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moonshine mix


Active member
I was wondering if anyone of you were growing with this super mix. It was in HighTimes '05 and the amazing thing about this rich mix is that you needed to do nothing the entire life of the plant except put ph water.

* I added some info here so some of you begginers can see its real easy to work with...you wont be discouraged. please read the thread and filter moonshineman if you want....overgrow the world!
Here is a quote from MSMan.....
"Lookin good....the mix is super simple...you can use it from seed to flower it just doesnt need the dry ferts (peace of mind) early on.....Watering is the Key to this mix...overwater and youll see all sorts of weird "nute def" poppin up....let it dry completely and the probs disappear......the Current mix goes a lil sumthin like this...
(bag of each)
Ocean Forest
Planting Mix (guano/castings)
Light Warrior
Black Gold
Coco Brick(small brick)
1 cup peace of mind (for flower)
2- 5 gal buckets worth of perilite....
And the LARGE Chunky Perilite...RULES....small perilite packs down over time ...the large perilite creates huge air pockets for the roots to grow through....over the last 3 yrs anytime I have gone back to the small diameter perilite my plants SUFFER and yeilds diminish.....You have to try the stuff to understand and even then you may not comprehend (like me) the benefits the large core peri makes.....great stuff....
Romulator has been usin my mix for a couple of yrs now and he is like me always tinkering and tweakin the mix...but in the end its the core 3 bag fox farm mix that makes this shit work....
my only "additives" Id tell anyone to try would be "Fish Mix" from biobizz for a lil boost in veg and Advanced Nutes "Moter Earth Super Tea" for a lil boost on day 25-30 for LARGE plants ......But honestly the mix dont need nuthin....
Keep up the good work....."

All MoonShine grown.....just water :joint:

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Welcome to IC....Lots of people use FF's....What are your plans with the mix....Can you give us a rundown on what fertilizer's you'll be using and a little detail about your growroom????LC


Active member
Hey LC nice to see a familar face around here. Well I have 6 sour D clones I just put in my c13. I liked the idea of Moonshineman saying thats all you need to use is his mix nothing additional. Well I planted the sour D and they one looks like its dying and a couple have a lil burn on then. I got one of those soil ph color test kit and the color looks like its about 6.5 I hate those fucken things. I was wondering what other peeps have experienced with this. I last remember MM GOJ and ROM using rock phosphate or something like that.


