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Rebirth of a pc grow case

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
I owe it to ScrubNinja for waking me up and showing me there is alot more involved than just slapping together a pc grow case. Lots of thinking and formula's for doing it the right way..


Grow like nobody is watching
Hey no worries. So where are you up to now? I mean it was running ok before you asked me anything so I hope you have seeds in by now :)

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Hey Scrub! I am posting pics so you can see..
i removed 2 exhaust fans and am building a scrubber right now
I've been going crazy here trying to post these pics..UGH
You were right about all those fans( think I was toking too much) so I sure hope you can see these new pics so I can get some feedback
Look forward to any feedback good or bad:pumpkin:

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Thanks Stealthcabber! The cpu is when we get super hot muggy days where I live in the summer
I'll post more pics tonight
I am waiting for a manual fan speed controller then its grow time:woohoo:


Active member
Whats the dimensions :: starting the process of remodelling a 17x7X17 have to horizonatally mount to get that head space lol

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
The dimensions of my case are 24 inches tall..23 inches depth and 8.3 width...its a Lian-Li aluminum server tower..Biggest I could find!
I have a total of 1.35 cubic feet of space to grow in
Best wishes on your grow case


Grow like nobody is watching
Man that looks freakin' awesome dude! The only thing I can see that doesn't look quite right is the fan at top right. Is there a hole/intake behind it? I only mention it cos it looks like there isn't, and I find a fan won't work taped up against a wall like that. It needs a gap to "breathe" air from the back, but disregard this if it's an intake.

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Thanks Scrub!! Coming from you means alot....i was a bonehead not to listen earlier...the old way might of worked but I have no idea how windy it was inside with 7 fans...crazy
That is an intake fan and the pic should show it with the hole I cut out..I am going to put fan covers on it for light leaks
I am waiting for the manual fan controller for the delta fan..That was going to be the intake on my old case remember? Silly..Now its exhaust and with a scrubber on it, it should still have lots of power left over.
I got the power supply idea and how to wire it without cutting anything from ScrubNinja

Here are some more pics too

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Hey Scrub! there is a door but I need to take another pic. It even has a lock so no one can snoop:joint:
I have 2 questions for anyone willing to help
Question 1 is What option for a 80 mm scrubber do you all think is the best?Pics below show 2 options.
Question 2 is What do people use for the 120 mm fans? Meaning scrubber.
I got these mesh pencil holders from Staples but finding something big enough to cover a 120mm fan is becoming hard.
I am leaning toward the bigger mesh holder because I can put more carbon in but I would love some feedback.
Thanks and Happy Halloween:witch:

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Just finished the smaller scrubber with pics to follow tomorrow. I just need a 6 inch atrium grate for the 120mm fan so i'll be popping by the hardware store later too.
I had it going today too but I won't be able to tell proper temps till scrubbers are on and I have the delta fan controller installed
As it were, the temps were at 80 which is lower than before
i want to get this grow going!!


Grow like nobody is watching
Have a look at net pots from hydro stores. Also, in the store here that's like HD, you can get chlorine holder things like a netpot, and in the pond section they have a similar thing but larger, and they go together perfectly. The outer one is too big for a pc but I'm just giving you ideas.

They also sell these but they're too obstructive:


BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
I can't find anything in this town:mad:
Pretty well everything I needed for this was bought online...half the people didn't even know what a atrium grate was!
No hydro store either Scrub
I did get a 5 inch to 4 inch duct adapter which will work great I'm sure
I'll trim a little here and there but at least the smaller scrubber is ready to go
here's a pic of the door closed on the pc too alongside scrubber pics
Any feedback, good or bad, will be appreciated


Grow like nobody is watching
Where is the carbon in the 80mm filter you made? (2nd pic) Is the pencil holder filled up solid with carbon? What's the thing on top of it?

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
I meant to put in the carbon last night but something came up Scrub..
I just sort of put it together to show what it would look like but didn't have time to finish it...my bad
You are not supposed to pack in the carbon too tight right?
The thing on top is just the filter for the inside but it isn't pushed all the way in yet due to no carbon
Does it look right ?
What do you think of the duct adapter? I'm sure it will work...
Thanks Scrub for your feedback and anyone else who wishes to help..
I'm not getting much feedback...I realize its not complete but I just want it to be right


Grow like nobody is watching
No worries buddy. Well, if I understand you right, you're going to have your computer, then the adaptor, then the pencil holder? I'm just thinking that looks like it'd be sticking out at least 10" and carbon is quite heavy.

I also think you may not be understanding fully the way the filter is meant to operate. This is drawn up for net pots but it's more or less what to aim for, in cross section.

If you were to fill the pencil holder up, no air will get through, even with your fan. When you come up with a way to keep it packed around the pencil holder, you will essentially have what is in the diagram (surface area). If you can't come up with a bigger pencil holder (or whatever), I'm sure I saw someone just use a tight stocking and kind of manipulated the carbon around to get an even layer.

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
:)thanks Scrub..
I figure I will chop off at least 2 inches on each side of the duct and 3 off the pencil holder...
Do you think thats enough?
I don't plan on stuffing it full of carbon, just enough for the fan to be able to push air through.
So the smaller one looks okay? I'm in the process of filling that one up right now, but not stuffing it full.
let me know what you think and there will be pics later tonight


Grow like nobody is watching
Well, no bro, I wouldn't cut the pencil holder at all as that's what's giving you surface area and surface area is goal #1. You've already taken the flow from 5" down to 3" so you should strive more than most to achieve large surface area. I still don't understand your plan so I apologise if this is redundant.

In case it illustrates a point:

I suspect what you are wanting to do is the same sort of principle as the above not-very-good idea. The above has a great 80mm Delta hooked up and it pushes zero air through 1" of carbon.

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