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Ron Paul 2012!!!


Enormous Member
Why would the mods shut down the Ron Paul thread? Especially now that things are starting to get interesting. This is where I came to share the information that the media has been blacking out since the beginning. Except for a few "no-information debbie downers", I thought the closed thread was a wealth of information.

Instead of a focus on why or why not you support him, why not focus more on sharing links and information that the main-stream media has been denying us?

I need my RP fix!


Not only does the bullying mainstream media (Clear Channel and Fox especially) not want someone like Ron Paul in power, they don't want any of his ideas getting play either. Not sure if I would vote for RP, but he sure does make me think, and that's a very good thing.

Zen Master

political threads walk an extremely thin line here... as soon as someone starts trolling (which WILL happen) it gets closed a day later or so.

*sigh* only so much you can do.


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
Also most of the mods and admins are for obama and not for ron paul but many threads dealing with politics and religion really divide the shit out of people real fast. I can see why they remove them not just from this forum but from most forums across the net.

I would rather someone with a differing opinion than no opinion at all.

I have come to the realization that you are either for the constitution and what this country stands for or you are against it. There is nothing red or blue about not following the constitution no matter how "right" you think you are.


political threads walk an extremely thin line here... as soon as someone starts trolling (which WILL happen) it gets closed a day later or so.

*sigh* only so much you can do.

I trolled that sucker for a couple of months.
Bummed that they locked it- had many a fun hour there...

I'll leave this one alone though.

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
I was amazed that it ran as long as it did...
I suspect it stayed open originally because the title was not a purely political question, but one about who would be best for canna-ppl, and so was Canna related.
Unfortunately it deviated from that and became a political thread, with arguing back and forth that was nothing to do with the original question and thus in breach of TOU.
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The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
Yup weed brings everyone together and religion/politics divides the shit out of us lol.

Long Live


Kiss My Ring
my neighbors didn't know he was still in the race??? that is thoroughly disgusting that anyone depends on the 'mainstream media' for anything other than advertising.
the distracting thing is, they blatantly lie that there are only romney and abummer left.

i'm really hoping RP gets all those loads of delegates they been keen to keep hidden.

Ron Paul 2012


Enormous Member
Main-stream media jumped ALL over Ron Paul's decission to not actively campaign to win the straw polls in the states to come. They make it out to seem that he's throwing in the towel. He's still in it to win the delegates, he just can't afford tens of millions to run ads in the remaining states. The media disgusts me, how they pick and choose what to run, based on what their corporate masters dictate.


Active member
yup,but it may make romney supporters apathetic making the conventions easy pickings for rp.
so it may not be all that bad.
we were'nt in the news that much anyway,the media also can no longer put up the false deligate counts based on the popular votes cause there are no more for rp.
he can concentrate on collecting deligates,and saving money for the general.

"Be extremely subtle, even to the point of formlessness. Be extremely mysterious, even to the point of soundlessness. Thereby you can be the director of the opponent's fate."

-Sun Tzu



Got this in my email this morning...


To: Supporters, Interested Parties

From: Jesse Benton, Chief Strategist

Date: May 15, 2012

Re: Paul Campaign Convention Strategy

Every day, I see firsthand how humbled and encouraged Dr. Paul is to have the enthusiastic support of so many who are committed to revitalizing our country.

Let me be very clear. Dr. Paul is NOT dropping out or suspending his campaign.

As Dr. Paul has previously stated, he is in this race all the way to the Republican National Convention in Tampa this August.

And he is deeply grateful for every resource he has been entrusted with to run an historic campaign that continues to defy all expectations.

Looking ahead, our campaign must honor that trust by maximizing our resources to ensure the greatest possible impact at the National Convention.

So while our campaign is no longer investing in the remaining primary states, we will continue to run strong programs at District and State Conventions to win more delegates and alternate delegates to the National Convention.

To this end, our campaign has several positive and realistic goals:

1) Having recently WON Maine, we believe we can win several more states.
2) We will win party leadership positions at both the state and national levels.
3) We will continue to grow our already substantial total of delegates.

We will head to Tampa with a solid group of delegates. Several hundred will be bound to Dr. Paul, and several hundred more, although bound to Governor Romney or other candidates, will be Ron Paul supporters.

