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thoughts in the nite..


Well-known member
"they refuse to accept that they have been revealed" truer words were never written on these hallowed pages. if they could see themselves through the prisms of our vision, they would resign their offices, apologize to their constituents, and go home to hang themselves as the lapdogs to greed and deceit that they have become...:tiphat:


Active member
Agreed . ... and if an AF of GG4 is somehow stabilized : Hell yeah I'm in to my chin! hahahhahhahahahaaa ha!
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Tonight is going a little rough for me. I have a splitting headache, and can't seem to shake it?
On top of the head ache, my neck ,and back are also alive with tension, and painful. I am told that the joint pain and cramping , that sometimes occurs is normal, and nothing to be concerned about, but it/s none the less demanding of my attention, and destructive to my comfort. Add to all of that, an old rotatory cuff injury has come back to haunt me. for years I knew my shoulder was injured, so i kept the muscle built up to protect the injured site. Now that I am no longer able to work-out or exercise the arm in any way; due to the possible damaging of the fistula, the old injuries are resurfacing. Even watering the plants is a painful chore, and a one gallon jug is the heaviest container. Getting old is not fun! I want my money back! HAHAAHHAHHHAAhahha !!
I got My GG4 clones in yesterday. They were in pretty rough shape, due to poor packing, but I believe I salvage four of them., but I am not so optimistic about three others. By far, the best way to ship clones, that I have seen used, is in egg crates. The rock-wool and root ball were wrapped in a wet paper towel, and then wrapped in saran wrap, and lay in the egg crate with the root balls on the outer ends, and the veg. laying inward- to the center of the crate. The entire egg carton was then wrapped in saran wrap, and boxed up for shipping, over-night is best- but flat rate boxes work well also, and is good enough. The shipping time serves as a blackout period for the cuts to root, and reset their cycle of life to veg.. When they arrive I first put them into the refrigerator for two or three hours to kinda sedate them. I then remove them from the egg carton and set the root cube/block in coco, and place then under a T-5 grow light, and wait for the answer..
i have had 100% success with this method of transport, and I can not say that about any other means I have encountered. Hope that this is helpful to some one having difficulties, I have seen it work several times, and have never had any questions asked. Just make sure the root ball is moist enough to last for the trip, and don't wring out the paper towels too much, when you wet them. Little rubber bands around the stem of the cut, will hold the saran wrap in place, and prevent most of the evaporation issues. As with all clones that I have done, I only cut from mature, well established mothers. and i only cut from stiff stems of the plant.
Well, my lights just kicked on, so I guess it's time to water, and see how many of the GG4 made it thru the night.. Lj.mike


Original Editor of ICMagazine
Getting old sucks, but growing pot is fun!

Hang in there Mike! Get high while you can!


Active member
I'm' sitting here reading a report to congress, by the secretary of health, education, and welfare, dated 1972. In this second annual report to congress on Marihuana and Health, the research is so obviously indicative of medical applications and the possible therapeutic applications in the treatment of glaucoma, colon cancer, and several other ailments. The further I read into this document, the more appauled I become with the political entity that we regard as our leaders! I am beside myself with outrage , that I and millions of other PEOPLE have been denied the medical value of this miracle plant of nature/GOD !! What in the hell were they thinking!? Henry Anslinger's lies were a huge factor in the enactment of prohibition, and the continued deceit, and manipulation of the American People, has gone unchecked for far too many years! How many other things have we been lied to, and deceived into believing? Hell ; was JFK really assassinated, what about Roswell, where did Aids , Ebola, and a host of other diseases, that kill people - come from? What the hell gives with all of the FEMA caskets being transported and stockpiled all over the country by the semi load? And why the F_ck are all of the major government agencies preparing for a world war? Start looking- you won't have to dig very deep, try Google -preparations for WWIII ... Dam. I need a joint just thinking about all of the ramifications?