Active member
here is the recipe I saved off OG

**This is the recipe for the soil mixture I have been using for quite a few years now..."Moonshine's Mix" requires only plain waterings throughout the life of the plant with only three transplants... I have made one or two changes to the mix over the last year and now its quite idiotproof......and by the end of flowering you will share the same feelings I do.." Foxfarm rules".....My main issues with most liquid fertlizer diets is the large swing in Ph that can occur or as with most growers , adding the wrong fertlizer or too much can ruin you crop or really mess up the flavor. For ME flavor is what organic herb is all about....
You will have to buy these supplies from a Hydro/grow store or a professional garden supply company/ nursery....Foxfarm is located in Arcata, California which is in Humblolt county. So if any company is better placed to meet the needs of growers it would be them...I'll list the products to buy; then the actual base ingredients of the entire mix....when I but a single batch of soil its about 65 dollars total but costs will vary depending on store....
1 bag of Foxfarm Ocean Forest potting soil (teal colored bag) ...cost 17-25$...1.5 cu/ft
1 bag of Foxfarm Batguano/earthwormcastings planting mix (red bag) cost 15-20$.....1. cu /ft
1 bag of Light Warrior High Yeild ultra premium blend (dark blue bag) cost 15-20$......1. cu/ft
8-10 qt's of Perilite... I prefer the foxfarm "chunky" perilite but it can be expensive...When using the FF chunky it comes in a large bag I use half the bag in this mix...its easier than measuring out qt's...(roughly 8$ worth of perilite)
1 cup of Fox farm "Peace of Mind" fruit and flower fertlizer 5-8-4....$7 for a box which has about 15 cups ...
I use a small 2.49$ blue kiddie swimming pool from Mal-wart () and a regular shovel (bad back) to mix it all together....I keep a 40 gal tub of the stuff mixed up ready to go at all times...the mixture is somewhere in the 43-45 gallons of soil total...which will fill nine or ten 4 gallon buckets or seven or eight 5 gallon buckets....so it is quite a bit of substrate....I have also tried this mix in a "Soma" style dirt bed but honestly it works best in regular buckets....
the reason you dont need any additional ferts is simple...you just created one of THE richest soils available anywhere.....the three different bags of planting mixtures that were used were created to be used indepentently with the liquid ferts...but combining all three creates a sort of super soil.....
Ingredients in the soils are: Composted Forest Humus x2, Sphagnum peat moss x3, Earthworm castings x3, PacificNorthwest seagoin fish ,crab meal, shrimp meal, vermicultural compost (bedding material and livestock manure) x2 , Sandy loam x2, perilite x2, fossilized bat guano x2, granite dustx3, Norwegian Kelp meal x2, dolomite lime and oyster shell for Ph x3 and Humic acid from leonardite and Mycorrhizal innoculents.....then the additional cup of "peace of mind" adds feather meal, hydrolyzed fish, fish bone meal, sulfate of potash, magnesia, alfalfa meal, blood meal, bat guano, rock phosphate, kelp meal. and gypsum....plus 12 species of Mycorrhizae and 6 species of benificial bacteria.....
Water Ph should be started at 6.7 and dropped to 6.5 by the end of flowering.... wet/dry cycles are vital to the success with this soil mixture ; if kept too wet the plants will be stunted so allow at least 4-7 days between waterings...Bucket size and plant size will determine how many days between waterings...personaly I let my plants droop(not wilt) slightly with the buckets being very light...
To make sure you have non-stop growth and foilage development transplants are key....I have a simple schedule I go by.....I take my rooted clones and plant them in 1/2 gallon containers which they remain for 2 weeks......then they are transplanted into 2 gallon containers for an additional 2-3 weeks...at this time they are ready to flower and I can eiter choose to transplant into a 4 or 5 gallon container depending on the strains food or root growth needs....or if its a 90+ sativa strain I may even plant into a 10 gallon garbage can that has been drilled full of holes....
Simple...kinda of expensive but Worth every penny....I'v eused a dozen other soils and mixes of my own but this 3 bag mix is amazing....The guys at my local grow shop are now recommending it to everyone and they say the response has been overwhelming...they were reordering dirt weekly to meet the demand to the point the store opened a warehose in the back of the store so they could carry palates of foxfarm dirt .....**
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That seems like one complicated mix.....But the bottom line is that it seems to be a vegg mix and MM lets his clones vegg for around 5 weeks and you only vegged yours for a week....You jumped the gunn and didn't let the plants use up all the "vegg" ferts in the mix....If you're gonna let the clones vegg for only a week, your fertilizer's should reflect that....I would suggest you either vegg like MM or don't use his mix....What wattage light do you have these plants under????LC
I think you can but it will really stunt growth. I don't know from experience, just think I read somthing about it. Sorry for not being much help maybe someone with experiece will be able to help you out more than I can.
I just got my first beans, and I'm trying to get all my stuff together, it sucks not having enough money to get things going though. Click the link in my sig. to see the brainstorming and discusion I'm having before I start. Trying to get money together before I start. Trying to balance the little kid in me that wants it now to the adult in me thats doesnt want to jump into this to unprepared.


Active member
That was my problem also. These are also my first beans. I started getting all my parts 2 years ago and really never had the $ to get it all at once. OG helped my out a lot because you can build your own shit for cheaper. The only thing I regreat getting is my hood, it has 4in air cooled instead of 6in. My fan is a 6in so it makes it kind of difficult to reduce the temps.

20kw dreams

I noticed that Moonshine stated he used clones. Seedlings can be more sensative then clones. That, combined w/ the way early flowering is prob what fucked them up.

You might have better success if you started them out in a mix of just the Ocean Forest and perlite. I don't see how any mix could work from clone to finish w/ good results.

20kw dreams

Oh, that's what you meant. My bad, I thought you had said seeds.

Those are looking great. I would still probably just start them out in the Ocean forest. You can veg in that shit for a few weeks w/out the burn, then transplant into the mix.

T%hat is one DAMN simple mix if you don't end up needing to fert all the way through. That would be fucking idiot proof 4 sure! I'm setting up a soil grow in a couple months, so this will be pretty helpful.

Angel Eyes

Active member
LavenderCowboy said:

That seems like one complicated mix.....

No, it's really very simple. Just get one bag each of three kinds of soil, mix them together, and add a cup of FoxMarm dry fertilizer. I have the soil mix, but didn't use the dry fertilizer. That soil is pretty danged rich as it is

It may be simple, but it's not cheap. I paid about $9 per bag for this stuff at a local store. I mixed up the soils and it seems to be working just fine. Here's an Afgooey med-club clone that was vegged for 10 days and has been 12/12 for two days, in the 3-part FoxFarm soil mix:

I find the perlite to be too big and chunky. I don't know how a piece of root is going to appreciate having to deal with one of these boulders. Oxygenating the roots is fine, but I'd rather have my roots in contact with soil, rather than rocks.

