greed of a thousand worth the security of a million?"

Regarding the person who said Richard Lee would put out weak Cannabus, I say he'll lose his ass if he does. Just because he grows it doesn't mean people have to buy it. Now does it? If you dislike him you should hope he grows subpar bud. Because there will be a good supply of quality bud to smoke. If it isn't quality bud, people won't buy it..... Are people really that afraid of competition? Competition's going to lead to a high quality produst.....


i understand where you are coming from but even if this does happen it is very unlikely the federal government will just welcome it with open arms
i bet they will just shoot it down before anyone even gets the chance to spark a legal one up


And you must be a fool to think that.

Most of the Cannabus grown in California is from clone. And I'm sure if this Bill passes there will be many people going into the business of selling quality clones. I don't see this affecting his businesses one way or another.

What I am sure of is it will stop people that are selling ounces for $400.00. In a short period of time there will be an abundance of Cannabus and the prices will reflect this.

Where are you from? There already is an abundance of weed and if you are paying $400 a zip...you would be a fool....or rich and don't give a shit.....either way....that really should be an individual's choice if he wants to pay $400 or a $1000....because he has plenty of selection at cheaper prices...#s of Mex import go for around $350...or are you against Mex import?......doesn't work with the moral stance or something? The point is....there is plenty of weed available at all quality levels....from the pricey to the modest....sounds like an open healthy market to me.

If you are too poor to afford a sack of Mex now....you'll be too poor under legalization as well...it's fucking cheap. No $ no smokey....like anything else. If Mex ain't good enough for you....you don't need to medicate...get high....that bad.


It will be illegal no matter what. The federal government will never recognize California's law. People will just be lulled into a false sense of security. Busts will probably rise on the federal level since many "legal" growers will continue to export their wares outside of Cali. Good luck to Cali though. I don't live anywhere close and this really won't affect me much.
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