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Doc thinks I may have a cannibis caused illness.


Your pulse rate is not abnormal. 55 beats per minute is okay.

What is your blood pressure?

Cannabis can lower your blood pressure easily by 10 percent.

If you have a blood pressure monitor (electric automatic ones are at Walgreens...) track your BP hourly.

It sounds to me like you have found the line and crossed it a little bit.

Are you on any beta blockers? for either your heart or blood pressure.

I suspect that dialing back your cannbis intake will help.

I have arrhythmia that manifests itself under stress which is exacerbated by a triple combo of caffeine, cannabis and angst.

Have you touched on any other strains of cannabis that are better for you than others.

What are the meds and strains that you are using?

Best wishes :).


Kronically Ill
I am a heavy user (10 – 15 grams per day) with chronic pain from back injuries. I have had 4 unexplained “episodes” in the last 9 months which required hospitalization. The most recent was yesterday.

An attack starts with a sudden onset of the chills, the hair on my arms and legs and stand straight up and then I start to feel nauseous. I begin to sweat profusely, I mean buckets of sweat, I soaked completely through 6 blankets last night and my mattress is so wet I may have to toss it. The chills get worse, to the point that it is very painful to have skin exposed to the air and I start to hyper-ventilate.

Then I start puking, moving on to dry heaves. At this point, roughly 30 mins. in, I am completely incapacitated. Once in the hospital, it usually takes 4 or 5 hours to run all the tests (same ones every time). Every test comes back negative, the docs say I am remarkably healthy for my age (50). Then they hit me with a shotgun blast of 3 anti-biotics and I am good as new in 30 mins. [FONT=&quot]

[FONT=&quot]A few things I found curious, my pulse is abnormally low when this happens (55 bpm) and my body temp is normal or low, not elevated as you expect with the profuse sweating.[/FONT] [FONT=&quot]

[FONT=&quot]Now the interesting part, I saw a different doc yesterday who immediately asked me if I smoked cannabis. He said he has had 2 similar case and the common factor in all 3 cases is heavy cannabis use. He is theorizing that the cbd’s are messing with my temperature regulation.
[FONT=&quot]I have spent the entire morning on the net looking for pertinent info, while I am finding correlations between my symptoms and heavy cannabis use they are noted during withdrawal which is certainly not the case with me.[/FONT] [FONT=&quot]
[FONT=&quot]So in the interest of finding out what is going on with my body (or brain as the case may be) I would like to know if anyone else has experienced anything similar.[/FONT]

Yes, I now believe that I had 3 "mini attacks" in the year prior. Started with the immediate chills but subsided after 10-15 mins of violent shaking under several blankets. The abdominal pain I experience is the result of extended vomiting, nothing else.

I'm with you DD, I prefer to learn from the pros, the problem is this is the first time a doc has even questioned my MM use. I don't hide it, every visit I made it clear I was a heavy user.

The one that did bring this up was not fully versed, just told me he had seen something on the internet and told me to google it, that it might be worth checking out. I have been sent to both an internist and a heart specialist, both said I'm fine.

50 bpm is a great resting heart rate, unfortunately mine is usually in the high 60's now. By the time my pulse is being monitored I have been in physical stress for hours, heart should be pounding.

Also hyperventilation is when you exhale faster than you produce CO2. This changes the PH of the blood stream which causes blood vessels to constrict. The body's natural response is to raise pulse level.

Everything seems to indicate a neurological issue. Honestly, this is good news to me. The research indicates that simply quitting will end the episodes and return my brain functions to normal.

I have been sober now for 3 days and I miss the pain relief but nothing else. I will find another pain management solution for the next 3 months and continue the juicing.

Man shitty timing to OD, I finally acquire a few elite clones which I am going to harvest tomorrow and I can't even sample them.

Very sorry to hear of your troubles OTO!!

Really hope your quality of life improves quickly.

You case seems to be rather unusual.

Exactly what tests have been ran? Have any new tests been ordered since your previous visits? Running previous tests to compare standards are a good idea, but using the same ones when symptoms aren't improving isn't helping your situation. Have you had an MRI performed?

