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Newbie here, moving post to the Diaries Forum



Hello to all on this messaging board. This is my first post with you guys I have been actively contributing to the Michigan Medical Cannabis Community since early December 2008 and have been lurking here in your shadows. I thought I would take the time today to speak up and make my presence known now.....
I am very new to the growth process, and although being very familiar with the final product, I am clueless when it comes to nurturing the little beauties to the consumption stage. I must also admit that I have NEVER had a good relationship with ANY plant. I think the only ones I haven't "killed" or in some way "allowed" to turn brown and fall over either from too much of something or NOT enough of another has been a single cactus.

However, I am disabled and therefor on a very limited income, so learning to nurture this plant and grow the best possible medication is a very important mission for me. I am starting off very small with some bagseed. Some pretty decent and recently obtained and some from a can my mother had saved from probably 20 years ago. She recently passed and we found this old katydids can full of seeds some in smaller bags, others in bigger; So I took a handful of them and threw them in a container full of a very weak solution of miracle grow and water, and let them soak for a few days, then I got rid of the floating ones and planted the ones that sunk in these little expanding plugs. I had expanded the plugs with a miracle grow tomato plant food solution and put them in a closet that measures 5'x4' with 8 foot ceilings.

I attempted to germinate 18 seed and only two sprouted. I have since learned that Miracle Grow is a NONO and have worked hard to keep these two alive. They are currently 5 weeks old and living in 1 gallon pots. I Use Fox Farms Nutrients, Tiger Bloom, Big Bloom, and Organic Plant Food.

I have now had them in flowering for 5 nights, looking daily for signs of sexual orientation. I kept them in my 4*5 closet until yesterdy and then had to move them down to the basement because trying to run a 400w industrial MH light in that closet, I couldn't keep temps under control no matter how hard I tried to. While in the closet prior to putting them into flower They were under 6 32w CFL lightbulbs and grew to 11 1/2 inches. I then started them on a 12/12 under the MH light, but as I stated it was simply TOOO HOTTT in the cloest, so I moved them to a small office area in my basement and attempted to insulate the room to sustain them. It normally gets down to the mid to lower 50's in this room as I am in Michigan and it has been very cold here recently. However I laid a carpet on the floor, and hung heavy white Quilting on the walls. I also run the light from Midnight to noon and my reason for this is two fold. First it keeps the room heated up during the coldest hours of the day when the heat in the house is turned down and everyone is asleep and allows someone to be awake if we find we have to put a small space heater in the room during the off light times. and ALSO because having a NEW 400w Metal Halide bulb burning during the dark hours of midnight - noon makes it appear outwardly like a simply got a night high power light for outside on my garage, since the pull on the electric is during dark hours and not in the middle of the day. My Two plants are now about 15 and 17 inches respectively. The 17" one has been named Missy and the 15" one named the Dame`. Originally Missy was the only one of the 16 treated with Miracle Grow that sprouted and the Dame was not treated with MG. For the first 3 weeks Missy struggled and I was believing the MG advice I had been given, as Missy was weak and deformed at first and the Dame was strong and healthy. However I must admit that Missy is now Much Prettier, the leaves are almost fluffy looking the stretch is minimul and the stems are close together she is much deeper green and 2 inches talller. The dame is stringy looking to me, large gaps between stems and much lighter green. The leaves on both are curling under a little at the tips and in the process of putting the MH light in the closet and getting the disance right I managed to crisp a couple of leaves on both of them, whch really discourages me. Now I need to figure out EXACTLY how to sex them without a magnifying glass, cause I don't have one right now and can't afford to go buy on right now. cause i am hoping they are both females, but at the same time I don't want to loose them both cause I don't know which one is a male. I am already concern cause of the way I put them into flower. I started the flowering and did it noon to midnight for 3 days, then I moved them to the basement cause of the heat issue and reversed their light cycle by having them in light for 24 hours and then going to the midnight-noon cycle. Which they ill now remain on till harvest. I think they probably need to be put in bigger pots, but I am trying to give them a few days since I understand that stressing them to much can influence their sex to males. In the last few days I have put them in a 12/12, trimmed some dead leaves from the bottom of them, dramatically changed their room temps by moving them to the basement, burned a couple of their leaves by trying to get their light height right, let them spend 24 hours under light and them switching from noon- midnight to midnight to noon..

