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Please PM me your personal experience with CHS Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome


New member

I have suffered for years. I've smoked more than average (lol) for years. All through the 90s and 2000s I smoked a plenty with no problems.

Maybe around 2010 I started having problems. The vomiting, lost 60 lbs. could barely work. Saw the doc thought could be my gall bladder. I adjusted my diet. No red meat, no coffe, no alcohol. It would still happen. Usually in clusters. Be fine for months then sick for weeks.

During this time I bought my bud on a plan. Quarter pound every month. Mix of oz, shared with my wife. My connection had a couple different growers.

Nothing really helped. Used all the hot water. Wife wanted to blame stress and attacks would come when I was extra stressed. My work was very stressful. Thought I may have a ulser. I went back to drinking coffee at least it got my stomach to move. A good stomach grumble felt as good as an orgaism.

Only after reading this thread do I connect I am cold all the time. Everyone else is hot and I'm freezing. I'm a 6'3" went from 260 to barely 200lbs. Again only connecting now, but I'm i by, scratch my legs raw for years.

Just coming off another attack. Bought a half from the dispensary a week ago. Smoked it all. While smoking (again just connecting) my teeth have been hurting as I smoke. I also shake, thought I was just caffeinated. Not always but last week for sure.

Food does seem to trigger. Too much cheese, or fatty foods. I usually feel like there is a block that eventually moves through after a day. Even with the vomit it gets to the point I tack up something different. It hurts so bad. I drink water just to have something to throw up. I'll eventually pass out in the tub.

I have a history of puking, from drinking in my youth or my morning foam. When I tried to hold my puke it made it more violent.

I hate to admit that I know it's the pot. Most everything else has been cut out. But it doesn't Always happen. Your theory intreagues me. Especially that this last sack had my teeth hurting. I've had two major and one minor attack off just that half.

Tried a Benadryl today. Can't say if it helped. But I'm 4 days after the worse of it. I will get some charcoal.

Just joined so can't pm. Plus these stories have given me insight.

I would give almost anything to have a cheesesteak again. Plz excuse any typos. I'm on my phone.


New member
Let me also note I almost exclusively smoke green. Smoke from a bong mostly. Morning, noon, and night. Fall asleep early as likely as not. Hold a tough job and this illness has been rough.

Smoked since 92. Problems really hit in around '11. Diet does help. I still have some of that bud. Unfortunately I just bought another. I just smoked some different bud with no tooth pain. The tooth pain is such an indicator if your theory is true.

Anyone else have a persistent ice cream headache?


Autistic Diplomat in Training
Ouch. Yeah, sounds just like what I've been going through only I've not had the tooth pain. Definitely know what you mean about regretting eating stuff you want to. I've come to realize I have a very restricted diet, very clean foods.


New member
Reading up on neem today. seems that it works by disrupting the digestion of the insects. Some bugs will never eat again after the ordeal. Sound familiar...

If you are right about this being the cause you deserve a Nobel prize. Talked to my pre attack source and he never used the stuff. I have a msg out to my source from the times the attacks started. It will be harder to get any info on the stuff I got in the shop. WA may have to say on the label if they used it, but no requirement like that in Oregon



New member
Ok, not to hijack this thread but my mind has been going 100mph over this all day.

A few points and things I've learned.

First documented in S Australia in 2004. S Australia is full of stoner surfers who grow dank indoor buds.

Next Documented in the US 2007. Again with a culture of indoor grows. And micro managing the operation.

Old hippies growing in hidden fields Never heard of this.

I see no cases out of the Middle East, Netherlands or Canada. All smoke plenty.

Canada controls neem, people on these boards talk about not being able to get neem oil. (Doug, start tracking location the regional nature has to mean something)

Law allows in US because it is "organic" not because of any testing. It is a legal loophole in being regulated by dept of agriculture not FDA. Neem run info pages do not make any claims about smoking it.

Neem oil works by making insects nauseous. It's not a poison it is an anti feedant. One description says after the nausea some bugs will never want to eat again.

We see more cases coming out of Colorado than California. The culture of California has long been outdoor grows. While Colorado only allows indoor grows.

Not all buds will have Neem. So one would have to be a chronic user and have the tainted bud thus increasing the rarity. And the irregular cycle.

As an oil it will have the same bio accumulation as THC. Stored in fat cells until there is a critical mass. If that is the docs theory on too much good pot, the same process may be at work.

Reports are coming out of not just long time smokers. 18y in the hospital.

Dabs and that other crazy stuff the kids are doing is only concentrating the same chemicals up.

We know food and stress are triggers. Stress makes your body burn fat so will release whatever is in that fat.

We all know during an attack we are burning fat. I usually drop 10lbs.

People claim to be able to smell and taste the Neem, nutty or piney.

Doug has run a simple control test where he was the grower and treated one plant but not another.

Again doug claims an antihistime helps. Which changes the analysis it an allergic reaction. (I am very curious about this claim and next attack will. Be running for the benidryl).


Are there clusters of cases? Some states, some countries?

Where is Neem being used? Where is it not being used?

Do we have accounts of chs we know are Neem free?

Roughly what percentage of weed has Neem? When was it sprayed?

Do people use this stuff on outdoor grows too?

If there is an allergic reaction are we missing minor symptoms? I'm itchy but is that from the bath?

I know from camping that you can treat poison ivy the hot water. It realizes the histamines. You'll itch badly for a min and then not for hours. Is this the hot bath relief?