UUUUGGGGGHHHHHH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lj.mike
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Today is my little girls birthday, 8 yrs. . I can remember asking my doctor if I was going to be able to beat this disease, or should I not have anymore children? His answer was a resounding yes. Now in the tenth year of fighting,4th year on dialysis, I have two little girls 6 & 8 , and I wouldn't trade minute of it.
I'm up at a ridiculous hour of the morning, and unable to sleep.The rest of the house is tucked away in slumber, and i am left to wander the house and try not to awaken anyone.
I guess I am going to have to find a doctor to take a look at my shoulder. I think it is a rotators cuff injury, but I never had it looked at ,so I really don't know. I have a lot of pain with ant lateral or upward motion. All of the years of body building, and constant efforts to be in top shape at all times, really helped me to slow or hold up the progression of the disease.. now all of those muscles are back to normal or less, and I have all of teh former injuries revisiting me, and moving in!
try for a couple of ohours more sleep , before everyone gets up for church...lj.mike


Active member
Today is an off day, no dialysis, and no doctor appointments. Normally I would have a thousand things running thru my head, but today all I can think about is the equipment I inherited, and the storage shed I built to put it in- not exactly to be stored... I am not even sure what some of this stuff is for? Lights, ballast, water pumps, daylight simulation tracts for the lights, 3 25 lb. Co2 bottles w/ regulators and timed release valve. All I have left to do is the spray insulation in the building, and finish the wiring. i should be able to run twenty or more under this set up, which will give me enough to start working on extracts, and oils. One question; should I leave the floor crushed granite for drainage, or should I go ahead and pour concrete ? It's an all metal building, with a bright silver roof. This is Texas, so I already know I am going to have to get a portable air conditioner for the summer months, but the lights should be plenty of warmth for such a confined space. So many possibilities.. If I had my shop empty, I'd use the commercial paint booth in it, and make a top shelf grow space. We shall see.. I meet with the guy today to pick up the equipment, and see what all is there.. i do know that the guy who was using all of this was putting out over a pound and a half a month! that would definitely be enough to last me from harvest to harvest, and even allow for some supplemental income. Around these parts,an ounce of anything , with THC content of over 20%, is selling for over three to four hundred $ an oz.! I might even make back the $$$. I put out on equipment to get started by the second grow finish time.
can hardly wait! lj.mike


Active member
well, the guy- never showed... bummer. i guess when the time is right- all of the rest will fall into place. I did get a good bit of chores done today. I have been waiting for a friwnd of mine to finish the demolition of a homestead. the home hadn't been lived in for several years; since the fire. the flower bed were in flourishing stands though, and I must have dug up 400 daffodils and tulip bulbs. I spent all day going to various fiend homes, leaving bags of bulbs on their door steps. then I came home and planted another hundred or so in my yard. Best of all, the morning glory's are starting to sprout for the year! I will have solid camo vines all over my fences- thick pain in the ass vines with the prettiest little bell shaped flowers - pink , white, and purple. they probably wont do much this year, but next year this place is going to beautiful by April 1st.
really tired form today's activities.. Hope everyone is safe and in comfort. Lj.mike


Active member
Good morning folks. I hope all is well, and comfort abounds for all. I , am in an incredible amount of pain this morning. I guess doing all of the planting and digging up all of those bulbs- in Texas Gumbo dirt, was a bit too much for me. I am stove up from my neck down to my ankles, and me feet are full of busted blood vessels - from stomping in the pitchfork for so many hours. I hope I made a few people very happy yesterday, I am sure paying for it today! My neck is on fire again, and I have to go for dialysis sometime this morning.. Sounds like this is going to be one of the hard days. got a couple of letters yesterday, Thank you very much , to the persons of whom I speak, the senders. I am beyond words, when I ponder all of the places my story is being read, and acted upon. I have received several get well, or feel better cards form folks, and I enjoy them all immensely. I become very motivated to fight more, or harder, when I read the words of encouragement, and appreciation for having shared my life, and the terminal demise that awaits me. I am often times unsure of how to handle the difficulties that are a part of my daily existence. I am not a religious man, maybe I have just suffered too much in this life? I believe in the power of the human spirit, and the underlying knowledge that everything has a place, and time in this world, trying to slow or speed up the progression of things, is a one-way ticket to trouble, and sooner or later the true nature of things will correct it's path, and all will be revealed. I for one don't like what I see very often. have a good day folks.. lj.mike


