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Utilizari ale Cannabisului in scop medicinal


Organic LED Grower
Si nevasta-mea confirma ca tinctura din trim ajuta in cazul respectiv. Dezavantajul e ca dupa 5ml de tinctura ii vine sa doarma si sa manance o zi intreaga. Am incercat si eu acelasi dozaj si m-a tinut ocupat vreo 8 ore.

Tinctura a fost facuta din vreo 500g de trim (amestec de vreo 3 strainuri) si 1.5L de alcool etilic de 96 de gradem lasata la macerat o saptamana, apoi concentrata pe foc pana a scazut sub 500ml si a devenit un pic uleioasa.

Are un gust oribil, nu se dizolva deloc in apa insa ia durerea cu mana si iti da o stare de somn teribila.


Si nevasta-mea confirma ca tinctura din trim ajuta in cazul respectiv. Dezavantajul e ca dupa 5ml de tinctura ii vine sa doarma si sa manance o zi intreaga. Am incercat si eu acelasi dozaj si m-a tinut ocupat vreo 8 ore.

Tinctura a fost facuta din vreo 500g de trim (amestec de vreo 3 strainuri) si 1.5L de alcool etilic de 96 de gradem lasata la macerat o saptamana, apoi concentrata pe foc pana a scazut sub 500ml si a devenit un pic uleioasa.

Are un gust oribil, nu se dizolva deloc in apa insa ia durerea cu mana si iti da o stare de somn teribila.

O saptamana??? Eu zic ca e cam mult... Eu in mod normal o tineam o zi, dar recent am inceput sa tot tai din timpul de macerat deoarece un timp indelungat nu prelungeste nici o dizolvare sporita. In cateva ore se dizolva toti canabinoizii. Cu cat o tii mai mult cu atat adaugi clorofila si alte chestii. Incearca macar, de proba, si o zi cu o parte din material la urmatoarea tura. O zi sau chiar mai putin, si vei vedea ca este indeajuns.


pure dynamite
daca nu va place clorofila se poate face un fel de tinctura dizolvand hash (de preferat sub forma de kief) sau bho in alcool (sau ambele, de ce nu). iesiti si mai ieftin asa (alcoolul e din ce in mai scump). si din ce am vazut prin documentare si auzit pe acest forum, asa se fac si tincturile ce se vand catre pacienti in statele ce au MMJ policy.

am incercat prima data sa fac tinctura dupa metoda clasica, si cand am vazut cat de verde e lichidul rezultat si ce miros are am renuntat. tinctura facuta cu hash, in schimb, e ca un parfum fin, si nu are pic de coloratie verde.


New member
Ce soi puteti recomanda pt sporirea poftei de mancare? cum s'a pronuntat Hempfield mai sus cu tinctura. Sa investesc in mine toata ziua!!! Am auzit pe aici pe undeva vorbindu'se despre un anumit GG, soi care, parca nu prea se gaseste!!! Ms frati!!!


pure dynamite
in lipsa de gg, poti incerca hibrizi mai indica. problema e ca majoritatea dau si lene, si atunci trebuie sa iti prepari mancarica dinainte sa te spargi.
cam asa era si gg-ul, daca nu apucai sa o iei la inceput, trebuia sa astepti sa iti treca putin.

si nu prea se gaseste, dar poate se va gasi candva.. sper sa ajungem si acolo.


New member
:tiphat:Ms man...
in lipsa de gg, poti incerca hibrizi mai indica. problema e ca majoritatea dau si lene, si atunci trebuie sa iti prepari mancarica dinainte sa te spargi.
cam asa era si gg-ul, daca nu apucai sa o iei la inceput, trebuia sa astepti sa iti treca putin.

si nu prea se gaseste, dar poate se va gasi candva.. sper sa ajungem si acolo.


Ca tot avem vorba cui pe cui scoate: nimic, din toate chestiile pe care le-am incercat de-a cu lungu vietii, absolut nimic nu ma vindeca de mahmureala mai bine ca iarba.

Si acum un mic spot publicitar:
Inainte sa fumez iarba beam mult mai mult alcool, acum au ramas doar noptile de sambata petrecute la chefuri, unde ma fura piticii moderatiei si ma trezesc a doua zi cu capul umflat, si cu nici un chef sa imi pierd ziua de lenevit bolind prin pat. Dar hey, acum nu mai trebuie sa jur de fiecare data ca nu mai pun gura pe alcool, pentru ca acum am Cannabis! Mahmureala e ceva de demult, ce se intampla in Evul Mediu si e de domeniul istoriei.
Multumesc cannabis!

