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Legal seed transportation across state lines for cultivation


Well-known member
I would contact the people at Normal and see what they would suggest.

Baked Alaskan

Great idea Gry, thanks.

This may take a while but I will keep you all posted.


Baked Alaskan

May have figured it out.

Cross the state border on sovereign tribal land from legal North Dakota to sovereign tribal land in South Dakota. Then fly in federally controlled airspace in South Dakota from sovereign tribal land to sovereign tribal land. Kind of convoluted but maybe legal.

Gonna talk with an attorney, but if anyone has info please share 😀

Baked Alaskan
Seeds are a schedule 1 controlled substance. Everyone involved in viable cannabis seed sales has to be licensed by the DEA, the seeds must come from outside of the US, and the DEA has to approve of the use the seeds are put to. The DEA does not issue new licenses often.

It's federally illegal to possess or transport cannabis including viable cannabis seeds inside the country or across state or tribal borders, period. It's illegal under state law in the Dakotas, period. Once you're on tribal land it's up to the tribe but if there isn't an agreement between the tribe and the state in place ahead of time and you get in trouble the tribe's gonna hang you out to dry. There is no way to legally do what you're trying to do. Sorry bud.


Well-known member
what a silly ass thread.mail is the only way.unless its thousands of seeds just mail or drive with them.

Baked Alaskan

Smart and informed, thank you sirstynk.

I know I can get seeds through the mail and plant them, duh.

I'm trying to get a legal grow going. My state is the only state with ingestion laws left on the books. Even if you go to a legal state and consume when you get back to SD and have thc in your system you are breaking the law. My town is under multiple lawsuits for forced catheterization of simple drug arrests. There is even an ACLU case where they force catheterized a 3 year old because his mom's boyfriend burned a piss test, a fucking 3 year old. We also have a class action lawsuit against my town PD for forced catheterization. The state hates cannabis. This is why I need to do it legal.

I have been to a few wild hemp fields and with 5 to 7 years I could breed the feral traits out but by that time it will be legal even in SD.

I will keep trying.

Thank you all for your insights,
Baked Alaskan
No problem Baked :)

Fair warning though, it's the species of the plant that's illegal, not whether it was bred commercially or found wild. Sounds like your best bet's to not get caught. Are you kidding me? Catheterization? That's insane. No wonder the ACLU is involved - someone's going to get a payout. Bet it's the 3 year old.