Active member
The treatment today was relatively easy. I managed to sleep thru the first two hours, before I had to be disconnected to use the restroom.. The second two hours were a bit more difficult. When the whole thing was done and over- I thought - I was holding pressure on one of the access sites, after the needle had been removed, the other was clamped off. I guess I wasn't holding enough pressure on it, or too much on the other, because when I looked down there was an expanding pool of blood under MY CHAIR !! The bottom site was the one I was holding, but I didn't match the pressure of the top, and when I noticed it was leaking, I put too much pressure on it and blew the top site too! The staff had all left , but one nurse and an LVN, they were both pretty shook up when I yelled for them, they thought my arm had blown, but they didn't realize it was both sites.. After an solid half hour of pressure and clamps on my arm and my feet elevated to reduce blood pressure, and to keep me from passing out, they finally got it sealed up.
I saw my doctor today, only to be chastised for continuing to loose weight. I have been eating as much as I can force, but I still keep wasting. My blood pressure is back up, and the residual renal function, of the remaining kidney, has dropped to below 10% function. i am unsure what that means in terms of my care, but he was disappointed. I have placed my trust in this doctor since I was first diagnosed 10 years ago. I can.t even remember how many times I have been thru the OR by his direction. He again discussed the usage of cannabis vs. opiates. Not to discourage , quite the opposite. this discussion was a personal inquiry into the benefits I receive from the use of cannabis. The many discomforts and pains of the body, and mind. I was able to take some twenty minutes of time in the many social media pages I am a member of, and the activism organizations I am a member of, and have spoken to the bills before the legislation of Texas currently. I think when we were finished with our discussion, he had a much broader concept of the medicinal, and therapeutic applications, and benefits of natural healing with cannabis. All in all I am proud of myself. It is coming to Texas , and soon. possibly this legislative session! I am starting to believe the red neck- hard ass attitude of the law enforcement in Texas, is about to be undone. Let us pray!!! lj.mike


Active member
Had a wonderful weekend, The days here are beginning to warm and the foliage is turning the brilliant shades of spring, that we all enjoy so much. Except for the allergy impaired.. The Oak trees are the first to stir the snot, and are already dumping pollen in massive amounts, and the Sycamore ,and Elm trees will be next. I have a very acute awareness of the allergens in the air, due to my wife being a virtual mucus factory for the next three to four months! If I need to find her , just follow the tissue trail.
I am up early, as usual, and fighting off the pain in my neck and back. I have been using the RSO for treatment times, but may have to dip into it today. I need more of the stuff, but getting it here involves a great deal of $, and I have no guarantee it will even arrive. It is a real bitch when you can't trust your own blood not to scape a little of the top, or bottom, to line their own pockets! it suck ass even more when you are dying, and they continue to use you until you are all used up, and then they wonder why everyone around me is upset with them? Shit by the time I was in my mid twenties , I had been living on my own for a decade, and with the help of no one! I dam sure wasn't calling dying relatives for help, or scamming them in the process of "helping". It is even more outrageous when I am looking strait at the price list , for the dispensary he is supposedly at, on my computer screen, and he is telling me prices that are almost double what the advertised or listed price is on the web page! Really makes me reconsider the way my will is drawn up. If there is anything that my X-wife did well, it was to teach our children how to use , lie to , and flat out steal from their Father! $1600. for a prom dress? $3,400. for a new transmission for a dam Honda car? The list goes on and on. What in the hell happened to honor thy mother and father above all others, second only to the lord, Thy God. The youth of today, would rather spit in your face, and rob you, than sit down and learn a thing or two from the years of wisdom before them. I swear; it is getting to a point, where the only way to assure yourself that your children won't go to school and be shot dead, or learn all of the worst possible characteristics a person can display, and bring them home, is to teach your children in a home school environment.! Even the private schools are a target, and no better at reining in the over rev'd kids and putting the brakes on this dam mentality of " If you get ripped off, it is because you let them! WTH did that kind of thought train get started? That's like saying " If I loan you something, and you never bring it back-It is my own fault for trying to help you, and loaning you the item to begin with?!! If somebody gets shot- it is their fault, they shouldn't have been standing there- or running away in the same direction as the person they were trying to shoot! It is just a truly fucked up mentality of the kids in this area, and this area is a relatively peaceful section of the country>! Every time I want to go out n the yard and do some gardening, I have to first find my key chain , and go around the yard and unlock all of the lawn equipment, and tool sheds! All of these dam Meth head punks, stay up 24 hrs a day, and wonder the yards on carports and garages of the neighbor hoods, is search of anything that isn't bolted down, or locked up to securely for them to steal! Pretty dam sad parenting i guess is where it starts. UUUggghhhhh!!!
Peace and better days, Lj.mike


