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GA3: How to germinate old seeds?


ICMag Donor
Where's Sam Skunkman when ya need him?
I know he has experience w GA3.

Maybe hit up the DJ Short forum & see if you can get him to talk on the subject.
Chimera would also be a good candidate to answer your inquiries but not sure of his experience using GA3.


theres a clip somewhere , i,m sure you,d find it with a google . talks about amounts and tests different percentages and does trials. something to do with ocean grown seeds if i remember correctly. either there website or you tube .
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Mystic Funk

Well-known member
Anyone used the GA3 solution on the old beans ??


I don't know if you have germinated old seeds before but ga3 is only one of the many auxins and hormones needed to pop very old seeds.. (all it does is make plant cell stretch) so they can pop the hull... then you need to make them grow... with others.

An easy way to get seeds to pop is get some tissue culture kits and then sterilize your old seeds then drop them in and they can take there time growing free of mold and disease.

btw. I love your avatar!! LMAO!



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I don't know if you have germinated old seeds before but ga3 is only one of the many auxins and hormones needed to pop very old seeds.. (all it does is make plant cell stretch) so they can pop the hull... then you need to make them grow... with others.

An easy way to get seeds to pop is get some tissue culture kits and then sterilize your old seeds then drop them in and they can take there time growing free of mold and disease.

btw. I love your avatar!! LMAO!




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^^tissue culture is a great idea. Thanks for the head up.

I have used GA3 on old seeds before with mixed results. Some seeds just get too old. You have to pay close attention on your mixture as you dont want to use either too much or too little and I think I mixed it with maybe alcohol first but cannot remember it was last year. Got mine of the bay.

Worked on some older cinderella 99, rezdog sssdh, and did not work on my older headbands. Does cause elongation initially so be very gentle when planting and opening up your towels as the tap roots are very very fragile in this state.

I agree I have looked into the tissue culture too but never went forward to try it out with all the stuff you need.....a vacuum operated clean box is easy enough to make but then you have to get the rest of the ingredients etc....a lot of work.


Well-known member
I have used the GA3 with concentration of <130ppm and soaked the seeds for cca 4 hours.
6 out of 20 germinated and growing healthy.
Without GA3 6 out of 30 germinated and growing now.

So it seems to help a little, but the seedlings are stretching a little more. Or so it seems so far.

Does anyone has the experience with this ? I wonder how the increased stretch will affect the genetics and the future grow and flower...?


i have used ga3 .. i used it at 130ppm on some very old seeds ,,and outa 10 only 2 made it.. they stretch lik crazy at first than slow down around 2-1/2 to 3feet tall.. once they stopd stretching i vegd them till it had normal leafs again and than cloned it and its normal and in flower rightnow and looks Amazing!!
make sure u see wat the ppms are at..if there Really old seeds lik mine were id use 200ppm..



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I have used the GA3 with concentration of <130ppm and soaked the seeds for cca 4 hours.
6 out of 20 germinated and growing healthy.
Without GA3 6 out of 30 germinated and growing now.

So it seems to help a little, but the seedlings are stretching a little more. Or so it seems so far.

Does anyone has the experience with this ? I wonder how the increased stretch will affect the genetics and the future grow and flower...?

I seem to recall ppm of closer to 400 ended up actually working on the ones it worked on. More or less didnt have any affect too low or too high.


Is GA3 the best method? I have a whole bunch of F2's I made 15 years ago that just wont pop. If I cut one open, they are still white inside, haven't dried up, but seriously dormant.

Mystic Funk

Well-known member
I have used GA3 on old seeds before with mixed results. Some seeds just get too old. You have to pay close attention on your mixture as you dont want to use either too much or too little and I think I mixed it with maybe alcohol first but cannot remember it was last year. Got mine of the bay.

Worked on some older cinderella 99, rezdog sssdh, and did not work on my older headbands. Does cause elongation initially so be very gentle when planting and opening up your towels as the tap roots are very very fragile in this state.

