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Smells like LouDog inside the van...


Well-known member
Thanks for the input tleaf. I agree. I use oregonism alongside hydroguard (or similar baccillus product from southern ag that's more concentrated and cheaper) with EWC. Ends up being similar to Great White. Dry mycos at transplant time also.

Reflectrix on the floor was more for insulation and protection from moisture and any nasties more so than any reflective benefit. We're rolling the dice with bare concrete now.

Meanwhile, the van is cruising, day 29 with a few DSDs and a NYCO.


Well-known member
Moving along...

Electrical is almost done. New 50a breaker for lighting controller and 20a for floor fans and exhaust fans. Masonry anchors for osb. Need more romex for the final 20a breaker for water/air pumps and misc outside of the room. In addition to some cable management...

Ventilation underway. Exhaust duct run is in (above ceiling). Still need to hook up filter and fan, and probably a junction to run another 6" exhaust fan/filter. For now it's just open air and muffin fans while we veg... Since the room is surrounded by concrete and structural beams, we'll have a header board above the opening for the door for all ductwork and electrical. Intake run will be real easy since there's an open space behind a wall, and I'll probably throw in a couple registers on each side of that wall for nice air distribution.


Still need drip and drainage systems. Then the one plant room and not sure what exactly what we want to do there yet.

Running 1200w still, but now flipping four bulbs so only two are on at a time. 9 hours 2xMH, 9 hours 2xHPS, 6 hours off... The girls say hi [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

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Well-known member
Why'd you stop flipping the lights?

I upgraded to 240v, so 4 lights @ 600w are now pulling the same amperage as 2 lights @ 600w on 120v. I'm waiting on an electrical upgrade for a 200a service, so am watching electrical draw closely. This plus fans is as far as I'm willing to push it until that electrical upgrade occurs.

Short answer... to blast the girls with more light, of course! [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

The GB and OGC are having a little trouble acclimating to the new 10s and lighting with some leaf crinkle on the GB and droop on the OGCs. My SUSQ girls are killing it as usual... Will have to get to the bottom of it. I might have let the medium get a little dry, and have been slacking on the regular foliar applications (regalia/calmag). They're looking better 48 hours after a nice watering

Thanks for stopping by imiubu, yes that's the BX2. The nug shots in the first post are her also if you want to see finished product. Hoping to do her proper this round if I can figure out what this latest little hiccup is. My cut is a definitely sour bubble leaner, but has some serious branching from the GG4 genetics. No cornstalks here

Meanwhile, van is cruising at day 36
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Well-known member
Busy day, ventilation is done. Just drainage and irrigation left...

Intake ducting to registers


Exhaust on the other side of the room. We may add another 6" fan/filter if needed.


All enters and leaves through the header board above the door. This saves cutting concrete block or structural beams. Just don't forget to duck...


Well-known member
Group shot, sitting at 78F and 45RH with no door, floor fans, and exhaust/intake running 2400w

The OGC and SUSQ girls are doing great. The GB is having some trouble getting situated. She's all green but she's doing a bit of a leaf crinkle since repotted into the 10.


Active member
ICMag Donor
Looking good Lou! She will straighten out once she adjusts. I just cut the bad leaf and look for better new growth ha.


Well-known member
That GB bitch is goin thru a wee bit of transplant shock......If you tear into the rootball too much sometimes to spread em out when up-potting , sometimes they get finicky , but as Tony said she`ll snap out of it .....now.....All those blood red petioles/leaf stems show plainly she`s a Cal/Mag whore so you`ll needta up her dosage either by separate drench , foliar , and or both cuz her needs will get exponentially larger as she goes through stretch then swellage.....

I hadta up my clone only Chem D to 7.5 ml per gal before she really shined , and the GG part of yours got Diesel and Chem genes all up her ass , so adjust accordingly and reap the benefits down the road once dialage is done....those crinkly leaves are signs of oversaturaion when she was up-potted and reacts like overwatering symptoms....

Hell.....I`m like Tony , I pull the ugly fuckers and hope no mo pop up lol......she`s prolly already comin out of it , but you said she`s a Sour Bubble leaner and I`m wondering what she does when you pull the trigger.....Will she stretch at ALL vertically.....or just bush out sideways like Da Indica do....anyways.....lookin good Lou.....Keep strokin and......



Well-known member
Thanks all...

Ya, that GB and her purple stems. Cal-mag whore for sure. Everything else is nice and green and she still wants more, always does every time I've grown her. I haven't been able to keep her 100% happy. Starting daily calmag foliars to help supplement, as I don't want to tweak the nutrient feed since the SQ and OGC seem to be loving it. We'll see if that helps before changing the fertigation regimen

Did some defo on everyone. Question of whether the GB will stretch or not is a good one, and I'm looking forward to finding the answer. We're in uncharted territory with the big plants. She has a moderate stretch when small plants with overhead lighting, but new methods and new sizes means she might behave differently.

I'm debating keeping this one space for now for the full flower cycle, 5 plants, and building out the 1 plant room later, if necessary. 2-1000w and 4-600w stacked two high for a total of 4400w... Gotta get my temps and electrical sorted before we up the capacity, but leaning this way just cause I've been busy as shit... Setting up cold air intake on temp controller this weekend which should help a lot, and may add a second 8" exhaust fan after seeing how temps respond and how often cold air intake fan is cycling. Always changing

Good vibes all


Well-known member
Everyone settling in nicely. GB seems to be turning around from her wrinkles, and OGC has stopped the droop. Seem to be enjoying the calmag foliars. They are all tired after a long day and end of day spray, but perk back up after a bit of lights out.

Just a matter of when to flip now in combo with dial-age... Ideally the flip would be after electrical is done, but not sure when that is happening just yet.

Any thoughts on flipping at 2400w and finishing at 4400w from week 3/4ish (worst case scenario) till the end? I'm worried another 4 weeks of veg might get outrageous ;) Considering options.

Enough talk, more pics

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Well-known member
Once you`ve figured the cubic ftg. of your grow area , you can determine how many cfm`s you need from inline fans to achieve room air exchange twice per minute.....

It`s harder with bigger rooms to have enough going out with what`s coming in while not overriding the exhaust and preventing negative pressure that holds in the stank ass smells right ?.......that said...for yrs and yrs.....

I used cheap ass Harbor Freight "router speed controllers" to turn my intake fans down since the exhausts were hooked to scrubbers that slow cfms X amount depending on how they`re ducted out , so as in all aspects of said grow AND grow area , TBD as in To Be Determined/Dialed for optimum performance......now.....

The 4 plant 5 light setup was/is designed for each plant located in the middle of each wall with lights in the corners so each and every plant gets blasted sideways by 3 lights at all times with the center MH in the middle giving the spectrum change.....so.....

5 plants will haveta just be worked out best as can be with whatchas got ta work with my buddy......and hey....

I know from busy.....but haste makes waste , so don`t jump into things just ta stay in a hurry and get done cuz shit will fuck up when least expected , so take the time and just deal with it as takin a lil longer ta get goin ......and you know this.....anyways.....

We`ll figure it out ....it`s easy ta move bare bulbs around so plant and light placement will be determined in the future.....You can get some "Albion" calcium and do a root drench with like 1/2 strength juice flush to see if the petioles/stems green back up....shit`s pretty cheap and works well with foliar or root drench.....aight.....Wake and Bake over.....Take care and.........


Edit: For some reason the last pics and post weren`t there when I responded , so now the answer to starting out with 2400 watts and upping to 4400 watts 4 weeks later ?......You`ll definitely get internode elongation from less light , but growing stems and foliage never paid shit so it`s a toss up.....although depending on how bushy and dense your plants turn out to be , might actually help em with air movement and light penetration late bloomage.....but again....it all depends on things yet to be determined....Keep strokin Lou....You got this.....

tleaf jr.

Came up off 75w
Looking good Lou, like DHF said slow and steady is always good when dealing with the garden shits imo. Easy to make mistakes when busy and tryna get shit done to quick but some people work good under pressure so it's all about a balance thing.

