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1st Grow


Hey Guys,
well this is my first time growing. Starting out with a 2'x5x4' veg, 2''x5'x2' clone and a 5'x8'x8' flower. Using 6"x6"x8" pots (could only find white) with ReadyGro soil less mix. In veg have a 8 bulb T-5, in flower have 2 600's, no mom's yet so no light's in clone area, probably get 2 T-5 4' strips. Also using 2 3'x3' flood trays in flower so I can flush at week 4 and 8 maybe 7 without having to move the plants. Putting 20 - 25 plants in each tray.
All I need now is some plants to put in there, looking for some OG's. Had some but they had bugs so I returned them. Now trying to find some quality, bug free OG's.

So my question is, are the pots big enough, should I paint the insides black? Hell what do you guys think of the entire set up?



I'm new to the cultivating scene as well.

Seems like a simple, straight up set up. I'd like to see the results :D

Btw, if you are thinking of painting the pots, do it from the outside. You can possibly toxicate the roots with the chemicals in the paint.

btw. what part of LA are you from!


Then it should work.

My main concern would be, what kind of chemical reactions will the nutrients and water have with the paint... I personally wouldnt risk it noticing the amount of plants your going to be raising. :D

I'd try the bags, there only 17cents each

This is what I'm planning on using when doing my grow Journal...

2 T5 Grow lights to veg 20 plants for 2 months, then switch to 4K HID's for another 2 month flower, Ill be using those bags and transfer them to 5gallon ones later... after this grow am going Hydro to begin a cloning frenzy... Am going to try and make a 48sqft space give me 10lbs with almost 5K of lights :D

I'm underneath east la


The bags look interesting, I'll have to check into them.

Little confused with your grow. You'll be using 4000 watt HID's for 20 plants to flower? And why are you switching to such large containers 5 gal? And later you're going to use 5000 watts in a 48 sf space, I'm guessing 6'x8'.


The bags look interesting, I'll have to check into them.

Little confused with your grow. You'll be using 4000 watt HID's for 20 plants to flower? And why are you switching to such large containers 5 gal? And later you're going to use 5000 watts in a 48 sf space, I'm guessing 6'x8'.

I'm going to veg for 2 months, so there going to be 2-3 feet tall, then i will flower, so in total there going to be 5-6 ft tall. If they grow too tall i will go verticle (let the light hang downward). Ill be growing 4 plants per light so they fit nicely + Advanced Nutrients. So I'm hoping for good results. The Hydro grow is going to be made custom, Am gonna built a hydro table that is going to be 4ft by 12ft which is gonna carry about 190 clones (2x1kW 4x600W). Hopefully that'll go smooth. This is why I'm going soiless mix first, learn from there all I need to know to prepare for the hydro.

look :D


OK, going for some big boys. Yeah mine I'm only vegging till the 8" - 10" tall than straight to flower 8-9 weeks. Doing 40-50 under 2 600's.

So you're going to do 190 plants in a 4'x12' area. Is this all the way to flower? That's alot of bud. Are you going to grow them for the same cycle, 2 months veg.

Hell I'm looking to grow to 190 or more one day, you aren't wasting any time. Rock on MaLaN


lol no way, after the clones root, boom, flower time. Veging for 2 months would be crazy dangerous lol

but, yea, I'm going to use Iguana Juice + big bud + overdrive. They say the organic taste is much better so ill experiment a bit with that system. I dont want them sufficating on me so they have enough air to breath and with there own sprinkler. Ill be using a Co2 gen, dehumidifier, ac and alot of scissors haha :D

I am guessing 10lbs+ :D + organic = happy time

More details when i get there lol


MaLaN, ya I thought that would be a bit crazy too, you'd have a jungle instead of a garden. You know of a good shop that carries quality OG clones that are bug free?


Picked up 6 OG clones today from a place in NOHO (North Hollywood) that gets them from Oaksterdam. I feel I can trust them considering the source. As soon as I can find my download cable I put some pics up of my new babies. I think I'm going to use these as Mom's. Now I need to find 20 more for blooming.


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
sounds like youre off to a good start mate... and this notion of painting the pots... firstly I agree I wouldnt paint the inside as I can't imagine theres anything to be gained from it and potentially some issues with toxitcitity as Mal says.

But this just prompted a question from me... I'm wondering if in fact white pots might be BETTER! .. potentially they might reflect unused lumens and if they werent viable to grow in, why would they make em?

if you don't mind I'm gonna start a "white pots or what?" thread :)

best of luck with everything
j :)


Thanks Jamie, hell I don't know if they're good, bad or if it doesn't matter at all. That's why I asked the forum, I'm new at this. Anybody else know?


MaLaN, ya I thought that would be a bit crazy too, you'd have a jungle instead of a garden. You know of a good shop that carries quality OG clones that are bug free?

Sorry bro, still I wouldnt have been able to help. But, feel free to ask anything else xD

I was searching for a place to buy OG Kush seeds, but there out of stock. Well the places I'd trust.

Currently I have A believed to be Kush plant, according to the person whom gave me 2 seeds said they where Medical Kush. Cloning 4 at the moment. The mother is 1 month and 2 weeks old. I can pick out atleast 15-20 clones from that one. I topped it when it was 2 weeks old, and once when she was 1 month.

5 weeks old


Hey guys internet has been down since Wed. Here's some pics of my little OG's 2 aren't doing so well maybe someone can tell me why. The 1st shot is day 1 the last is today day 5. They were cut on 10/29



Thanks Mal, My water is is harder in the 480 range. I use cal-mag and superthrive along with pure blend pro, hygrozyme, prosilicate all at half strength. 3 of them are doing good, 1 OK and the other 2, well it looks like a N problem on the one from what I've read and what pics I've seen. The other 1 that's burning I haven't a clue.

Today I cut off the dead and dying leaves and tomorrow I'll up the N. Only time will tell.

Poor little OG babies, I'm a bad father. :1help:


use the liquid karma 1oz per gal, I got the impression somewhere you think its just for flower. but I used it many times and always works well.


ph is around 6 ppm is higher than I'd like it, the water is naturally around 500. By the time I add my ferts it shoots way up there. Need a reverse osmosis but currently don't have the cash, but it's on the list to get.

I was feeding or watering them everyday, backed off to every other day now doing feeding every third day so the soil can dry a little more forcing the roots to grow. As they grow I'll see how their needs change. This is all a learning experience for me, I've never done this before.