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RED145 said:
but dont forget to add the seed sales into that,ya really wanna get blown away!!!!!

I don't think that has anything to do with this.That is a business.You are in business to make a profit.I won't hold that against anybody.This is a forum,which I think is a different story.
Honestly, if people payed a ONE TIME $75 usd fee, and we continued donating seeds, things SHOULD be payed for.

Can I ask how many new accounts are submitted for activation in a given week?

1 new member a week pays $75, and a year later you've generated $4,000 a yaer in NEW accounts. Delete accounts after a period of 2 month inactivity=MORE SPACE
Give out 20 free beans for every 10 payed for. I'll bet that would boost sales 25%-50%
Sell Wayne his customized title!...LOL...(nice example buddy!)

I'm just sayin..........


all praises are due to the Most High
red, i hear you, it would be nice to see how much a year it costs to run this site with its current size, as well as how much it starts to costs as the site grows, etc... i remember in og seeing very big numbers (for me at least) being mentioned on how much bandwidth a place like og had to pay monthly, that was when og had about eighty-thousand members + or -... how many it read it had when it was shut down? over 100thousand? crazy hehehe...

a lot of members in so-called developing countries with weak economies could not afford those membership prices, consider that many of the members here post from places like africa and south america.

it is good that everyone expresses their view, helps find a good system that benefits everyone, as i doubt anyone wants to see icmag forums gone, not i for sure, this place can be real good. but lets express our concerns politely please.

much peace!


Red...and others reading....regular seed sales enables either Seedbay or Seedboutique to replenish inventory as well as make new seedline acquisitions. Those sites are self-sufficient in that way.

ICM is different. ICM is not a seed selling site...it is a forum site.

For example, Red, you used a new Rez release as an example in your post...well, after paying the breeder for the initial purchase, the profits realized from sales are put back into purchasing more from that same breeder, as well as acquisitions of new varieties from other breeders. In other words, profits are rolled back into replenishing and expanding stock so that there is more variety.

But all that is really irrelevant, as ICM and Sboo and Sbay are separate entities, each with their own set of overheads.

So are you saying that if Seedbay doubled sales it would not help the site in any way?

I'm not interested in donating ANYTHING if it's simply to support an anonomous entity, and not support the site. Why would I give to them if they wouldnt give to the site? Right?.....I MUST be confused!


ICMag Donor
RED145 said:
I thought the whole idea here was to help with the server cost??
For instance the little personal site I run cost me 95 dollars a year,thats for the whole year.I realize this place probably has alot more bandwidth and storage but there is no way in the world it costs more than say a thousand a year to host,no way.....in which case donations would offset the cost.its all guessing since you wont post how much a month it does cost.

IMO,,,this is seperating the forumn,causing a GREAT deal of more work(seperate forums,added signature,and alot more work for someone) and to be frank......sounds like a nice way to generate another income.

What happens to all the hundreds and hundreds of dollars ABOVE the server costs?

It's your place,run it like ya want,I just dont agree with it.It turned from trying to help someone out,into a nice cash cow,and I got NO PROBLEMS sending money or seeds or donations,like I said this is my home too,BUT....I wanna know what it costs to run this place before I send anything willy nilly.


And the whole seperate forum to discuss things in private,isnt that called a pm system?

Your kidding on the 1000 dollars a year right? Are your servers in holland or a nice little biz in the US? Making a statement like that without doing research can get a lot of members upset.....
Must I be controversial to get clarification? Seriously, DGs last post halted ANY and ALL plans I've got to support this site. Like I said, I believe/HOPE I'm confused.


JJScorpio said:
Your kidding on the 1000 dollars a year right? Are your servers in holland or a nice little biz in the US? Making a statement like that without doing research can get a lot of members upset.....

Upset over what???You think because its the Netherlands its really more expensive??I havent looked into it,not really because I know the answer....

again,with out the number we will never see its guess work,but i just found a web hosting company called Mochahost in the Netherlands that will host my site for 3.71 a month!!!!

Webhosting costs about the same the world over :rasta:

Type of Service: Dedicated

OS & System: Unix
Setup Fee: $99
Price/month: $49
Disk space: 40 GB
Transfer Allowance: 1000 GB
Disk Type: IDE
Processor: 2.4 MHz
RAM: 256 MB
IP Address: 2
Policies: - Adult contents allowed
- Can resell space
Server Locations: Netherlands
Last edited:


NO...they dont care too much for me to begin with,yer lookin for trouble,LOL

But heres a dedicated Netherlands server for ya!!

