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Maines governor vetoes legalization


Active member
You forgot to also play the worn out race card as well. When people like you throw out a ignorant blanket statement like that I just laugh. You will never allow yourself to consider any other world view.

Very few Republican politicians support MMJ, let alone legalization. What some of them believe is straight out of 1937-


Democrats, meanwhile, called for a path to legalization in their own platform.

It's good to figure out who our friends & enemies really are when it comes to maintaining our freedom.


Active member
This site doesn't lean to the right or left, hang in the middle or has any particular political leanings. It is a sum of its parts, its parts are its members, and they swing every-which-way.

...yeah, maybe you don't see it or maybe you didn't check on what went on while you were in custody but don't kid yourself, this site leans HEAVILY to the left.

...there were MANY people who were banned by lefty mods who took offense at different opinions and abused thier power to shut down legitimate discourse.

...this is why i seldom participate on this board, i know if i do i will run afoul of some lefty mod

...frankly i also thought it was bullshit when the 'dislike' button was removed because of all the crybabies stamping thier feet, i guess this should be expected by the 'everybody gets a trophy' generation.


Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
...yeah, maybe you don't see it or maybe you didn't check on what went on while you were in custody but don't kid yourself, this site leans HEAVILY to the left.

...there were MANY people who were banned by lefty mods who took offense at different opinions and abused thier power to shut down legitimate discourse.

...this is why i seldom participate on this board, i know if i do i will run afoul of some lefty mod

...frankly i also thought it was bullshit when the 'dislike' button was removed because of all the crybabies stamping thier feet, i guess this should be expected by the 'everybody gets a trophy' generation.


I hear ya man......While I was incarcerated I was not able to participate on ICMAG, but I'm back now and as far as I am concerned every member has the right to express whatever views they might have, so long as its done in a respectful and civil way, and does not end up in some profane slanging match.

To tell ya the truth I hadn't even realized that the neg karma button had gone. Perhaps I will now get it reinstated.


Active member
I hear ya man......While I was incarcerated I was not able to participate on ICMAG, but I'm back now and as far as I am concerned every member has the right to express whatever views they might have, so long as its done in a respectful and civil way, and does not end up in some profane slanging match.

To tell ya the truth I hadn't even realized that the neg karma button had gone. Perhaps I will now get it reinstated.

...yeah, believe me, the place wasn't the same without you at the helm, it was still a great resource for growing but the feel of the place was very hostile if you weren't a rabid lefty. ...which for me meant that ICMag became an encyclopedia rather than a community.

...anyway, i was sorry to hear of your troubles but even gladder to hear you were free again, none of us deserves to be locked up over this God given herb!

...and fuck yeah bring the dislike button back, then maybe that will force the crybullies to grow thicker skins rather than whining and demanding safe spaces.

...political correctness is just facism masquerading as manners.

...it is only in discussing our differences that we can find a middle ground where we both can stand.

peace, bozo


ICMag Donor
Almost next door in Massachusetts the "No On Pot" money came from big pharma, beer and alcohol distributors, the church, some big out of state pacs and a million from Vegas billionaire Sheldon Adelson who lost a kid to heroin. Follow the money to see why LePage went against the voters.


Active member
LaPage is not only a republican but a certifiable nut case. I'm surprised the good people of Maine haven't sent him down the road


Active member
...political correctness is just facism masquerading as manners.

...it is only in discussing our differences that we can find a middle ground where we both can stand.

peace, bozo[/quote]

Yes, we should be able to discuss our differences like adults.
The term "safe spaces" has no meaning, just empty rhetoric that could apply to anyone of any political persuasion or belief.

And the term "P.C." or "political correctness" also no longer has any meaning at all. It is now used by anyone who disagrees with any criticism of any action or statement, I see online & in person ridiculous examples of people saying something is just PC -anytime they disagree, well then it is PC.
Sometimes actions and/or words, situations, are simply just effing wrong - criticizing these wrongs is not being "PC", they are just effing wrongs.