So, I sift all of the soil through a screen, like this:

I'm not saying anyone else is wrong or crazy for doing it any other way. There's more than one way to grow a weed, and as long as we have the basics down, a little personal variation is great!

20kw dreams

I dub this the "Official Moonshine Mix Thread". I have been looking for an easy organic mix for a 6kw grow I'll be setting up in a couple months, and assuming it works, I just found it. I was originally planning on just Ocean Forest and Bio-Bizz nutes, but this would be much less maintenance. I hope you keep this going, and others ho on for the ride.

My bad on the seed comment, I thought I read you used seeds, but I see I was mistaken. Apparently they just grew into it.

I'm going to give that mix a try, but start them in straight Ocean Forest mix like I mentioned above. I have 4 plants that are going into flower here soon, which I was going to try my first experiments on. I'll post some pics when I get them in.

What's that about the Rock Phasphate? I could see a little bump in P, and maybe K about mid flower, but then again, I always use PK 13/14 mid flower in my hydro, and let me tell you, that is some wonderful shit. It really does cause your buds to swell up. I think a slight bit of a high P guano might work as well.

Now, I'm a newbie to soil for the most part. I have really only used soil for mothers and plants I had sitting in a corner, that I didn't want to really pay attention to. But in Hydro, there are 2 things which I know to have had the greatest impact as far as quality and yield. Those 2 things are Kelp extracts, amino acids, and a PK Booster.

Somebody please let me know if my train of thought doesn't apply to soil.

The Kelp...I don't know what it does really, but it contains kenotin(sp) and trace minerals, which just glosses up the leaves, and relieves stress. The plants grow free and easy. The Kelp is used all throughout the cycle.

The PK booster fattens up your nug, and increases trichome production. PK is used in mid flower, 3-4 weeks before exected finish.

A 3rd thing worth mention is amino acids, aka hydrolixed yeast or protien hydroslate. I don't know exactly what they do, but they are common ingredients in just about every companies combo kelp boosters(LK, Floralicious, Dark Energy, etc)

So my point is, it seems we would want to squeeze these things into a mix to max yields and quality, right?

The PK booster could just be a tea at mid flower. Rock phosphate and mollases would do the trick, as well as adding some Carbohydrates, Ca and Mg. I wouldn't think a PK booster should be mixed into the soil. I know in hydro, if you use it too early, too long, or too late in flower you will get nasty burns, as the plant will uptake more than it needs.

As for the kelp, I would think that because we are using 1/2 Ocean Forest and 1/2 of thier regular pottong soil, which contains no kelp, a 1/2 dose of kelp meal should be added to straight to the mix to compensate as well.

I am going to look into the amino acids....which might be in mollases too, but I bet me used brewers yeast :friends: would be a great additive.

If I sound crazy to you, just ignore me, I am thinking out loud more than anything. So much for KISS..lol

Don't worry, I'll be the guinea pig:) Hopefully strating them in the ocean forest will allow for the slight extra heat in the mix. 3 of the gals (SpaceShip) are from the same mother, so I'll experiment on 2 of them, and let my Diesel and the other SS go w/ the original mix.

Keep posting pics of your results mysta:thumbsup:

20kw dreams

Sorry bout that^ that was kind of a slight double post.
Check this out. I found this in the google cache from good old OG. It's a different Moonshine Mix, from:

Moonshineman II on November 28, 2003, 6:35 pm

Moonshine's organic Mix />

1 part Foxfarm ocean forest
1 part Foxfarm batguano/castings
2 coco bricks
2 5gallon buckets of perilite
2 cups seabird guano
1 cup Rare Earth organic silicate sand

That's funny, because I had thought of coco in the mix, and I won't grow w/out silicone anymore.

What date was your version of the recipe Mysta? He had mentioned in your copy, that he had been working on it, which means he probably continues to work on it. I am wondering which is the improved version.

20kw dreams

Only problem w/ that one is, there are like 3-4 different kinds of seabird guanos.

Can't sleep...

20kw dreams

I am sroned, cause I just smokwd somw of my hemp star, that rom needs to let me in w/ the inside secrets:peace: Sensi Star I love, and is a nice smoke...