Unfortunately, barring something very unforeseen, our delegate total will not be strong enough to win the nomination. Governor Romney is now within 200 delegates of securing the party’s nod. However, our delegates can still make a major impact at the National Convention and beyond.

All delegates will be able to vote on party rules and allow us to shape the process for future liberty candidates.

We are in an excellent position to make sure the Republican Party adds solid liberty issues to the GOP Platform, which our delegates will be directly positioned to approve. Our campaign is presently working to get several items up for consideration, including monetary policy reform, prohibitions on indefinite detention, and Internet freedom.

Finally, by sending a large, respectful, and professional delegation to Tampa, we will show the party and the country that not only is our movement growing and here to stay, but that the future belongs to us.

Dr. Paul will begin this new phase of the campaign this Friday by speaking and holding several events at the Minnesota State Convention. He has also recently accepted an invitation to speak at the Texas Convention, and we are busy scheduling appearances around other State Conventions later this month and into June.

As Dr. Paul stated in his message yesterday, this fight is NOT over. We will continue fighting and expanding, and “we will not stop until we have restored what once made America the greatest country in human history.”

But for Dr. Paul’s efforts in the remaining State Conventions to be successful, and to ensure we get as many Ron Paul delegates to Tampa as we can, he needs you to continue standing with him.

Along those lines, as you probably already know, the grassroots are holding a Money Bomb on Thursday, May 17. Any money raised from that Money Bomb will go toward winning delegates and finalizing our plans for Tampa.

As those plans for the National Convention come together, we will make sure all of our delegates, whether bound or unbound, get the information and aid they need.

Your support on May 17 will also help us reach more Americans with the solutions we know can restore our nation. Each person we add to our cause strengthens our movement for the critical work that awaits us beyond Tampa.

Dr. Paul, John Tate, myself, and the entire campaign staff know what incredible sacrifices have been made by each of our supporters.

Thank you for all of your hard work and your dedication to liberty. Together, we will champion Ron Paul and his message in Tampa, and we will lay the groundwork for future victories.


Lover of Life


I voted for Dr.Paul in our primary and given the chance would vote for him again in the Nov. election. Main reason is he is not against MM and is for state rights.


am i the only one that thinks if ron paul did win he'd just be assasinated like jfk?
i highly doubt that the CIA & the rest of the alphabet will let him just put an end to the alphabet organizations & get away with it without trying to stop him.


Enormous Member
I'll be writing him in, but I'm hoping that Ron Paul has the nuts to go 3rd party when he gets the inevitible snub from the GOP.


Active member
NDAA Indefinite Detention w/o Due Process Vote TODAY! Contact your Reps!

The House will be voting on amendments to the 2013 NDAA bill TODAY.

Please contact your Congressman and urge him to SUPPORT the Smith-Amash amendment to the 2013 NDAA.

The amendment explicitly bans indefinite detention and military commissions from the US and repeals section 1022 from the 2012 NDAA. The amendment also guarantees that persons arrested on U.S. soil under the Afghanistan AUMF or the NDAA will be charged for their alleged wrongdoing and will receive a fair trial.

Justin Amash said the Republican leadership is pushing the Gohmert amendment, which says "you get due process if you're entitled to due process. Sounds nice but doesn't do anything."

Here's a great fact sheet Amash wrote to counter all the myths against indefinite detention:
http://amash.house.gov/sites/amash.h...ct Sheet.pdf

Find your Congressman here:

Again, urge them to SUPPORT the Smith-Amash amendment and OPPOSE the Gohmert amendment to the 2013 NDAA to protect our Constitutional rights.

Stay up to date on this issue by following Justin Amash on Facebook:


Justin Amash (R-MI-3)
Howard Berman (D-CA-28)
John Duncan, Jr (R-TN-2)
John Garamendi (D-CA-10)
Paul Gosar (R-AZ-1)
Mazie Hirono (D-HI-2)
Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX-18)
Hank Johnson, Jr (D-GA-4)
Raul Labrador (R-ID-1)
Ron Paul (R-TX-14)
Adam Smith (D-WA-9) (Sponsor)
Scott Tipton (R-CO-3)


George Miller (D-CA-7)
Nancy Pelosi (D-CA-8)
Chellie Pingree (D-ME-1)


Howard McKeon (R-CA-25)
Mac Thornberry (R-TX-13)

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