Doug, I think you are on to something. I want to colaberate.


New member
I'm not a doctor, I'm not a grower. I'm not a chemist, but my father was.

I am a long time heavy smoker, and I do suffer from these symptoms.

I'm a lawyer. And there is a strong case to be made that chs and Neem are related. It's not proof beyond a reasonable doubt. But I'd say we got probable cause.

I just want to figure this out, and most docs don't take this serious. Blaming the weed is good enough for them.


I have had it for many years...took forever took diagnose...it has almost killed me a few times...I have had a really rough time...but now I'm ok..it seems to come in cycles


Testicles mentioned teeth pain and "ice cream headaches." That's the worst of what I've been getting from this smoke. It basically strikes at random after smoking, like someone is twisting a nail through the right side of my head, which then moves to my molars on the same side. It's always on the right side (both teeth and head), and really matches the criterion for Cluster headaches. I'm thinking the 5th cranial nerve.

It causes a serious sense of urgency because it's so painful. I can't speak, think straight, and honestly want to die. This, however, doesn't stick around as long as the stomach issues do.

In my opinion, something important about the data Douglas is collecting is that there *are* other insecticides and fungicides that can cause ill effects as well. Azadirachtin is undoubtedly the most used though, due to still being legal for use on cannabis. For example though, bifenthrin (a pyrethroid insecticide) was really common in medical cannabis--if you've ever gotten "spikey" or "pinchy" feelings around your body, pyrethroids are likely the cause.


I forgot to ask, and this may just be me, but does anyone have huge veins around their eyes? It could be from something else, but neem can cause ophthalmopathy, or "Graves."


Autistic Diplomat in Training
Testicles mentioned teeth pain and "ice cream headaches." That's the worst of what I've been getting from this smoke. It basically strikes at random after smoking, like someone is twisting a nail through the right side of my head, which then moves to my molars on the same side. It's always on the right side (both teeth and head), and really matches the criterion for Cluster headaches. I'm thinking the 5th cranial nerve.
Go see a chiropractor and they can probably tell you which area of your spine is out of whack near/in your neck. What you're experiencing is most likely from the increased muscle tension which aza brings with it. 10 years ago, I had a chiropractor wondering WHY my spine would get out of alignment so quickly after an adjustment. Since then I've noticed muscle related pains to increase after ingestion of aza, I'm thinking you're having the same type of issue, only in your specific 'trouble' areas.

It causes a serious sense of urgency because it's so painful. I can't speak, think straight, and honestly want to die. This, however, doesn't stick around as long as the stomach issues do.
But remember kids... it's "Safe to use, up to the day of harvest!" :moon:

In my opinion, something important about the data Douglas is collecting is that there *are* other insecticides and fungicides that can cause ill effects as well. Azadirachtin is undoubtedly the most used though, due to still being legal for use on cannabis. For example though, bifenthrin (a pyrethroid insecticide) was really common in medical cannabis--if you've ever gotten "spikey" or "pinchy" feelings around your body, pyrethroids are likely the cause.
Interesting, and definitely an issue with some cannabis. I never used those pesticides, so my only experience is with the aza stuff. :) Definitely good information to file away. :)


I think you just nailed it Douglas--the fact that you knew close to my neck, to the right of my spine, basically has a lump. I'm now also assuming Azadirachtin is used as an insecticide for pscilocybin mushrooms, and that the thread you've started here is going to be groundbreaking information for many people.

Four hours after taking them he felt something "reaching" out of his spine. A friend said something about this being his "awakening chakra," but it was no form of enlightenment. Long story short, by the end of the day there was a gigantic lump that looked like it was growing from the spine, near the neck. It was painful and scary because of how spontaneous it grew. Later that night someone offered to rub it and said it was just tension, and it successfully went away, but was followed by a ton of negative cognitive and physical symptoms--almost exactly the same as the stomach, head, and mental agony I get from azadirachtin via marijuana inhalation.

I seriously commend you for the research, because I still have a slight lump right where you described. Does this chemical have a mind of its own? Like does it just move around the body freely, affecting even the mind and doing whatever it wishes? It's almost like it *knows* how to affect its host strategically.

The bloating/back-fattening started today and I found a bottle of simethicone (Gas-X). After I took it the bloating lessened, but I got a headache and felt anhedonia. My mind is racing right now of what this chemical is capable of, and it's so absurd that you can still use it on what we eat. Crohn's disease? What if it's really just Azadirachtin chilling out in the intestine? How many people could be getting affected by this, and what diagnosis's are assumed?


Autistic Diplomat in Training
You're welcome. Glad someone else can benefit from this. :)

The lump forming is serious muscle tension, full on cramp, which is why massaging it helped lessen it and work it out. Crazy, eh? I've had lots of issues with my neck and upper back, so I'm no stranger to issues in that area. heh

The gas-ex is literally a combination of methyl alcohol and silicone. Tried it once myself and it's a serious no bueno for me. Closest I can guess with aza is it has several methods of action on humans:

  • Muscle tension
  • Histamine Response
  • And either a lowered good bacteria or an elevated bad bacteria in the digestive tract
It's even possible that you have to be allergic to aza AND have an H.Pylori infection. Once I test clean for H.Pylori I'll test some aza tainted cannabis and see if I still have the same problems.

Time and continued collection of data will tell. Greatly appreciate you dropping by. :tiphat: