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BREAKING: Did The Federal Government Just Legalize Marijuana?

Green Supreme

Well-known member
Nope, political posturing to fool the voters. Proof is in what they did recently to a cannabis site owner. Peace GS

jump /injack

As long as Cannabis is in the same drug category as heroin and cocaine you are at risk for long periods of time in a Federal Institution. Do not trust government with your time on earth, its a felony. Work to get Cannabis downgraded to a class #2, #3 or even a #4 and you've taken the money out of the weed, no more will the Law profession and the Guard Union pay money into the coffers of the Democrats to keep Marijuana a Class #1 narcotic; it is a benefit to mankind and has to be treated that way. 535 people can change this if enough people start writing to their elected Representatives constantly, maybe 150 of those 535 already are on our sides, let them know your tired of your friends going to jail for something that is benign and has been used for thousands of years as a medicine. This is a political and money thing, the big money is the Lawyers who defend you and prosecute you and the guards who put you in a cage for years.


Active member
As long as Cannabis is in the same drug category as heroin and cocaine you are at risk for long periods of time in a Federal Institution. Do not trust government with your time on earth, its a felony. Work to get Cannabis downgraded to a class #2, #3 or even a #4 and you've taken the money out of the weed, no more will the Law profession and the Guard Union pay money into the coffers of the Democrats to keep Marijuana a Class #1 narcotic; it is a benefit to mankind and has to be treated that way. 535 people can change this if enough people start writing to their elected Representatives constantly, maybe 150 of those 535 already are on our sides, let them know your tired of your friends going to jail for something that is benign and has been used for thousands of years as a medicine. This is a political and money thing, the big money is the Lawyers who defend you and prosecute you and the guards who put you in a cage for years.
I disagree about the scheduling. It shouldn't be scheduled at all.

The legislation is the key. Holder just announced a change in policy. That doesn't change the law and the bastards can turn on you like pack of rats. Until the law is changed all bets are off.

On the other hand, even a policy change opens the floodgates of state-level legalization. even the feds won't be able to resist that.


Active member
Nope, political posturing to fool the voters. Proof is in what they did recently to a cannabis site owner. Peace GS

I don't think that's true at all. They just opened the gate for other states to follow the lead of Washington & Colorado.

Legalize it. Tax it. Control it, and we'll leave you alone.

Depending on how that's implemented, it may not leave a lot of room for small cash croppers to get a piece of the market, or even for personal growing in some states. Colorado allows for personal grows, but I don't think that's true in Washington.

Yeh, sure, I think that MJ should be out on the tables next to the tomatoes & sweet corn at my local farmers' market, but it's a long way from here to there. Regardless of my own skepticism, I'm gonna act like they mean it, proceed accordingly. I think that's the key for people everywhere, to exploit the opening provided to achieve legalization at the state level in a lot more places. Anti- forces can't really cite federal opposition at his point, and we shouldn't even grant them that it's a real or reasonable hindrance.That's all that negativity can accomplish- granting prohibitionists credibility. The objective, as I see it, is to achieve much more widespread legalization by 2017, so that a change of Admins won't be able to turn back the clock.

They're on the run, unable to form credible arguments at the moment, and public opinion has shifted in our favor. It's time to finish them off, using Colorado & Washington as catalysts.

Even if we don't really want to be personally involved, we can spend money in support of groups of people who are. They need it, to get the signatures for ballot initiatives & to mount a credible lobbying effort in statehouses.


Active member
On the run,is the WORD hahahah.......

Them sumbuckets are full of shit an its overflowing.......
BOUT TIME,SOMEONE ELSE IS ON THE RUN,instead of us!!!!!!!!!!!
weeners tryin to protect what,their shitty jobs,at best.
try they will,an FAIL THEY WILL this time!!!!!!

THe 1 in charge,is not the fault,but he could be alot more strong for ounce?
MJ is way down on his list so please,try an think what it would be like as pres....
YOU HAVE NO IDEA an dissing him is USELESS.
DISS the DEA,they are the real demons here............