Cannabis sounds like it causing/exacerbating your symptoms, but I'd be very surprised if there wasn't an underlying issue present. The neurological suggestion would definitely make sense. Have you spoke to an endocrinologist?

Hope things improve for you and the pain isn't unbearable without the cannabis.


Puttin flame to fire
ICMag Donor
I had an acquaintance that was "diagnosed" with Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome, here in Co. I did a little research on this "new disease" and I for one am quite skeptical. It is certainly possible, but the guy I knew was immediately diagnosed with this condition (not a HEAVY smoker) and promptly put on 5 or 6 different anti-anxiety and anti_depressant meds, including zoloft and adderal. He was a fucking wreck on that shit. My take on his particular situation was this "doctor" just read an article in some journal and was itching to diagnose a case. The study groups from Australia I have read about were pathetically low in number for it to be considered a scientific study IMO. Perhaps it is a real disease caused by canna use in some individuals but I'm somewhat skeptical. Either way hope you find relief, it sounds like a motherfucker.


Active member
JHerbz, what you describe also sounds like a migraine, but without the headache. I think I've read of something that I want to call a blind migraine, it's a migraine with all the symptoms except a headache.

If you do end up thinking it may be a migraine (seems plausible), keep a dose of acid on hand and try that the moment an episode next starts. There is a large body of research on the benefit of psychedelics for people that suffer from migraines.


as is all-too-common in my life, I succumbed to my
it could any number of things bro.
infection: viral, bacterial
auto-immune diseases reek havoc with body temp.
spine problems
really, it's anybody's guess, even cannabinoid hyperemesis syndromeen..

i am going to give you advice given to me by prominent internist at the mayo clinic..
when you have a problem doctors are unsure of what could be the problem,
start an elimination diet..
start with bud if you feel this could be the problem, then move onto alcohol, food, especially foods with msg, disodium isontate? and such chemicals and food enhancers..
little known fact many undiagosed health problems and illness can and are the result of the foods we eat..
i had an undiagnosed digestion problem and i found thru doing this that msg was culprit of the flare ups..
migranes, attacks like yours could easily be the result of an food allergy or reaction to it..
anyway this can cause no harm and it might just help you..also, you might be surprised as to how much better you feel eating healthy..

i sincerely hope you feel better soon and all your health problems are quickly resolved..
keep your head up bro..
peace gh
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If you do end up thinking it may be a migraine (seems plausible), keep a dose of acid on hand and try that the moment an episode next starts. There is a large body of research on the benefit of psychedelics for people that suffer from migraines.

Its not just any headache or migraines that they recommend it for. Its for people who have SEVERE headaches ones that happen multiple times a day and completely cripple them and they usually use oxygen to help the pain.

The migraines they are talking about here don't have head pain.

I watched a TV special on that disorder.


Homie you are fine, healthy like the horse. People are jealous because you are fit and thin. To hell with the obese, you are doing the best you can! Have you made sex with your partners or alone? Maybe you just got stubborn, try to blow some off! Peace to the homies

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
Yeah just take a little break, and when You go back just take it easy, couple or few grams a day of good natural organic bud. I had some episodes before, but they were short term, and right after smoking bongfulls of real strong top clones we keep. Flopping on the floor,flailing about, semiunconcious. thinking I could have died. sweats, vomiting for a few minutes, but no trips to the hospitals. My kids scolded me for taking too big of hits off the bong, of strong kief, so I backed off. and smoked more layed back weed like LA conf. I reduced the Headband and Haze mixes just a bit. You will be just fine Bro. Just cut back a bit.


Next Stop: Outer Space!
I've had episodes exactly like the OP describes, only I've had them for years, and they were far worse and far more frequent before I smoked weed. I didn't drink or take any other drugs either. I got a shot of muscle relaxer of some kind at the clinic a few weeks ago though and got the same exact reaction. The day that happened, because of an extremely long wait at the clinic, I hadn't smoked for hours, and hadn't smoked much that day to begin with. I don't know what causes it, but it is intense and awful.


