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The Origin Of Cannabis


Green Mujaheed
im working on a basic DNA Familial cannabis data base...

You have DNA analysis apparatus ? cool !

id love to be involved in a total reclassification,,,thats a major dream right there!,,,,,full cannabis reform!

What do you mean by "total reclassification" ?

Irie !


The Dogon tribe say Cannai-bis (latin: the two dog plant) was bought from the Dog star by a female star god ( Really ! ) to help kickstart civilization on the planet, They still claim this to this day !

The dogon were the african tribe that knew the exact location of sirius b & c and the ellipticaol orbit paterns of their attentendt bodies ,inspite of theses facts only being "discovered" in the last 40ish years by modern science


Dr. Narrowleaf
I think the Vedas also go along those lines. Quite frankly as an "ancient astronaut believer" I wouldn't be that surprised if that was true. If you had all the time in the world..


I think in these moments more in the end of the cannabis, since with so many shit that exists in the sector this seems that in a few years it comes to the end of our dear plant, pirated seeds, feminized and autoflourishing , a greeting.


Dr. Narrowleaf
:eek: You really think that?

Ever seen pictures from the Himalayas? Thanks to autoflowering the plant might soon grow wild in our northern regions too.


Really I think it and more breeders of the scene, nowadays it gives priority, the fact that the real breeders do not extract new varieties, since the pirates extract these varieties with other names and here nobody wants to work, I speak especially about Spain, since here everything is pirated, for informations that come to me, in this U.K spending the same thing, we can speak length and laying of the topic, there are already many banks in which any fool does the genetic ones, I am not going to give names, but it is true, the majority of the genetic ones is done in Spain.Excuseme for the ooftopic ,I open a thread about this, sorry. :petting:
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Golden Coast
Really I think it and more breeders of the scene, nowadays it gives priority, the fact that the real breeders do not extract new varieties, since the pirates extract these varieties with other names and here nobody wants to work, I speak especially about Spain, since here everything is pirated, for informations that come to me, in this U.K spending the same thing, we can speak length and laying of the topic, there are already many banks in which any fool does the genetic ones, I am not going to give names, but it is true, the majority of the genetic ones is done in Spain.Excuseme for the ooftopic ,I open a thread about this, sorry. :petting:

We are just big powerless bugs...... Mother Nature always wins.......


Ive sometimes wondered if cannabis originated in Africa...
Is there anything to prove otherwise?
Why is science so unsure?
They are sure where eg rice originated...
Have they done RNA tests on cannabis to determine origin?
Or have they relied on artifacts and writing?
...People travelled about the ocean long before they bothered documenting it...


Here it is : http://www.palinopaleobot.unimo.it/staff/Mercuri%20-%20web/articoli%20in%20pdf/Cannabis%20-%20Nemi%20Albano.pdf

this glaciation thing makes me think... research released this week shows that Homo sapiens have interbred with Neanderthal, and we Indo-European hold about 1% to 4% of Neanderthal genes ! damn, I knew it ! just fascinating...

By the way, here's some interesting reading about how entheogenic plant might have been the trigger the start of civilization (historically speaking).

My, I just found something talking about cannabis pollen having been found in 2000 years old stratas in... Madagascar ! Not a scientific one alas, gotta search deeper; Ehre's the link, in the last paragraph. Sorry, it's French, no time for translating now I am in a googling spree, haha !

Irie !

The Madagascar link does not work.


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Genghis Kush

Active member
Thanks for the link Roms.

I wonder how much archaeology work is under taken on Madagascar? Probably not a lot.

I imagine that they are missing most of the picture there.
It seems more likely, to me, that people where there long before 2300bp.

around 8000bp there was a large expansion of people out of southwest asia. The expansion is related to the Neolithic farming revolution. This pulse of people seems to have made contact with a large portion of the world through trade, since farming technologies start to pop up in different places after this period (Americas, new guinea, asia, etc.).

I'm thinking that Cannabis started its major diaspora around that time (8000bp).


Ya GK' i agree there are not a lot of studies and researches on proto-historic cultures such as Austronesian (Madagascar),Celts etc... The writing was not customary for the transmission of knowledge and knowledge, so there is very little scientific evidence to exploit ... But cannabis is one of the keys to maybe go back in human time will see!

