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Is any1 else slamming their plants with high ppm?

Hash Man

I have tried to go with the rez and head formula, but have found myself very happy multiple times with feeding at lots higher ppms than recommended... I use a recuirculating to feed system over 1 gallon buckets of pure coco...fed 3 times a day for 2 minutes per feed... Im currently at day 35 and just cut out my flora micro.... ATM i used 15 ml/g florabloom, 15ml/g koolbloom, 1ml/g floraliscious plus, 10 ml/floranectar, and 8 ml/gallon hygrozyme... oh and this week i also added 200 ppm of pawdered koolbloom to the mix... all opf this ads up to 1500 ppm at 5.5 ph and my plants love it... Can some of you all chime in here and

a. tell me why my low ppm feedigs were not giving me the weight i needed
b. tell me how much you all are slamming your plants...

thanks a bunch. HM


Active member
your measurements are either off or you are watering with quite a bit of runoff.


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Holy crap, that's a lot of extra shit you're throwing in there :D

I like to push my girls too. I use FNB @ 8ml/gal as my base, basically the norm 1-shot lucas formula. Then I see how much they can take. I'll step it up 10, then 12, then 15 until I see a slight burn starting, then I'll back up a tad. That way I know I'm giving the girls the max they want, and they love it :yes:


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
though watering 3 times a day in coco seems overkill, if working for you, good. in 4-5 gal buckets, under 1k's only water couple times a week - bottom feeding. but use wick system... so nutes already present...

enjoy your garden!

um... what? Coco is definitely happier being watered every day. Been tried and tested over and over again, check the Handwatered Coco thread over in the coco forum. You can go longer, missing a day is no big thing, and yes, 3x a day is way overkill, but twice a week? Bad idea. My girls, under a 1kw have been known to use about 1/3 a gallon daily.

Sorry, I think you are wrong on what's best on this one.


here, tablespoon (15ml) of fnb & tablespoon of kool bloom (15 ml) (liquid) per gal is standard... along w/ floralicious bloom, molassses, & h202. dont really test for ph & ppms/ec, but they will be around 1.0 ec, 1000 ppm, ph adjusted to 5.8 or so...
That isn't standard at all.
You need an EC meter for sure!
15ml of FNB per gallon is almost 3.8 EC by itself.
15ml of Kool Bloom per gallon is about 1.8 EC by itself.
That would be 5.6 EC for those 2 at the above rates.
That is bad (not the good bad)!


I have tried to go with the rez and head formula, but have found myself very happy multiple times with feeding at lots higher ppms than recommended... I use a recirculating to feed system...

The rez and head formulas are "safe" formulas not designed for recirculating systems.
You will have greater success with higher ec/ppm in recirculating systems like ebb and flow or drip.
I have never had to go above 2.4 ec with the plants I have worked with.

Hash Man

Wow 9 replies over night.... must be an interesting topic of debate... Thats why i asked the question.. thanks for all the replies....

First clarification: Im not using the nova series, im using the three part GH flora series.

Second Clarification: I'm flowering undre INTENSE light... 3k over a 4x8...

Wait...:what - I have the common burnt leaf tip that many refer to as the good leaf burn, where just the very tip is singed.... lol...I am skeptical as well, thats why i posted this... Only thing i can say is my yields sucked until i upped the ppm...

Whodi- my measurements are not off :) i do water with runoff... i have my timer on for 2 minutes for the first and second watering... and 3 minutes on the third. none of it is by hand, all timers and recirculating top feed. I saw your thread and wondered how you did with it... Any report on grams per watt

Mistress- thnx for the well thought out post... One question bout those nute calculators... I remember reading somewhere that the npk on a bottle is not the direct representation of the uptakable nutrients it provides... I have also heard that this purity can change depending on the company that makes the nutes... Does thisa affect the validity of the nute calculator???
- agreed about the additives... i use em for their benefits, not npk...
-lastly, good point on the interaction between roots and feed...i have read your posts about cations etc... so i highly value your input. Thats why im feeding with 25% runoff or more by feeding 3 times a day for a total of 9 min altogether... 2 min feed at 10pm, 2 min feed at 1AM, 3 min feed at 4AM... lately my ph rises a bit when water level goes down, but ppm stays the same until i add more water...
-im gonna try that foliar feed with dry koolbloom, and my atomister next time... i will let you know how it goes... my theory has been to keep a constant ppm and control it as i want to... the obstacle has come when i stop adding the floramicro, the ppms drop from 1500 to 1200, even with all of my previously normal additives... thats when i started upping the florabloom and koolbloom.
-3x a day does seem like overkill... I will have to take some pics and start posting my results... The outdoor this year is taking most of my energy, but i'll man up and take some indoor pics later today or tmrrw. thnx again for your time.