Atentie! Nu consumati alcool! in exces...


New member
Aduc si eu o problema in discutie. Pe tata il doare coloana(zona lombara si pe picior) din cauza nervului sciatic, care este atins permanent de mici hernii. Problema a aparut de multi ani, de cand a ridicat doua galeti cu nisip; atunci a simtit cum un "curent" ii pleaca din zona lombara pana in talpa. A incercat omu multe metode si nici una nu l-a ajutat. Problema cea mai nasoala e ca nu poate sa doarma din cauza durerii si se vede.. Chirurgii i-au spus ca nu e caz de operatie si daca se opereaza nu mai are voie sa ridice mare lucru t(toata viata). Ma gandeam sa ii arat sectiunea asta a forumului. In principiu vreau sa va rog sa postati cazuri de genul acesta daca stiti(durere cauzata de nervul sciatic), recomandari sau experiente personale.


Organic LED Grower
Ceea ce te intereseaza pe tine se afla aici : Granny Storm Crow's List-

Vei gasi acolo adunate referinte pentru o multime de afectiuni in care cannabisul si-a dovedit efectele benefice, printre ele fiind si calmarea durerilor de spate cauzate de probleme de acest gen.

Daca tu crezi ca el ar fi dispus sa incerce sa-si inmoaie durerile si chiar sa elimine cauza problemei apeland la canabis, incearca sa-l abordezi cat se poate de sincer.

Incearca sa gasesti cat mai multe materiale legate de afectiunea de care sufera si sa i le prezinti direct pe acelea, pentru ca in acest fel adresezi direct problema.

Succes si sanatate tatalui tau ! :tiphat:


Well-known member
Ceea ce te intereseaza pe tine se afla aici : Granny Storm Crow's List-

Vei gasi acolo adunate referinte pentru o multime de afectiuni in care cannabisul si-a dovedit efectele benefice, printre ele fiind si calmarea durerilor de spate cauzate de probleme de acest gen.

Daca tu crezi ca el ar fi dispus sa incerce sa-si inmoaie durerile si chiar sa elimine cauza problemei apeland la canabis, incearca sa-l abordezi cat se poate de sincer.

Incearca sa gasesti cat mai multe materiale legate de afectiunea de care sufera si sa i le prezinti direct pe acelea, pentru ca in acest fel adresezi direct problema.

Succes si sanatate tatalui tau ! :tiphat:

amu nu amagi si tu omu care ar putea elimina cauza problemei cu ajutorul ierbii, cel mult isi mai alina din dureri si asta cu un strain indicos caci n-ai nevoie de-o sativa dansanta nu-i asa? durerile de spate is cumplite intr-adevar, e un forum c-o serie intreaga de marturii in uk si din ce am citit e foarte dificil sa identifici un soi care sa ajute cu adevarat...


pure dynamite
un kush adevarat sigur il va face sa nu-i pese de nici o durere din lumea asta..


Well-known member


Organic LED Grower
Daca ar fi fost si 'video', era mult mai bine :tiphat:

amu nu amagi si tu omu care ar putea elimina cauza problemei cu ajutorul ierbii, cel mult isi mai alina din dureri si asta cu un strain indicos caci n-ai nevoie de-o sativa dansanta nu-i asa? durerile de spate is cumplite intr-adevar, e un forum c-o serie intreaga de marturii in uk si din ce am citit e foarte dificil sa identifici un soi care sa ajute cu adevarat...

Nu-i vorba de amagire, uneori si speranta ajuta la vindecare, prin auto-stimulare (nu vreau sa dezvolt, ca nu-s tocmai adeptul teoriilor de genul asta). Insa e o vorba veche, din batrani, care zice ca 'incercarea moarte n-are'. Problema e de fapt compusa din doua parti (bleah, ce urat suna) : prima ar fi acceptarea canabisului ca si tratament de catre tatal lui (trecand peste toate ideile preconcepute care condamna consumul acestei plante), iar abia apoi identificarea unui strain care sa il ajute.

Urmarind mai multe documentare despre canabisul 'medicinal' (un termen total nepotrivit, dar sa trecem cu vederea), am remarcat ca se punea accentul pe faptul ca high-ul indus de 'tratament' ar fi indezirabil pentru pacienti, afectandu-le capacitatea de a-si desfasura activitatea zilnica 'normala', INSA, si vreau sa subliniez acest aspect, multi pacienti (si nu numai) au marturisit ca si high-ul ajuta, mai ales in ceea ce priveste starea de spirit (ca sa fiu morbid - daca tot mor, macar sa se simta bine). Asa ca de ce nu, daca omul s-ar simti bine pe o sativa care sa-l trimita cu capul in nori facandu-l sa uite unde i-a ramas trupul chinuit de durere , de ce sa nu ii dea o sansa ?