Now that I have given you all this information, I am looking forward to every ones help and guidance as these are my first two into flowering, but I have 11 sprouts now that are 2 weeks old and about 1 month behind these two. It is my objective to have approximately 12 plants a month harvesting once I get better at all of this... I will post picts soon for all to see and critique...



everything sounds fine. Try germinating in low ppm water next time, you should get better results. Sexing them is easy, sometimes it takes em a few weeks to show you they're genitals. Keep sweet talking em and they'll put out.


Hell Capn,

I sweet talk them, let the radio sing to them, Heck I even smoke with them when 'm having my coffee. They just won't drop the pretense and give up the goodies...I just keep thinking I am missing something and am not going to see it till it's too far gone.....



Sounds like they're shown the perfect amount of affection. They're probably just late bloomers. Do you know what your looking for as far as male/female flowers go? I'd post a link but I'm pretty pressed for time so please forgive me. It's pretty cut and dry so don't worry about it!

Don't mention it!
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3 weeks into flowering update

3 weeks into flowering update

Hello all, Sorry it has been awhile since my last update. A lot has been going on around here. Some good and of course some bad. But I am back now and ready to update everyone on my progress. My first two plants Missy and Dame turned out to be Mister and Dame:cuss:. I decided to keep Mister through to flower for a couple of reasons. 1) I am new at this and just can't bare the thought of throwing away ANY bud.:noway:...just yet. Most of what I have been getting on the streets the last month must be male as I am getting half weight in beans with each purchase. So I figure if I can pay for males, I can live with one I have grown until I can get everything dialed in and get to where I am working with ALL females..:badday::violin:..lol 2) My better half seconds the above notion with more vigor than I:fight::dueling:. 3) I am going to practice training skills on him..I mean its not like I can stress him into turning male..:wink:..4) eventually I will attempt some of the recipes I have seen on here to utilize him for some canna butter or canna oil or something:canabis:.

Rest assured he is NO WHERE near my little girl:ban:. Once I got everything settled around here I actually have her in the basement room with 7 of the 11 sprouts that are now going on 6 weeks old and have been flowering for almost 2 weeks now. I put all 11 of them into flowering at 4 weeks. Four have already proven themselves to be males:yoinks:. All of the males have now found themselves grouped together under 3 (23w) CFL bulbs in my bedroom closet. Unfortunately along with Missy being Mister, Lovely is also Lover. I will bring him through to seed also, as he is the only one of many seeds that were gifted to me at Christmas/New Year by a family member, that germinated successfully and I really want a female of this particular plant, so I will bring him out to seed along with Mister to get their seeds:jump:. Oh and Mister did his first pollen dump today. I checked into the closet where him and the other 4 males are at and found some dust on Lovers leaf. At first I wasn't certain what it was:eek:::eek::.....don't laugh, this is my first grow after all, but I soon figured it out when I saw more of the same dust on another leaf farther down and noticed he had made a little mess on himself too..:redface::redface::redface:.lol. They are all on a 12/12 from 8am to 8pm.

Dame and the 7 that still haven't showed their sex are set up nicely in the basement room on a 12/12 from 8pm to 8am. Lights on at night to help keep room warm. I have also decided to try the 12/12 method from seed to harvest as I am looking for the best way to limit space, energy, and time while still producing the best medication I possibly can. I have been monitoring Lolagal and her work with Moon phases and have started a new grow diary for my 12/12 from seed to harvest grow. However there are currently 12 small plants that were germinated on the 28th of the month, VERY WELL, I might add, and planted on the 30th of January. So these 12 are 12 days old now and some definitely look funny without the veg stage. But for me this is ALL bag seed from recent acquisitions that were decent and this is my learning curve, So i figure I should try everything I am interested in doing and finding what works for me from lighting, lighting cycles and times, to the soil, nutes and ferts in what amounts and how often. I have a feeling that temperature is sometimes a contributing factor with some grows, but I have found the temp to stay around 79-80 degrees in the growing area lights on and about 59-62 during off lighting hours. My on temps are based on the heat created by a 400w MH and 9 (23w) CFL's.... anyway. This is long enough. I will attach pics now and await feedback:listen2::asskick::spank::headbange:yes::nono::lurk::wave::1help: ....

PS....Hey check out my "Harvesting by the Moon 12/12 from seed to harvest" diary and I will give more info on these new 12....some are definitely NOT responding the same to the lighting issue...


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Read me FAST

Read me FAST

If you haven't already, please separate the male from the flower room ASAP! When you get seeded bud, you are getting pollinated female marijuana, not male marijuana. The male wont bud, it will be covered in male flowers that will drop pollen on the female you do have and cause it to become seeded.