Next Stop: Outer Space!
I really don't think it's panic attacks. I'm calm, even around loud noises like fireworks. It always starts with nausea though, which I am assuming is the most significant part of the equation. It probably is a food intolerance. I have tons of those and it's incredible how debilitating it is when I get glutens, too much fat, or a few other things I am either allergic to or intolerant of. That said, I really don't have all my reactions figured out. I sometimes get sick and never know why. It's a tricky thing figuring out food intolerances. Tension in the vengus nerve or other abdominal nerve centers can cause all the symptoms described. So could other things though. It's just one avenue to investigate. If it is food intolerance, quitting weed will just make it way worse. You would need to quit for a good week or two cold turkey to really know. After the first 2-3 days you should stop feeling the withdrawl symptoms(or perhaps it is more accurate to say you start feeling things again that pot had been alleviating). Once you're past that hurdle you should start feeling better if the pot is really the issue.


fireworks dont necessarily cause panic attacks unless your were maybe a ptsd war vet..panic attacks make you sweat like a mother fucker in a short amount of time its crazy. something as simple as feeling nauseous can trigger panic attacks, just that bad feeling something is off or uncertain with your health.

i think the hairs on your arm raising could be from all the adrenaline released during a panic attack..

lost in a sea

i was thinking along the same lines,, used to call it pulling a whitey back in the day,,

does sound exactly the same, but doesnt mean it is..


Ok, what is a whitey? For that matter, what are reggies and what is crippies?

it could any number of things bro.
infection: viral, bacterial
auto-immune diseases reek havoc with body temp.
spine problems
really, it's anybody's guess, even cannabinoid hyperemesis syndromeen..

i am going to give you advice given to me by prominent internist at the mayo clinic..
when you have a problem doctors are unsure of what could be the problem,
start an elimination diet..
start with bud if you feel this could be the problem, then move onto alcohol, food, especially foods with msg, disodium isontate? and such chemicals and food enhancers..
little known fact many undiagosed health problems and illness can and are the result of the foods we eat..
i had an undiagnosed digestion problem and i found thru doing this that msg was culprit of the flare ups..
migranes, attacks like yours could easily be the result of an food allergy or reaction to it..
anyway this can cause no harm and it might just help you..also, you might be surprised as to how much better you feel eating healthy..

i sincerely hope you feel better soon and all your health problems are quickly resolved..
keep your head up bro..
peace gh
GREAT post! My mother is a dietitian and one of her proteges is now at the forefront of what is called LEAP nutritional therapy. It is a combination of using an elimination diet in conjunction with extensive testing, IIRC it's blood testing for antibodies or whatever other compounds demonstrate the body is reacting to something.

I've learned the peppers exacerbate rheumatoid arthritis, for example, when researching gluten intolerance and celiac disease (my granddaughte is gluten intolerant, may be celiac). I can no longer consume black pepper, it gives me a 'thing' (hurts the esophageal area).


Kronically Ill
I have had 6 rounds of blood tests, no idea which ones I need to get that info, urine tests, chest, back and pelvic x-rays, ECG and ultra sound for the heart.

Thank you very much to all for the concern. I'm sure you all know how difficult it is to discuss any of this sensibly with "normal" folk.

The encouragement and support means a great deal, I am very grateful for this community.

I would try to have an MRI performed, along with a visit to an endocrinologist. The MRI will likely rule out any neurological involvement. Sounds like your Dr.'s are ruling out a cardiac condition first.

The endocrinologist can rule out glandular issues. Thyroid, pituitary, adrenal, etc. LOTS of things to consider here. Abnormal functioning could give a whole variety of symptoms similar to yours.

Just a thought.

i think the hairs on your arm raising could be from adrenaline released

You may have a point there. Just not sure it's a panic attack.


Active member
Woah.... Back the truck up boys.

Had a thought today... when you say "Organic, no chems" What exactly are you using?

Nothing but nutes? You filter your intakes?

There are still a lot of variables that are unaccounted for here.

Edit: Here's something interesting
What are toxicity symptoms for potassium?

Elevated blood levels of potassium can be toxic, and may cause an irregular heartbeat or even heart attack. Under most circumstances, the body maintains blood levels of potassium within a tight range, so it is not usually possible to produce symptoms of toxicity through intake of potassium-containing foods and/or supplements.However, high intakes of potassium salts (potassium chloride and potassium bicarbonate) may cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and/or ulcers.

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:

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