Active member
happy April Fool's day! Hope everyone is well and in comfort. I am awake again , in the wee hours of morning, trying to fight off neck and back issues.. Heat helps, but it never really stops hurting. On top of the heck and back issues, and a torn rotators cuff, and I am in quite a bit of discomfort. The shoulder is an old injury from my body building years. I never got it repaired or fully healed, I just kept the muscle tissue around the injury built up enough to support, and conceal the injury.. Now all of the muscle is gone and all of those injuries I didn't have time to rest and heal, or get surgically corrected, are making their presence know in the most unforgettable way- constant pain, and limited range of motion- even on the good days.. My right arm has become virtually useless, due to the shoulder injury, and the fistula in my upper bicep, and there is very little that I can still do by myself.. i am strictly forbidden from any kind of weight lifting with my R arm, and have to re-frame from too much out door activity due to the risk of seizure, brought on by being too physically stressed, or dehydrated. I have a constant balancing act between water intake, usage, and retention. Yeah...
The weather is warming here, the trees are greening , and the grass is now left with just a few patches of brown or winter grass. Time to fire up the John Deere for the season. I also need to trim the trees, brace the branches on the peach tree- it's covered with blossoms.., and trim back the hedges from rubbing on the window screens. I have a hundred little task like these to get done, but am having very limited success in my efforts to get any of them accomplished. I had my dialysis treatment yesterday, so i may be able to check off some of the list today, as long as my energy and strength hold out- usually about two to three hours in-I'm done.
It is so dam depressing, having to acknowledge the deficiencies of my current health, and adjust to my disability, in spite of my efforts to fight it off for as long as possible. Seems like everyday I am finding more and more of the things I took for granted, ( mainly my health) are now just memories of my former self, and abilities. I have come to a point where about all i have energy for is my gardening efforts. I really want to build myself a green house of conservatory, but I don't really know if my health will hold long enough to put it to use. Peace and Greenery for all.... Lj.mike


Active member
Good day to all, may comfort abound.
I am up early, as usual, to prepare for my treatment today. I never know when they will be calling me in early( if there is a no-show), so I have gotten into a cycle of awakening in the 4- 5 am range, and staying awake until I go in for treatment, so it will be easier for me to drift off in the chair..
I have been using RSO sub-lingual , for the past few weeks, on the days of my treatment, and have been having some very impressive results! I have only been using one tenth of a gram per dose, and the benefits are instantaneous
I am securing a method of keeping a supply line of the stuff, and intend to continue to graduate my dose levels to the recommended 1 gram per day. I have no idea what to expect? The longer I am seizure free, the more livable my life becomes. I can even play with my kids again,and wrestle with the dogs.. LOL !! The wife is wrestling with me again as well.. I have been so ill, for so long, I figured the loss of libido, was symptomatic of the renal disease- not! My libido- is just fine, and still in top working order...
Since i began the use of this substance, I have been a much happier, and comfortable person. Let's be real; when you are in constant pain, fighting debilitating nausea, of swollen up like an old toad, intimacy is about the last thing you are interested in, or even desirous of. In reality, those conditions shut down just about every aspect of my day, and night, and leave me with a shit load of mental considerations, physical inabilities, and depression. Fortunately, with the discoveries made via the RSO, I am back in the saddle again, and riding high! I can not wait to see how much more I improve, when I am able to accommodate the recommended dosage, by Rick Simpson himself, of one gram per day!? I may be able to weed eat the yard, and plant the flower beds, if the benefits hold, and the healing continues? that green house i have been dreaming about may yet become a reality!?! Health and Happiness to all, and a very green future! Lj.mike