NiteTiger- the plants love it with more nutes it seems... I know all the theorys about how nutes can lock each other out, but maybe they dpnt apply when running tons of water and nutes through the medium consistenty... Personally when i used small amounts of nutes i got small yields... now i use tons of nuts and get better yields... yea yea lol the hydro store loves me ....:D

dongle69- thanks for the reply... it makes lots of sense as rez and head dont do recirc... this is my first recirc... my last crop was all handwater, and i upped the nutes to levels not this high, but high, and i got insane yields of sticky og....
maybe this could easily be solved with a quick discusssion of everyones conversion ratios in their ec/ppm meters. I own a control wizard ppm, ph, and temp moniter. With all these nutes my ppm is 1500, ph 5.5... and probably upped a bit last night...If you all still think my measurements are off we can go into specifics..

Im only asking this question to find out information and to better my growing skills... Just wanted to know if anyone else had the same experience... thanks


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
the difference is there is always a mini-res of water present, so dont have to water daily, just replentish bucket/tote w/ water and/or nutes...

Ah, okay, now I see what you were saying :yes: I was thinking "WTF, just only waters them twice a week?!", but while you're actually watering only once or twice a week, you're giving enough to last that amount of time using the wicks, gotcha now :D

Seeing what I thought, you can understand why I was a little surprised :biglaugh:

I'm gonna go check out your wick system :joint:

IC Mag said:
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to *mistress* again.


even though detest pulling meters out of dungeon, will do so here...

according to bottles have in imagination...

after 1 tablespoon of gh fnb added, ppms @ 1400, ec @ 2.0, using ancient nutrawand & ancient hanna checker...

not ec 1.0, but definitely not ec 5.6!...

the problem is actually hate meters after many moons of aero, kbs, dwc, etc... do not do regular measurements. generally do like to measure out nutes either; just use 10 heaping cap fulls of ea per 10 gallon tote, rinse out caps in solution, & handwater...

maybe heaping cap full is less than tablespoon, but use tablespoons too; depends... same effects...

in any event, this is the imaginary regime...
I'm having problems following your English but it sounds like you didn't measure your nutrients, you just used capfulls?
I measure in ml.
15 ml of FNB in 1 gallon water got me 3.7 EC with my meter.
It is calibrated and used often.
I don't have Kool Bloom to measure currently, but my notes from past usage show high EC with 15ml.
FNB and KB together at those amounts is way too much for tomatoes, let alone cannabis.
Not imaginary here.
Perhaps that is the difference?


Measure 8 ml of FNB per gallon.
That is the standard amount with most batches of FNB to get 2 ec.
Sometimes, depending on the batch, even 6 ml will give 2 ec.
I see that your 15 ml measurement gave 2 ec.
I can't follow that.
Perhaps nutrients are old?
I am very interested to see plants grown with 15 ml each of FNB and KB.


I have personally, with no imagination needed, seen 8 ml of FN produce an EC of 2.0 and cause tip burn on two different strains, a little worse on one than the other. My imagination (because I never tried it myowndamnself) cannot help but think 15 ml/gal would burn the fuck out of my plants.

Also, in my opinion, there is no such thing as "good" burn. Any burn is a screw up...maybe the first time you run a strain you push it a hair to far, but then you learn and stop that nonsense. Not saying we haven't all done it, just saying calling it "good burn" is a rationalization.

Anyone wanting to try this should approach it very slowly and observe results before proceeding. Almost sounds like someone wanting to sell more nutes if I did not know better.


slaam EM!!!

slaam EM!!!

I read the title and YES!!! I slam em. IF, it is the right time.:joint: gonna go back and read furthur, Good luck. "Lucas" formula,hint,hint.start there.
Remember, this IS a weed. Yes a cultivated one, but still classified as a WEED.