There is no "right" and there is no "left", that is the bs politics of division. Many years ago, I picked up a pamphlet in a bar from the John Birch Society. There was an opinion piece in it that mocked
the terms "liberal" and "conservative", it gave specific examples
of so-called "Conservatives" doing "liberal" actions and of so-called "Liberals" doing "conservative" actions.
Possibly the best political opinion piece I have ever seen.
The next week, I researched all the examples in that o.p. and found they were all true.
Since then, I have heavily followed politics, ignoring the words and following the actions of both party's .
The 2 party system that we are all a victim of in the USA is the reason for the division - both party's encourage this as one party just has to appear better than the other party, "alternate facts" abound.
Blind partisan politics is effing BS and as wrong as it gets.
If you support either party, then you should be doubling down on holding that "your" politician ACCOUNTABLE for everything they do or say & be very willing to let them have it if they act like any idiot or do incredibly stupid things.
The best example of the ridiculous nonsense of
"Liberal/Conservative" is with our current "leadership"
If I criticize Trump then I get some people calling me a "libtard" or a "leftist" or "liberal". Nonsense like "go to your safe space" lol (a childish reply at best) Criticizing stupid statements & idiotic actions by any politician does not automatically make anyone either "Conservative " or "Liberal" , all politicians should be truthfully held accountable.
Yet D. Trump was always a Democrat and a defined by "Conservatives" as a NYC "liberal elitist".
D trump realized that he would NEVER get a DEM nomination and saw an opening to suddenly run GOP.
There is zero "Conservative" about the GOP, they tax and spend just as badly as DEMS -sometimes far worse.
The current so-called "Conservative" tax proposals are a genuine
first class example how ridiculous and bogus the term "Conservative" is - there is zero "Conservative" about giving huge tax breaks to billionaires & corporations and increasing taxes on the middle class, using smoke & mirrors fro an illusion of tax cut, while exploding the national deficit.
Props to all who read the above ! :tiphat:

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I agree with all you say Ready4.

Personally I couldn't give either side of the political divide much if any credence for what they are or what they do.

left/right is just a silly game that the real powers that be wish us to play, just to keep us divided methinks.


ICMag Donor
With all respect, legalization is a lefty kind of thing. Legalization was on the left presidential platform while Sessions is now threatening to take it away. If you look at that red blue map legalization is happening in blue states and that trend will likely continue with hard red being the last to go. That said, most of my red friends are pro pot and choose their own position on each issue. This forum is perfect example, plenty of pro pot conservatives here. The funny thing is, I'll bet percentage wise there are as many pot smokers in Alabama and Texas as there are in Massachusetts and California. Why wouldn't there be?


Well-known member
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Who really cares...
I would contend that most problems can be traced back directly to a lack of care.
The "me generation" horse crap was a sucker deal if ever there was one.
Who it was that would have desired to push such a concept on us anyhow...
Hmm, who was it that spent a fortune on dystopian research back in the fifties ?
Oh yeah, those guys...

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
If you guys can't play without making insults towards each other, I will have to end your playtime...

Agree to disagree, without all the flaming please.


Active member
Left or right, I think we all can agree legalization, both state and federal, is necessary for our freedoms to be fully realized. The fear of a federal crackdown just slows the process as evidence from Lepage's decision to veto this retail sales bill. Regardless, the voters of Maine spoke in November of 2016 and their voice must be respected. The only thing the voters can do now is vote the bastard out of office.

edit: my apologies for participating in the flaming.
Here's the thing with lepage he's not up for reelection because of term limits and maines legalization barely passed. Had it passed overwhelmingly and/or he was up for reelection there's a good probability this would not have happened.


Invertebrata Inebriata
Left or right, I think we all can agree legalization, both state and federal, is necessary for our freedoms to be fully realized.

I'm not sure I agree. I've lived where cannabis is illegal all my life, and I've always been able to acquire good weed anyway.

If it gets legalized, first there's taxes. Then all kinds of regulations, because you know, cannabis is so toxic if it hasn't been inspected by the government.


Active member
Although he vetoed it for the wrong reasons the bill was crap. Far more restrictive and burdening on the home growers and medical guys than the original rec law called for. I'm glad it was vetoed. There are moderate and libertarian leaning politicians hoping to loosen the regulations some on the rec bill

Hold Your Fire

Finding my way back home
Although he vetoed it for the wrong reasons the bill was crap. Far more restrictive and burdening on the home growers and medical guys than the original rec law called for. I'm glad it was vetoed. There are moderate and libertarian leaning politicians hoping to loosen the regulations some on the rec bill


I'm satisfied with the way things are here.

It could be a whole lot worse.


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