Type of Service: Dedicated

OS & System: Unix
Setup Fee: $99
Price/month: $49
Disk space: 40 GB
Transfer Allowance: 1000 GB
Disk Type: IDE
Processor: 2.4 MHz
RAM: 256 MB
IP Address: 2
Policies: - Adult contents allowed
- Can resell space
Server Locations: Netherlands
Last edited:


Gypsi Nirvana said:
The ICMAG Supporters once subscribed will have the title 'I.C MAG SUPPORTER' next to their user handle (just like I do have now)... and access to a subscribers forum where upon the request of the subscribers I can make sub-forums for those that might want them for any particular related topic.....

ICMAG Supporters will also have the opportunity to aquire rare and unusual genetics in seed form thru special privaledges to purchase pre-releases and rare varieties from various breeders and these 'specials' and how to get them will be advertised only in the subscribers area......along with other offers not open to the regular membership.....Also each Supporter will have up to 1 whole gigabyte of gallery space....far more than the current 150 megabyte limit as a regular member.....

For many members the beauty of the subscribers forums will be that they will be troll free and a place on the site that you can get together with other supporters without the rude interruptions and interferances that we see on the regular forums from members that are just here to cause trouble and disscontent.......
Everything above written in normal letters is for the paying members. Nice.
Fat letters describes whats left for not paying members. Not so nice!

I wouldn´t mind donate to ICMag. But I don´t like that money gives me privileges on my favorite international cannabissite.

Privileges should be given to those who deserves respect in growing and spreading knowledge, experiences and pics.

Could be I´m out. Don´t wanna visit a side where friends have special priviliges.



Too rich for my blood. But a question does come to mind that I haven't seen anyone address. These folks that donate money...I can foresee a day where someone donates for a lifetime subscription then gets diarrhea of the mouth and thinks they have donated money so they can say anything. A banning offence. What then? They paid for a lifetime subscription. Or a month or 3 months. Now what? This could be a can of worms. The devil is in the details.


Old Fool said:
Too rich for my blood. But a question does come to mind that I haven't seen anyone address. These folks that donate money...I can foresee a day where someone donates for a lifetime subscription then gets diarrhea of the mouth and thinks they have donated money so they can say anything. A banning offence. What then? They paid for a lifetime subscription. Or a month or 3 months. Now what? This could be a can of worms. The devil is in the details.

The TOU is for everyone, whether a subscriber or not...paying a subscription fee to receive access to private areas does NOT give one special priv's where the TOU is concerned.

Stoned Cold....What's hard to understand? What are you seeking clarification on? Come on, spit it out.

Seedbay and SeedBoutique purchase banner space here, as a method of contributing to ICM's costs, and happen to be it's largest financial supporter...but doesn't cover ALL of ICM's expenses.


Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I'm not asking.....or telling any of you to spend a penny...This site is a FREE site and will remain so mostly..........For those that subscribe they will have their own sunken forums to use and view because they subscribe.....to help keep this place running so that those (like all of you right now) that don't subscribe can view and interact with most all of the site for FREE......

......When I first fired up ICMAG......the server costs were much smaller than they are today due to much lower usage and storage needs at the time......the figure RED145 is stating of this site costing no more than $1000 a year....is about what it now costs us to run this site including all the over-runs on bandwidth.....the technical/security help and taxes on 3 servers every 10 days........

....To expand, upgrade and develop the site into the future at the same time as paying for more bandwith, memory, software and technical help as the site continues to grow.... is going to cost much more......and I would like in the future to be able to actually pay the moderators and Admins something for all the work they do on the site......so far they have all done this for FREE.....

...If you wish to subscribe......you can........if you do not wish to subscribe then you don't......simple really.....

even subscribed members will have to abide by the TOU....


Stoned, there are 3 seperate enitities in play here. Seed Boutique, Seedbay and ICMag. For legal and safety reasons they are seperate distinct businesses. Yes Gypsy owns all 3, AFAIK. But they are stand alone seperate businesses. To co-mingle funds can and will open a can of legal whoop-ass on Gypsy.


Hey Dutch, I've had a question that hasn't been answered. I've talked to OP about a banner. You know I'm about to get going again and will be selling seeds on Seedbay. I want to buy a banner here linking over to Seedbay. I was quoted $800 buck for a month.

I'm also going to be running a full page ad in High Times or Skunk Magazine for my return. That is going to cost me about $1200-1600 bucks. If I'm driving business to seedbay.

Shouldn't I get some kind of break on the banner price? I wasn't concerned about the $800 bucks for one month, but more of a 3 month block deal.

Can you reply on this for me? Since it's about supporting this site and the other.
Take care,


the figure RED145 is stating of this site costing no more than $1000 a year....is about what it now costs us to run this site including all the over-runs on bandwidth.....the technical/security help and taxes on 3 servers every 10 days........

you mean it costs you over 40 GRAND a year to run this place!!!

Shut it the fuck down Bro,not worth that kinda money!!
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