Active member
Good day to all., Today I will be having my dialysis without the RSO, out of it at the moment.
i have been using it for several weeks, and today is going to be far less comfortable as I would hope for. Wish I could just say " can we put this on hold until the bank gets it's head-out, and clears my funds transfer? This would be so much easier if i had the ability to just wire transfer the funds into an account, simply by picking up the phone and giving direction. For now, I have to go down to the bank, withdraw the funds, make another trip across town to WAl-Mart, put the $$$ on the Money Gram wire as a will call, come back to the dang house and email ahead of the funds, to get it verified, & then my product is shipped, and I have to wait 2-3 days for it to get here, and hope it is packaged properly, and hasn't been broken or contaminated in transit! I can't really complain though, it has made an astounding difference in the continuity of my days, and nights! I have been repeatedly, time after time, approached and ask what I am doing differently. The folks that are asking , are in the same- or worse condition as I , and not being able to explain my new found relief, and attitude toward tomorrow, is hard for me.
How dearly I wish I could just tell folks what it is, and where to get it, or go into detail, on the benefits I have,& continue to receive. I have been able to completely stop all of the opiate pain medications, and have been feeling really good. On top of my appearance, attitude , and overall outlook, I was able to stave off the withdrawal symptoms, from the opiates, and remain on an upward note most of the time. I am not so foolish as to believe that the use, @ a dose far below the recommended amount, has cured anything, but that is almost beside the main point - I feel great! I'm active in living again, instead of just surviving until my next treatment, or hospitalization, or trip thru the operating room!
The treatments are so much easier, to endure, and to recover from. I can hardly wait top see what the full benefits of it are, when I am able to begin raising the dosage to the recommended levels, daily- rather than only on the days of treatment. I will be so dam happy when I am able to start making it myself, instead of having to pay the outrageous prices I have to cough up, to get it here.. I have a few close friends in this world, and they have helped my so very much! I should be able to drive down to the pharmacy drive up window , and say fill me up! It should be as legal as corn or peas, or any other vegetable! I cant think of any substance, that is remotely close to being as safe, for humans, as cannabis has proven to be, for millennia! I have before me , The report to Congress, on HUMANS and MARIHUANA, date 1972; and within these pages I have found resounding truth in the fact, there is enormous medicinal value in this plant species, as well as an untold fortune in the bio-fuel energy market, and textile industries! Furthermore, it is well documented n this report, the specific applications to treat numerous types of CANCER, and many other ailments of our civilization! I am so infuriated by this reading, and the information I have before me! The report; from the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, presented to Congress in 1972, could stand alone ,as a documented source of the medical validity of Cannabis, the intentional deprivation of this medicinal plant from the American PEOPLE, and subsequent devastation of the homes , careers, and family unit- The very FABRIC of our society, from the inside out! I am so appalled by what we regard as our LEADERS, and the deceit, and out right LIES, that have been stuffed down our intellectual throats! It is an even greater mystery, and wonder, why there hasn't been a revolutionary response to this! The founder of this great country must surely be rolling in their graves! How in the madness of todays society, have we come to a point where; the President and his wife, can sit in the White House garden, or the the Oval Office, and blaze up anytime they are so inclined, and people in the states they govern, are being handed LIFE Sentences, for doing the very same thing - in the privacy of their own home or property?!!!~? How in the hell, can this be anything less than a violation of our Constitutional Rights, an assault on the fabric of our country;s founding beliefs, and guaranteed human rights? The Constitution, of the United Sates of AMERICA, is written on HEMP paper, cultivated by the leaders, the forefathers of AMERICA!
Has it not been stated, by our forefathers, that it is our duty, to our countrymen, and descendants, to Not Follow Any Law that is Unjust, or in Violation of the Constitution, and/or Welfare of the American People? The Fourth Amendment , the second, And The first, are all being violated , in ways and manners that are , in my opinion, nothing less in paramount, than the Nazi tactics of Adolf Hitler's henchmen!
This IS UNACCEPTABLE!!! Infuriated, and Terminal, Lj.mike


Active member
that special day , when you realize that all of the people you thought were true friends, and die hard supporters- like your wife, are nothing more than stuffed shirts, with their own interest in heart, and your health, and sanity, in the balance! frickin' priceless! So nice to know that your loving wife, thinks your just a mad dope head, out of dope, instead of a suffering terminally ill spouse, in pain and dealing with the devastation of my entire life!
ten fucking years , and this is all its worth? just fucking wonderful! happy fucking easter!


Well-known member
that special day , when you realize that all of the people you thought were true friends, and die hard supporters- like your wife, are nothing more than stuffed shirts, with their own interest in heart, and your health, and sanity, in the balance! frickin' priceless! So nice to know that your loving wife, thinks your just a mad dope head, out of dope, instead of a suffering terminally ill spouse, in pain and dealing with the devastation of my entire life!
ten fucking years , and this is all its worth? just fucking wonderful! happy fucking easter!

so sorry to hear things are not going well, LJ. those not actually feeling the pain can get a little insensitive to those who do over time. in some ways, they have it harder; dealing with the doubts and, what to them, are inconveniences of dubious value. only YOU know what makes you feel better. no one else, not your doctor, your wife, nor anyone not walking in your shoes can make that call. keep coming here to vent, allow the pressure to overflow HERE rather than in your home if at all possible. :comfort:


Well-known member
one day at a time, just keep on talking to us. we may not reply, nor know what to say sometimes, but we hear you, brother...:huggg:

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