Un lucru este cert: nu exista retete clare (daca privim din punctul de vedere al medicinei moderne) pentru administrarea canabisului , dar asta nu trebuie sa ne demoralizeze.
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Well-known member
Posted 24 July 2012 - 04:09 PM
Old read, but still worth a ganders.

Medical Marijuana and Chronic Back Pain
Chronic Back Pain is one of the most common illnesses seen by physicians. Almost everyone has back pain at some time in their adult life. Back pain occurs most commonly between the ages of 30 and 50 due to the aging process and due to a more sedentary lifestyle that begins in this age group. The pain can be neuropathic or nociceptive. Neuropathic pain is caused by damage to a nerve. This kind of pain is felt as a sharp stabbing or burning. Nociceptive pain is caused by disease to the tissues outside of the nerves. It is felt as a dull ache or sense of pressure. Examples of these kinds of pain are a pinched nerve (neuropathic pain), and arthritis (nociceptive pain). It is frequent for patients to have both types of pain at once, called mixed pain.
Fifty percent of patients with back pain have experienced some type of trauma, such as a sports injury or motor vehicle accident. But the other fifty percent have no known cause of their back pain. Most patients who seek care for their back pain will undergo some type of evaluation that may include x-rays, CT scan, and/or MRI; occasionally some patients will have a myelogram (dye injected into the spinal cord area followed by x-rays) or bone scan (dye injected into the blood which will then concentrate in an abnormal area of bone). Many times no obvious cause of the pain is found.
Patients who have acute back pain will often improve or recover in six to eight weeks. Patients with acute pain occurring more than three times in one year or who experience longer episodes of back pain that interfere with daily activities (e.g., sleeping, sitting, standing, walking, bending, riding in or driving a car) are more likely to develop a chronic back condition. Sometimes these chronic back pain patients will have pain, numbness or tingling in their legs. Some patients with chronic pain do not respond to conventional therapy and have to find a way to live with their pain. Physicians have found that living with chronic pain is extremely difficult and can lead to opioid dependency (addiction), anxiety, depression, and insomnia.
Medical marijuana is increasingly becoming the treatment of choice for many chronic back pain patients. Conventional treatment therapies such as over the counter non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications – NSAIDS – (such as ibuprofen, naproxen sodium, or aspirin) can be helpful but can cause side effects such as stomach upset, nausea, gastric bleeding, and ulcers. Prescription medications like other NSAIDS (like Celebrex) or opiates (like Vicodin or Norco) can be effective at treating pain but can also cause many adverse and unacceptable side effects. The addictive potential of opiates is very concerning to patients who struggle with chronic pain and need relief; it is this concern that leads patients to consider using medical marijuana, a very effective treatment for chronic back pain.
In 1975, scientists began studying THC in cancer patients and found that it was a very effective pain reliever without significant or toxic side effects. Other studies followed and the conclusion was the same: marijuana safely and effectively treats chronic pain with little to no side effects. No nausea, no stomach upset, no ulcers, no addiction – many patients jokingly only refer to an increased appetite (”munchies”) the only “bad” side effect. Marijuana side effects of elevated mood, improved sleep, and reduced anxiety are welcomed by most patients and considered beneficial to having a good quality of life when you suffer daily with chronic pain.

It's just one thought killed by the anticipation of the next.

Posted 24 July 2012 - 11:44 PM
I have only one problem with this - I have been living with (mixed) chronic back (lumbar as well as cervical) pain for damn near twenty years now, and find cannabis virtually useless on its own. As a part of my drug mix, it works very well to potentiate my main pain drugs, Oxy & Morphine. But on its own? Nope, no good.

I have no problem with a Morphine habit, it beats the hell out of living with pain both chronic and acute.

Posted 25 July 2012 - 08:00 PM
Hi Arnold , I suffer with a similar problem to you.

I am also on a combination on both morphine and codeine combined with diazepam etc etc, I also find the weed is great when combined, not really much good on its own.