As far as upping the light later in flower, I've always thought plants liked a fading sun, if you know what I mean. Like the sun being less intense in fall/ ripening season than in summer/veg. Only added light when things got thick and the lowers/ backs weren't gonna swell quite right. But hey never know till you try it.

I would bump up the wattage when they're in that explosive mode, they will get taller so a double bulb stack may be the ticket.idk I'm watching either way.


Well-known member
Thanks guys. It's nice having a sounding board to bounce ideas around, much appreciated.

Yes, familiar with CF calcs. The question is always friction loss due to ducting and carbon filters. So, better to overestimate. A 6" and 8" fan puts me right around air exchange twice per minute, but with losses, that's why I was considering a second 8" exhaust. I think the cold air intake will really change things, so waiting to see what temps do when that is in place. Waiting on a damper and one more duct wye, not to mention some free time to get it done. I'll have intake running continuously, pulling from basement as a lung room, with a second fan on temp control that kicks on and opens a damper when temps rise above whatever set value. Free AC at least for the next couple months with outside cold air intake, and then will consider adding actual AC. I'll be able to simply hook up intake and exhaust so it's a closed loop but still moving lots of air when we get real AC and likely some CO2 since it will be sealed at that point.

Agree that haste makes waste. So, I should probably just go field of dreams style and build it ;)

On that note, now I'm thinking of still running the two rooms, but I can use a different space as a temp for the 1 plant, 2 bulb space. Depending how it does, I'll build out a permanent room 1-plant room or just run 4 plants after this run. 4 plants fits my vegging area better, and obviously a single flower room better. As long as I can still pull yield, having one under legal limits is not a bad thing for safety should whatever surprise occur...

Not too worried about stink, legal here, of course rippers and nosy neighbors, but we don't have a lot of those here and the house is fairly isolated despite not being isolated...

Thought the same about 2400w to 4400w, more stretch, longer nodes, but bringing home the light for bulking periods. Will all depend on timeline for electrical, since the girls are grabbing and getting ready to explode imo (feeder roots popping out the sides of the 10s now)

I like a fading sun, but to me that's more weeks 7/8 on, to mimic fall more for senescence and bringing out those fall colors. That key bulking period from 4-8 is critical to blast with light imo, so more of question of what the effects will be on the stretch. Headroom is precious here, with fairly low ceilings and a few very low spots where I had to seal around existing ductwork for the actual house.

Good vibes all, stay tuned, should start getting more interesting here soon ;)


Well-known member
Very impressive Lou! Been doing vert with donuts for 5 years now and after consuming so many diaries and grows here I realize how much of a newbie I really am!

I'll be watching closely!


Well-known member
Day 43

Day 43

Day 43 in the van, cruising along with a few DSDs and a NYCO.

The DSD is done early, so really light on the feed, watching to make sure she's able to get a proper flush. She'll just turn off the metabolism and stop eating at some point, after which there's no hope of a proper flush. Seems to be walking the line nicely this round with just the tiniest bit of N fade starting in. She'll get full strength the next 3-4 days, after which we'll just dilute feed continuously with RO during the ripen period.



Well-known member
Shitty cell phone pics continue... I'll whip out my good camera eventually, it's just so convenient. Planned to take some nice ones, remembered my camera and lenses, but forgot the memory cards... Whoops!

All are growing along. GB is coming out of her wrinkles. Everything is exploding. Taking handfuls of fan leaves regularly, and procrastinating on trimming inners with the thoughts all that little larf might limit vertical growth with so many growing tips. We're building roots and hoping electrical gets done sooner rather than later.

Glad I built the room out the way I did with foam board behind and under all framing. Now that it's getting cold and wet, we have weeping walls with condensate on non-grow room basement walls. We have a Santa Fe dehui on the way that we'll run in the basement (lung room) and should take care of the whole house (fingers crossed). An unexpected expense, but necessary it seems. Slightly cheaper than comparable Quest units

Onto pics...

SQ. She'll be the yielder, and showing why already with most excellent growth rates


OGC. Not far behind, but she just doesn't branch like the SQ... Topped a few mains to encourage side branching, especially since it seems like they'll have a little while longer in veg.

GB. Over her bit of transplant shock and reaching for the sky.

Group shot (terrible pic)...
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