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Addiction - How do you Define It ?


Active member
Yes, most doctors are assholes. But it's better not to raise your voice or to use foul language during a "medical" appointment.

"text you write down" - you mean when you fill out forms before an appointment ?

We have extensive and comprehensive (and faulty) IT system that links up all doctors visits, most lab results (some are excluded) and prescriptions (deleted after 5 years for some reason ?!?).

if you say you used cannabis for medical purposes.. if you ever try to get benefits for long term disability .. people who sit on money can access these .. (and use in arbitrary way) .. if you get doctor to write down where your pains are and how they feel before and medication.. you have an official point of reference to compare/ refer to when talking if your pains are from what ever source or from addiction withdrawal.

In US I guess papers are clinic/ hospital specific so you would have to ask to get a paper copy with you.

While the idea of combined medical database sounds good.. it is more like 'anything you have ever said can and will be used against you if you ever have issues with child protection services or try to get disability benefits'


Getting teeth pulled isn't that bad.... nothing compared to a chronic tooth pain.
I had 2 teeth pulled a while ago and it was like having an orgasm for the first time in months.... well not that pleasurable but that relieving. :)

A HUGE relief.


medics differentiate addiction from dependence.

addiction is an irresistible craving to experience euphoric rush again and again if we speak about substance abuse. that's why roa matters here. smoked or injected drug creates rush which is absent if you go oral roa.

dependence is a physical need of a human body for a normal functioning in case of a drug abuse. there are not so many substances which cause physical dependence: opioids, benzodiazepines, barbitirates, ghb, alcohol and probably some others. cocaine or amphetamines do cause addiction but don't cause dependence. speaking of opioids, there is difference when people take painkillers to actually relieve pain and improve quality of their lives and probably developing dependence and addiction to a certain degree in a long term vs shooting painkillers to experience pleasure in the first place and developing addiction first and much dependence later on (dependance doesn't appear from the first shot, it actually takes a few months of abuse)

I am an ex pill head. I was addicted to opiates for 16 years. Starting with hydrocodone, then percocets, then oxy, Dilaudid, before settling on methadone and Suboxone ( the two drugs that are for getting off opiates.)

That rush you speak of happens when I take opiates in any method of delivery. Not just injection and smoking which just increases the absorption and buzz.

I heard on the radio last weekend that if a person takes an opiate and feels rush of energy (as opposed to being a downer) then they have a general that some have identified as an "addiction Gene". That if you feel this up feeling then that Gene makes you 3-10 times more likely to become an addict.

I was naive about addiction at first. After taking pills for about 2 weeks, I got sick one day. Went to the doctor like a dumbass told my symptoms. They said flu. Later that night got more pills and when my symptoms disappeared after taking a few Vicodin my pea brain put it together.

The truth is it doesn't matter if you are taking opiates to get high or pain relief.
If you take them long enough you will become addicted, Gene or no Gene. The gene just increases likely hood.

And while you or anyone else may be able to be live a normal Working life while on opiates, the problem arises when you run out. Buying them on the black market is expensive, and not being able to afford them makes you do things you normally wouldn't do.


Sorry forgot to define.
I would say addiction is when a person can't live a normal healthy life without being dependent on some sort repetitive act not necessary for the human survival of non addicted person.
This repetitive act could be drug, sex, even over eating.