I think the point in hand here is that the pain you and I suffer from is severe which is why we get morphine, people who suffer with chronic pain eg a back injury which is not as debilitating may be prescribed lower doses of opiates which is why they would rather manage pain with cannabis, with people like you and I who have suffered along time, in my case 14 years, we can not rely on weed alone. This article is aimed at the chronic sufferes , hope that makes sense as I am high on said mixtures and feel ok tbf, you have got to love the opiate warm feeling. It's bliss, especially when the pain can make me cold.

Posted 09 October 2012 - 12:25 PM
I have been living with daily Sciatic pains now for over twenty years, so can sympathise with your friend. I have had two major neuro-surgical interventions, but its getting worse by the year now, I'm afraid. Not only do I have Sciatic issues, but I have cervical pains too, neck, scalp, face, shoulders and arms are all likely to be getting pains similar to the sciatic pains "down south".

Is there a specific strain to help your friend? No. Emphatically not. All cannabis is medicinal,and every individual responds differently to every single pheno of every single strain. So the notion of a "One strain cures all pain" is not only impossible, its is misleading (I am not talking to you yourself, but to the many folk who insist that this or that strain is "THE" One!) I have lost count of the strains I have tried down the years. I have concluded that, and this needs careful wording, that Cannabis is of no better analgesic value than low doses of Codeine or Aspirin. What it does do is distract the mind, and it does that very well. Again, strain and individual need matching, there is no "One strain" wonder here. Cannabis also makes other drugs work better (its called "Potentiating"), so a few pulls can amplify the effect of anything else taken like a Morphine compound or other analgesic.

I control my pain levels with a cocktail of drugs. Pregabalin (600mg per 24 hours) to help reduce the massive RLS that plagues my lower half. Oxycontin (180mg per 24 hours), a slow release Oxycodone preparation, to keep pain levels in a generally reduced state. Sevredol (Morphine Sulphate, 20 or 40mg as and when needed to deal with breakthrough pain, up to a flexible ~ titration ~ max of 200mg in 12 hours). I also take 500micrograms of Clonazapam to knock me out on a night, if I need it. pain levels are worst when I am laying down, or resting in any position. So sleep has been, and is a major issue since this bloody problem started all those years ago. Without Clonazapam, I only sleep for 90 minute blocks, then have to move. Its a twat. But if I take the Blue Pill, I can have up to 5 hours unbroken, then the fuckin' intense pain breaks through and wakes me up. Which is why every night I take a spliff and lighter to bed with me. A few pulls and I can generally get back off into half~sleep.

So, cannabis is good alongside other drug therapies. But on its own, for serious chronic Sciatica that is going "acute", its of no more use than an aspirin.

How "Acute" is your friend's pain? Is it "Chronic", which is to ask, does it respond to pain killers, or is it there day after day regardless, never going away fully and frequently raising its painful head no matter what he takes for it? Has he experienced Sciatic paralysis, where the pain just shuts down all movement, so that the affected limb is totally immobilised for a while? More importantly, has he got a decent diagnosis, and has he had any surgical interventions? What prescribed drugs has he been placed on? Is there a specific cause for the sciatica (old rugby injury, for example)?


New member
Dragii mei... de ce nu se organizeaza dracului odata niste mitinguri pt legalizare? periodice... pana cand macar se pune problema in discutie in parlament... toate tarile in jur au legalizat... avem prim ministru tanar acum si o sa avem un presedinte somnoros. E momentul cel mai oportun! Chiar nu se poate rezolva nimic ca ma ia cu draci de cate ori tre sa ma fundesc sa bag o tigara ca sa nu fiu privit ca un paria desi daca sunt fumat la maxim nu isi da nimeni seama daca nu vreau. Eu zic sa incepem sa punem o actiune la cale!
eu am ciocuri pe coloana... toata coloana.. de sus pana jos... Cand e vremea naspa am dureri ingrozitoare. Si medicamentele pt aceasta afectiune te fac dobitoc... poate sa vorbeasca cineva o ora cu tine si sa nu intelegi nimic. Nu ma cac pe mine sa zic ca am inceput de asta. Am inceput pe la 18 ani. Dar intre timp am capatat chestia asta si chiar ma ajuta. Adica nu mi se pare ca ma ajuta! E fenomenala! La fel nu o sa zic ca vreau legalizata doar pt asta!


pure dynamite
ca tot vorbim despre utilizarile medicale, dimineata asta m-am trezit cu mari greturi, si neavand hash la indemana mi-am indreptat atentia catre un grinder ce nu il mai foloseam ce stiam ca a strans un strat gros de hash inauntru. un puff din hashul acela mi-a calmat imediat great.. un puff care nici macar nu era suficient de mare sa ma sparga. foarte eficient, deci!