My prediction WAS RIGHT,in Obamas 2nd term WE WILL SEE LEGALIZATION!!!!!!!
it happened.....so give it some time before acting like a repub hater.
we ALL know repubs are,war mongers an haters,come on are we that blind?
look at how they are LICKING THEIR CHOPS for WAR on syria,repubs huh, NO WAY
romney would taken us threw HELL BY NOW.
ease up on the pres,ATTACT THE DEA THUGS!!!!!!!!!
fuckers with guns are the problem.
against people with sticks an rocks,you think this country is any different than others?
we all seen how they SMASHED the 99% thing,just try an protest HARD,you'll see.....
Obama is NOT nixon or bush,he is a nice guy an thats just the way it is,like jimmy carter!
give a boy a chance,he will get this straitened out before his term is up.
but PIGS will be PIGS,an thats our real problem.
Peace everyone,keep your heads up,an possitive!

high life 45

Seen your Member?
amazing though. this will cause the flood gates to burst imo. you watch the laws against cannabis tumble over the next years.

If anything tumbles over the next few years, I hope its the pharmaceutical industry, the FDA and those with vested interests in them. Im tired of experimental poisons being approved as medicines and prescribed by doctors...

They are raiding dispensaries all over to get that last chunk of change before their rights to not recognize ours are taken.. I have seen it on the west coast recently in wa and or..medi dispensaries raided in the last two months...


Kiss My Ring
U.S. Government To Abolish Minimum Drug Law Sentences

By majestic on August 12, 2013in News

Finally something to like about Attorney General Eric Holder? Politico reports:

Attorney General Eric Holder is calling on the federal government to rein its use of one of the most ubiquitous tools in the war on crime—minimum mandatory sentences—and he’s making a unilateral move to cut down on such sentences in drug cases even as Congress debates a broader rretreat from the once-popular sentencing concept.

“Some statutes that mandate inflexible sentences–regardless of the facts or conduct at issue in a particular case–reduce the discretion available to prosecutors, judges, and juries,” Holder is to say in a speech to the American Bar Association Monday in San Francisco, according to advance excerpts the released by the Justice Department. “They breed disrespect for the system. When applied indiscriminately, they do not serve public safety. They have had a disabling effect on communities. And they are ultimately counterproductive.”

Holder plans to announce that he’s instructing federal prosecutors not to charge garden-variety drug dealers with crimes that lead to lengthy mandatory minimum sentences.

“Certain low-level, nonviolent drug offenders who have no ties to large-scale organizations, gangs, or cartels will no longer be charged with offenses that impose draconian mandatory minimum sentences. They now will be charged with offenses for which the accompanying sentences are better suited to their individual conduct, rather than excessive prison terms more appropriate for violent criminals or drug kingpins,” the attorney general plans to say.

Holder is also expected to announce that he’s expanding efforts to reduce federal prison populations by releasing elderly prisoners sooner, by allowing local U.S. Attorneys not to prosecute some kinds of cases in federal court and by diverting “low-level offenders” to programs that keep them out of hardcore federal prisons…



Active member
Hello all,

I see this as a chink in the armor...they blinked first...the straw that broke the camels back...its going to snowball (incretion)...no way to stop it now...she's gonna auger in....He's dead Jim.



Active member
On the run,is the WORD hahahah.......

Them sumbuckets are full of shit an its overflowing.......
BOUT TIME,SOMEONE ELSE IS ON THE RUN,instead of us!!!!!!!!!!!
weeners tryin to protect what,their shitty jobs,at best.
try they will,an FAIL THEY WILL this time!!!!!!

THe 1 in charge,is not the fault,but he could be alot more strong for ounce?
MJ is way down on his list so please,try an think what it would be like as pres....
YOU HAVE NO IDEA an dissing him is USELESS.
DISS the DEA,they are the real demons here............

My prediction WAS RIGHT,in Obamas 2nd term WE WILL SEE LEGALIZATION!!!!!!!
it happened.....so give it some time before acting like a repub hater.
we ALL know repubs are,war mongers an haters,come on are we that blind?
look at how they are LICKING THEIR CHOPS for WAR on syria,repubs huh, NO WAY
romney would taken us threw HELL BY NOW.
ease up on the pres,ATTACT THE DEA THUGS!!!!!!!!!
fuckers with guns are the problem.
against people with sticks an rocks,you think this country is any different than others?
we all seen how they SMASHED the 99% thing,just try an protest HARD,you'll see.....
Obama is NOT nixon or bush,he is a nice guy an thats just the way it is,like jimmy carter!
give a boy a chance,he will get this straitened out before his term is up.
but PIGS will be PIGS,an thats our real problem.
Peace everyone,keep your heads up,an possitive!