I agree I have looked into the tissue culture too but never went forward to try it out with all the stuff you need.....a vacuum operated clean box is easy enough to make but then you have to get the rest of the ingredients etc....a lot of work.

it's very easy to make up a batch of tissue culture medium.
you can make and buy all the stuff needed for under a 100 dollars....
I fill small test tubes half full of the medium. then pressure cook them to sterilize.
I make up a lot of them at one time and save the others I don't use in the fridge..
if you don't know how to mix up a batch of medium. you can get recipes online that work well.
I then drop the seeds in a 10% bleach/water solution for 3 to 5 minutes, then wash in sterile water.
then put them in the medium very fast and your good to go...

also I don't like to use more then 200ppm of ga3 because I have seen it mutate plants to single blade leaf freaks that don't grow well.
I think it has more to do with how long the seeds soak in the solution then how high your ga3 ppm is.

try soaking your seeds in a ppm of 125 for longer time than just going right up to 400ppm.

i'm going to make up a batch soon to pop all these old mexican seeds. and maybe i'll make a thread about how I do it..

sexy mexi seeds from the 80's and 90's


-mystic :tiphat:


Well-known member
I've used it with some success and the concentration varies depending on the seed, how they've been stored, and how old they are. It really is a trial an error process which can be a problem if you have a small amount of seeds. I use in the range of 100 to 250 ppm as someone mentioned earlier and soak for 4 to 6 hours. I then soak in plain water for an hour or so and then place in paper towels. (I always scuff seeds too)

An easy way to play with concentrations is to make a stock solution that's 1000 ppm. This can then be diluted to the desired concentration, ie. for 100 ppm it's 1 part stock solution to 9 parts water, for 250 it's 1 to 3, etc. I've found this the best way because you don't need much solution to soak seeds.

As far as stretch, you can get some but they will grow out of it. I like to start at lower concentrations and work up if necessary. This is the trial an error part, using enough to activate the seeds but not using too much which will create really elongated seedlings. It will not affect the genetics, it's a gene regulator.

@Mystic Funk, nice cache. Looks like you have plenty to play around with.


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it's very easy to make up a batch of tissue culture medium.
you can make and buy all the stuff needed for under a 100 dollars....
I fill small test tubes half full of the medium. then pressure cook them to sterilize.
I make up a lot of them at one time and save the others I don't use in the fridge..
if you don't know how to mix up a batch of medium. you can get recipes online that work well.
I then drop the seeds in a 10% bleach/water solution for 3 to 5 minutes, then wash in sterile water.
then put them in the medium very fast and your good to go...

also I don't like to use more then 200ppm of ga3 because I have seen it mutate plants to single blade leaf freaks that don't grow well.
I think it has more to do with how long the seeds soak in the solution then how high your ga3 ppm is.

try soaking your seeds in a ppm of 125 for longer time than just going right up to 400ppm.

i'm going to make up a batch soon to pop all these old mexican seeds. and maybe i'll make a thread about how I do it..

sexy mexi seeds from the 80's and 90's

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-mystic :tiphat:

Have you done this? You ought to do a pic driven write up to show us all the proper way! I am interested have old oaxacan! Old C99's too!


Well-known member
What do you mean by the above comment?

DJ Short says that GA3 is the cause of the mutations in his lines.
I'd say that's a pretty dramatic affect.
Gibberellic acid is a natural plant hormone but occurs in small concentrations. "It will not affect the genetics" was probably a misstatement because at high concentrations it could have detrimental effects. As a gene regulator, in seed germination it turns on mechanisms to produce messenger RNA which in turn produces enzymes that help break dormancy and stimulate cell growth. Being that RNA is genetic code, if there's an increase in production of it the chances of mutations would also increase. Yet in using it with older seeds, how much natural occurring GA3 remains and to what affect supplementation has in relation to the overall concentration would be the question. As to the rate of mutations it may cause and the impact of overall fitness of the plant or affects on offspring I can't really comment.

In regards to DJ, curious to how he was using it and what for...seed germination, growth stimulation, flower stimulation, etc.

It is used in agriculture for a variety of purposes so its effects must not cause too many problems, genetically.


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it's very easy to make up a batch of tissue culture medium.
you can make and buy all the stuff needed for under a 100 dollars....
I fill small test tubes half full of the medium. then pressure cook them to sterilize.
I make up a lot of them at one time and save the others I don't use in the fridge..
if you don't know how to mix up a batch of medium. you can get recipes online that work well.
I then drop the seeds in a 10% bleach/water solution for 3 to 5 minutes, then wash in sterile water.
then put them in the medium very fast and your good to go...

also I don't like to use more then 200ppm of ga3 because I have seen it mutate plants to single blade leaf freaks that don't grow well.
I think it has more to do with how long the seeds soak in the solution then how high your ga3 ppm is.

try soaking your seeds in a ppm of 125 for longer time than just going right up to 400ppm.

i'm going to make up a batch soon to pop all these old mexican seeds. and maybe i'll make a thread about how I do it..

sexy mexi seeds from the 80's and 90's

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-mystic :tiphat:

You got fire michoacan?