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The Incredibowl-Anyone own one?


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
So I stumbled across this great looking smoking utensil last week and I'm considering purchasing one. Has anyone ever used one of these things, or own one? They look pretty amazing and if they live up to the claims, this would be a wonderful addition to my puny collection.

Mainly I'm looking for a way for my lady to medicate without having to take hit after hit after hit. She has a difficult time getting past toke 3-4 and we know she's just not getting the dosage she needs as a result. This device looks like it'll solve much of her problem and deliver a large enough dose all in one, cooled down hit. Yes, I know we could spring for a water pipe of some sort, but I came across this and it looks much more promising to me.

You can find a video of someone using it on YouTube, or on their website. I also came across a video where they actually ran this thing over with a Jeep and it came out without so much as a scratch. A lifelong smoking apparatus here!

Any feedback for us, pro or con?

I won't link to it here, but it can be found online very easily.



@ $200 that thing is a gimmick. i smoked out of one at a dispensary. I like to support CO industry but common, it is a small, suction steamroller, with a vape bowl. Cool but pricey. give me a joint instead. just my 2 cents


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
@ $200 that thing is a gimmick. i smoked out of one at a dispensary. I like to support CO industry but common, it is a small, suction steamroller, with a vape bowl. Cool but pricey. give me a joint instead. just my 2 cents

Care to give us a smoke report? Maybe the price is a bit high, but it looks like a lot of engineering and time has gone into this device. The proof is in the pudding, but if it's what they claim it is, then in my book it's worth the price they're asking. I mean hell, it appears to be damn near indestructible (and if not, it has a lifetime warranty...you break it, they replace it). Not a bad feature for $200; it might be the last smoking device I buy! I would imagine that because of the some of the high tech materials they use, the device isn't cheap to manufacture, which of course means a higher retail price.


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
why not just get a glass vaporgenie? half the price

Because this isn't a vaporizer? I already own two vape's (and have owned others in the past that I no longer have), so I know all about vaporizing. I'm looking for something new and different...and this unit seems to fit the bill.
oh pacos statement threw me off a bit. i mean hey a high tech steam roller seems fine. looks interesting if you have the funds for it why not. is your wife not a bonger? for 200 you could get some decent glass with attachments.


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
is your wife not a bonger? for 200 you could get some decent glass with attachments.

A water pipe would work, but I really would rather have this unit if it's good. I hate dealing with smelly bong water and bongs in general, though they are effective and fun to use.


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
Looks cool,

why does everyone bitch about price?

Sure you COULD smoke out of a toilet paper roll and foil BUT doesn't mean you HAVE to.

Always on the cheap it seems,

I like the case that comes with it, looks sweet.

$200 and puts a smile on your face and the bills are paid then more power to you.


Ive smoke something similar and i didnt like it much. Whatever smoke your used to will definately not be like the smoke you get from this and so you will need to convert your habit to this device. It may do the trick but i wouldnt be so keen on spending 200$ on a smoking device like that..


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Looks cool,

why does everyone bitch about price?

Sure you COULD smoke out of a toilet paper roll and foil BUT doesn't mean you HAVE to.

Always on the cheap it seems,

I like the case that comes with it, looks sweet.

$200 and puts a smile on your face and the bills are paid then more power to you.

Amen to that. I'm no rich man, but you get what you pay for sometimes.


Active member
pointless,its nothing new in an ugly packege...imo..

200 isnt alot,but for that thing it sure is

i never actully smoked out of it,just going on what i've seen on youtube


Lifetime Warranties

Lifetime Warranties

... (and if not, it has a lifetime warranty...you break it, they replace it). Not a bad feature for $200; it might be the last smoking device I buy! I would imagine that because of the some of the high tech materials they use, the device isn't cheap to manufacture, which of course means a higher retail price.

People often forget that a lifetime warranty isn't for the lifetime of the buyer but the lifletime of the company that sold you the item. Buyer beware.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
Your better off using a bong with a vapo attachment bowl, and a heat gun set on low to vapo.works wonders. very clean vapor as well.


it smokes weed. not better not worse than anything else. i could think of alot better ways to blow 200 bucks.
Yes it is fancy, and yes it is space age. But it is a lame shotgun action type device that is 100% marketing. Nothing innovative in the way the pot smokes.
It is almost indestrucable, i smoked out of the one they drove over with the jeep. Had a crack in the plastic but still worked.
I am not sold. but that is only me.


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Thanks for the feedback so far everyone. Anyone else?


Slap-A-Ho tribe
Isn't that basically a vacuum steamroller that works on vacuum like a gravity bong? Seriously just construct a gravity bong for her, costs nothing.

Mr. Tony

Active member
rofl what a waste of $200.

make some herb into bho, give it to your wife, much more thc, much less smoke.


I see a lot of glass pieces around the same size for way more than $200.

This thing is basically unbreakable. The clear tube part isn't glass, it's polycarbonate. The bowl is just a straight replaceable stem, and is protected by the aluminum once it' s pushed into it. You can see how it works here, and read about it on their website. You can get a good idea from this picture http://artinteractions.com/dev/JMD/images/elements.png

I like straight hitting pipes, and it looks like this would hit closer to like a bong instead of a straight stream of smoke into your mouth.
Plus it comes with a case and extra stuff so you don't need to buy replacement pieces...

There's a good description of how it works and some good pictures of it in this...
I don't like the way the green one looks, but there's a silver one in that video that looks awesome.

The green part is shaped like a cone on the bottom, which fits into the black ring at the top or the tube as a seal. You take a hit to fill the tube and pull it out (what the spring is there for) and it clears the tube.

And the end of the nozzle has a screen in it to catch strays...

If I buy a new piece sometime in the next year or two it'll probably be one of these.