If you want to practice training it, do so in an area COMPLETELY away from the female with no chance you can pollinate it yourself unless you want to create seeds.
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Thanks Smokesalot420,
I have them in a separate flowering room. It has a total of 5 males in it. one that is dropping pollen and 4 that have showed themselves to be male, but are not pollinating just yet. These 5 are in my bedroom closet under 3 (23w) CFL bulbs by themselves.....

The females and the ones that have NOT shown sex yet are in the main flowering room in the basement under a 400w MH and 9 (23w) CFL bulbs....


Oh and I am glad for the information on the seeded bud being pollenated females and a male ONLY producing seeds. I can pass this along to my "better half" now. But i figured the best way to show him this is to let him see for himself. otherwise he has already told me it would be a fight. He is so certain the male will have some minimal bud on it that he almost had me convinced of it too. I have read on here though that some do use the males to cook with. Some have even claimed that the product cooked with canna butter from a male plant is SO GOOD they will NEVER throw away another male... As this is my first on everything I figured I could give it a shot in the dark and see what I come up with....lol

Will the pollen from Mister effect the seeds from Lover. In other words can one male cross pollinate another and come up with a hybrid of some sort.. i am COMPLETELY DENSE on breeding issues and need some direction on this...
Right on! I'm really interested in the female plant from 20 year old seed. That could be something special or something that is no longer available, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that you'll get something nice! Have you read up on cloning your plants? It can be done quite simply, or it can be very complex, try different things and find out what works for you! The only reason I say this is because if you have more seeds that are old that you germinate, you can keep a mother plant and keep it forever if it turns out to be something you like. I'll be watching your thread and I'll help anyway I can, I'm no expert in any way but I know how overwhelming it can be learning about this wonderful plant and how to grow it. Good luck!
Will the pollen from Mister effect the seeds from Lover. In other words can one male cross pollinate another and come up with a hybrid of some sort...

Not that I know of but I haven't started breeding yet because I haven't had the space. From what I have read only one pollen grain can impregnate a pistil, but since I have no actual experience with this I hope a more knowledgeable person can chime in on this one


Hey thanks Smokesalot420, I can use and welcome ALL info, advice and opinions. Here are a few pictures I took tonight of the female from 20 years ago. I have NO IDEA how to figure out What they are.. To put a name to the type of weed, if you know what I mean.....What do I do just name it something?


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My Male Flowering room

My Male Flowering room

Here are a few pictures of these boys. Just trying to figure out what to do with them.....


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Ok, I am not sure if you understand this or not, but males alone can't produce seeds. They only produce pollen. That is the powdery stuff you see on the leaves after one of them makes a mess of themselves. You can put some black plastic below the boys when they look real ripe and collect some of this pollen. Somewhere in this guys grow log: Pirate's Log I know that he does a whole thing about how he collects pollen and stores it, uses it, etc. You should really check it out.

In order to get seeds you have to use that pollen on a female flower. I wouldn't get into the breeding process yet until you have a decent knowledge of what you have going on. But hey it's a learning process.

But hey, who knows, that 20 yr old girl I would HIGHLY recommend cloning and flowering out. There are some pretty crazy strains that are no longer around that pop up every once in a while in a situation like that. I can't find it, but some breeder found a couple thousand seeds of Panama Red maybe? but anyways, he was able to get a few girls out of it a sort of revive the strain. No idea how true everything is though. Could be a legend!

Goodluck out there, I'll be keeping an eye on your grow.




Ewww That Was Just NASTY!!

Ewww That Was Just NASTY!!

Hello to all, Time to update this thread. Since my last post here

"Osecretgardeno" recommended that I clone The Dame (my 20y/o seed) However she is already 32 days into flower, and I am afraid I will stress her out.... I WANT NO NUTS..:noway:.However I have a Katydids Can FULL of these seeds from my mom's estate, so I think I will come across a couple of nice plants from "Way back when" and when I am more comfortable working with the plants I will learn to clone and most certainly find a few of these 20y/o's I will wish to keep as a mother or clone off of. But right now She has already had a REALLY hard way to go and I just want her to lie back and bask in the glow of her 400w MH and 9 (23w) CFL's, rest and get big fat and juicey for Mommy:joint::joint:

OK to explain the EWWWW Nasty comment. I have finally finished sexing the last of the 11 plants that are 6 1/2 weeks from seed and 18 days into flower. 6 ended up being males and 5 females, Just over 50/50 but thats ok for the first grow of more than 2 plants. Anyway I have been reading a lot around here trying to figure out what to do with the males as Chuck didn't want me to get rid of them. Figured there was a way to use them. At one time I thought I could get seeds from them and was going to let them grow to harvest for the seeds. recently found out that males only make pollen NO seeds, as scrapped that idea. yesterday I decided to try using them to make some cannabutter. So I took 5 of the 6 males. The 6th one is Lovely and I am going to harvest pollen from him. He is a gifted seed/plant from a family member. Anyway I had flushed the males with ph'd molasses water for the last week. I cut at the base near the ground and stripped all leaves and stems from the plants. cut them up, did I water bath three times to try to remove the chlorophyll from the plant, then I put them in the oven @ 250 and let them dry out for about 1.5 hours. Once dry I crumbled them up and got a dry weight off the crush. I had 3/4 of an ounce. It is recommended that one uses 1 ounce to 1 pound (4sticks) of butter, however as this was all male I used the 3/4 in 1/2 pound (2sticks) of butter and 2 cups of water in the slow cooker for 3.5 hours, renewing the water as needed. Once this was finished I strained the leaves through some nylons (cause I couldn't see paying 4 dollars for a piece of cheese cloth) and let solidify in the fridge. once the butter had seperated and hardened on top I removed the butter, poured off the dirty, cloudy water and then added fresh water to the solidified butter and heated till almost boiling again, once all butter remelted I stirred it well and poured it back in the container and put it back in the fridge to solidify again. I did this 3 times and on the final solidifying I found that the water left below the cannabutter was pretty much clean and clear now. I used a box recipe for pecan bars where the butter goes into the crust. The flavor was nice, couldn't really taste the plant at all, however it did NOTHING for me at all. ended up smoking a B with some friends and once came down from that little buzz though i would take some of the butter and just put it on toast with some jelly or jam and see if maybe the dosage was just too low with the pecan bars as the recipe only calls for 1/2 a stick of butter, so it ended up only being 5 grams in the whole pan. ANyway on to the NASTY... Put about a tbl of the butter on toast....HEAVY PLANT taste like that. I had to choke down the whole piece and then STILL got nothing but some heartburn that makes me burp the taste of the plant....NASTY NASTY NASTY!!!!!! NEVER AGAIN!!!!:fsu: and that little bastard Mister...He was pretty growing up, but he was just bagseed, some I am certain I have plenty of, so the hell with his little pollen pissen ass.....It's off with his head in the morning. I will though keep Lovely like I said I am going to harvest some pollen from him and was actually thinking about covering a few of Dame's stems with a plastic bag full of Lovely Pollen and see what I get from Lovely and a 20 y/o power plant. If anyone can dirrect me on how to do this with out f^ up my buds on her I would appreciate it.

My grow room is starting to clear out now that I have axed the males from the space. Lola says today is the best, or one of the best days this month to germ, so I dropped 24 seeds into some tap and Hydrogren peroxide tonight and we will see what we get. If I can get Lovely to pop pollen for me quickly I will simply get his goodies and eliminate him. The 12/12 from seed experiment is still running, so I think I will clear my upstairs closet of all males and turn it back into my veg room on an 18/6 for this upcoming run. Does anyone know how worried I need to be about pollen that may have gotten into the room while the males were in there, messing with babies I might have in there for a month? Will a good vaccuum and wall washing fix this concern?

Well that's about it for me, and my last load of laundry just finished so I will be leaving for tonight, only to check back in on everyone later today.... Peace all......

Hey...Hey...Pass that here....spark,spark,spark..damn cheap azz lighters.....spark,spark...:joint: :joint: :abduct: :abduct: :joint: :joint:

:smoweed:....OH....... thats nice...Night All

One Love




ok so here is the update everyone was asking about, sorry so long to do it. Dame is now 9 weeks old today and 38 days into flowering. She is super Cropped to about 28 inches and is doing very well. I have been a VERY BAD girl however as lack of weed and money have led me to clip a few little buds from her. She is a nice lemony, light smoke and comes from a seed that my Mom had before she died. This seed was from about 20 years ago and I am very excited about the final product. I am trying to upload some pic now for your viewing pleasure......

Also on this thread I have been updating you on my second start, while I still consider all of this to be my first grow, until I harvest something atleast, I have been updating everyone on the 6 week old's in here to, up to and including my NASTY experiance with trying to make Canna-butter out of the males. Well here are pictures of the 5 that were left after sexing... i will just show the tops here. you can check out my album for more pics....

Right now these are showing up as links. I hope when I post the update that will change and the actual pictures will show. I drag and dropped them from my album.

I am gonna run for now and go on over to my growing by the moon 12/12 from seed thread to update it...hope to see you all there......PEACE


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