I can not believe that any is still buying into all this Repub/Dem BULLSHIT!!! EVERY last one of those politicians are FULL of SHIT, and want control of us.

Peace; 1TT

Mt Toker

This is fake so people just try to go public so the Fed's can bust more people, generate more revenue for the black market cartels and increase slavery in the USA. Don't buy into propaganda, CNN has been caught putting fake news out because countries PAY them to.


ICMag Donor
I can not believe that any is still buying into all this Repub/Dem BULLSHIT!!! EVERY last one of those politicians are FULL of SHIT, and want control of us.

Peace; 1TT

Obama and Holder lie so I expect some crackdown just after people invest a lot of money so DEA and thug local LEO can seize it.
This already played out with Ogden Memo BS.


Active member
Agree with the dem/repub theme here. If a politician's mouth is open, he/she is lying. I was raised by democrat parents, spent most of my life towing the republican party line, and now, well... I don't vote.
A wise teacher once told me "if you aren't part of the solution, you are part of the problem."
I trust anything the government tells me about as far as I can throw it. I smell a setup in the works, as far as federal mj policies.
I believe bad things may come more slowly under Obama...But then again, that filthy prick just executive ordered a ban on the importation of our M1 Garands.
They all want our rights. Ask yourselves, "Which 50% of my liberty do I value more?"
There is no good answer, I fear.
Best wishes to all, we at least share the love of a plant, no matter our party affiliations.


funny how I heard this and I still don't trust one thing the Feds say!! lol
That is because you aren't a gullible fool like so many people. Some people read or hear what they want and don't realize that politicians are trained to say what you want to hear. It doesn't mean their actions will match their rhetoric.

Good on you headband and a few others to not celebrate over this nonsense. Our brothers and sisters are lying bloodied on the battlefield and our enemy has only fallen back to a reinforced position. The fight is far from over.


Active member
Nice name calling huh friends???

WHat your gonna see is,people that are using for them self
kinda free,and then your gonna see people that are SICK for $$$$
go to big.....and always i dont care what activity,PEOPLE WILL FUCK IT UP.
and ruin it for the rest............anything new here?

Still having a negitive outlook WONT HELP your own prison...

Typical of icmag anymore to just jump in an slam somebody right!
Yah poor gyp,he had been followed for a few years,that WHY they just finished the
fuckin case right as we get the GOOD NEWS,it just happened that way....
and anything done criminaly internationally(moving weed acrossed sees)is a fed game
in the first place NOT a state agenda.

NOW the states have PERMISSION to legalize,an BANKS as skip posted are
GOOD TO GO with a business......WHAT THE FUCK ELSE YA WANT??????
to raise your spirits a bit,SHeeeeeze,take a break on the NAME CALLING.....

is acting with US or against us....you really have to be BLIND not to see MORE
DEMS acting for mj than the RE try again pubs in this last few years of thei WAR?
Tell me you havent seen that,go ahead be blind,but when the SHIT is fixed for good
the youth will REMEMEBER that hte DEMS were fighting for us,in every town............
look around,its in every state the the LIBERALS did the job!!!
Liberty an justice for all,is what liberals stand for,the peoples RIGHTS first.
Now tell me what the REPUBS STAND FOR,war an their wallets.
Just look an listen!
peace...so much for possitivity in here?


I love my life
if they do actually legalize it is going to be interesting to see why it wasn't all obama's fault

And there in lies the problem,,, we wont be worried bout the DEA,, it will be the Tax Man.

Peace; 1TT

Well big O is just a smarter prettier head of state than GW dumb shit.

The tax man is a bitch, but small time guys don't have huge income above expenses, so on a fair tax field the bill will be the same as any other business. Additionally most small time farmers don't pay taxes, they get subsidies for their farms and tax breaks.

Even with government support small family farms go under more and more; consequently commercial huge scale ag continues to gain market share and reduce variety. This seems to be the fate of cannabis.