Genghis Kush

Active member
yes, hopefully DNA will show will be able to tell us something about how and when the plant spread out from its place of origin.

there have been modern Humans (homo sapiens) as far north as western Siberia, at least 45,000 years ago and most likely much longer (Ust'-Ishim Man discovered in Russia, in 2008, died 45,000 ago)

And than you have Homo Neanderthalensis living there for hundred of thousands of years before that and before that Homo Erectus or Denisovians. Seeing as we are a Hybrid of these species it may be that humans of some sort have had there hands on the Cannabis plant for hundreds of thousands of years or more.

When did Cannabis evolve into its own species??

judging by the way that that our brain reacts to cannabis, it might be possible that the species Homo has co-evolved with Cannabis on the Asian Steppe.


Mmmh comin from the stars... (?) :biggrin:

Just to complete the SA point of view i quote TanzanianMagic from another thread closed :

The standard interpretation after the Human Genome Project is that:

a) The Bushmen/San have the oldest Y-chromosome haplogroup of all living humans, Haplogroup A.

b) The Spencer Wells (Genographic Project) interpretation is that the Bushmen are the oldest population group, that their universal features (Black, Asian, European) are the source of most variability today, and that this is because are closest to the original Homo Sapiens population that left Africa an archaeologically short 60,000 years ago.

Homo Sapiens has been around for 200,000 years, and apparently didn't interbreed with other contemporanious homonids.

It is clear that it is genetic diversity that is the key to adaptability to many different environments in a generalist species like Homo Sapiens.

Remember that racism and scientific racism depend on the Multi-Regional Theory of human evolution, in other words, modern humans arising out of long separated and highly genetically differentiated populations of homonids (Homo Erectus in Africa, Homo Neanderthalensis in Europe, etc.). The Genographic Project drove a stake through the heart of all that.

Genghis Kush

Active member
I think TanzanianMagics info is outdated.

There have been a lot of changes to the prevailing paradigm since NG started their The Human Genome Project.

Hybridization is becoming the new accepted model:

The oldest Y chromosome now comes from West Africa and is 340,000 years old (Haplogroup A00). The oldest anatomically modern human remains are 200,000 years old. It is thought that this lineage comes from the interbreeding of modern humans with archaic humans sometime after 200,000 years ago.

The oldest surviving modern male Y chromosome lineage (haplogroup A) also comes from west Africa, around Cameroon, about 150,000 years ago.
The oldest surviving female mitochondrial lineages haplogroups L0, L1 and L5, are also around 150,000 years old and found amongst the Khoi-San people, who at one time occupied all of southern Africa.

--Archaic DNA and archaeological evidence now supports the theory that modern humans left Africa well before 100,000 years ago. All humans outside of Africa are a Hybrid of Neanderthal, Denisovian, and modern Humans. Within Africa, researchers concluded that roughly 2% of the genetic material found in some Sub-Saharan African populations was inserted into the human genome approximately 35,000 years ago from as yet unidentified archaic hominins that broke away from the modern human lineage around 700,000 years ago. The people of Papua have the greatest known quantity of archaic DNA at 10%. 6% of which being Denisovian. While Europeans and Asians average 2-5% total.

"It is clear that it is genetic diversity that is the key to adaptability to many different environments in a generalist species like Homo Sapiens. "

-- I believe that the greatest genetic diversity comes through hybridization. By allowing a species to acquire new traits that create better adaptability to new environments.

"Remember that racism and scientific racism depend on the Multi-Regional Theory of human evolution, in other words, modern humans arising out of long separated and highly genetically differentiated populations of homonids (Homo Erectus in Africa, Homo Neanderthalensis in Europe, etc.). The Genographic Project drove a stake through the heart of all that."

----I think that racism depends on the false idea that our genetic differences constitute "races", and that the genetic differences can be quantified in some way that denotes superiority of one group over another.

Interbreeding of long separated groups is the story of Human evolution.

Humans and Chimps split apart 7million years ago and then cross bread for 2 million years before finally separating for good. This process continued for the next 5 million years. Homo Erectus had left Africa by at least 2 million years ago. Homo Neanderthalensis by 600,000 years ago. Modern Humans left by 100,000 years ago and interbred with them. As Ice ages came and went over the last 100,000 years people became isolated from one another and than reconnected with each other over and over. Long periods of isolation led to the different 'looks', that people refer to as "races". In our present age people are mixing to a great extent and will eventually erase old ideas of "race".
sorry for the rant..

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