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Washing Machine Hash



ilife said:
Using any bag filteration system bigger than 32 gallons is almost impossible. For any of you that have pulled up the 73um bag in a 32 gallon bag filteration system have already learned this, for it is almost impossible to pull up by yourself or with a friend. Stick with the household washing machine, 220um zipper bags, and a good 32 gallon bag filteration system, preferably an improved system such as Payload bags. The adding of the screen to the bottom sides of the filteration bags really makes for a quicker, easier, filtering system.

The less time your trichomes are the water, the stronger the flavor is.


Good post and totally agree. It is almost impossible to lift, but with a few guys. I think the washer machine is the way to go myself. I'll be giving it a try later on. Those screen zipper bags make life alot easier. To bad Mila dosen't have them listed on her site, or i just didn't see them.
Good post and take care all,


You know this idea has been around for a long time just like chief said....at least up here in the hills. We dont even bother with the paint filter bags. Put 3 lbs or so into the washer and fill up with ice and water. But then again we bought a brand new washer for this. I'm sure all of the bay area smokers love our hash....we go thru alot to the clubs avery week and noone seems to know the difference between stuff made with a blender or made with a machine. I do agree tho that the only way tho get full melt from a machine is to use at least 7 different bags.




Active member
The only pleasures I have ever gotten from hash was smoking it on a recent occasion.
I just think this shit is cool. Bubbleshash has much more aesthetic appeal then say, the resin off my spoon!


If anyone has a link to purchase them online{{{ the zippered 220 micron mesh bag(for material in the machine) }}}} ..Please post//

thank you


Not too bring up an old thread (mine too lol), but I just did a LARGE run through the washer and although I had a good yield and it was very blond; I'm wondering if the yield couldn't have been better. Sure, I coulda run it through 3 times instead of just twice, but due to time constraints and lack of ice, I had to cut it short. I'm thinking I just used too much trim and cut off my nose to spite my face...

SOOO my question is - Has anyone come up with a good figure on how much ice, water and frozen trim should go in when making a batch? 3 equal parts? or more water and ice? Saying that the trim was broken up - not smashed.



Active member
For best results when using a household washing machine is to use 1000g's to 1500g's. Use 2 zipper bags and split the total amount in half between the 2 zipper bags. Add mix sized ice cubes to the zipper bags along with your trim. 5 to 10lbs of ice to each zipper bag and another 15 to 20lbs in the machine. Only fill the machine between 1/2 and 3/4 full with cold water. Stop the cycle half way through and move your zipper bags around in the machine and continue.



DAMN ilife, I know who i'm having over for dinner when i need some help with my washer machine. Look at the resin covering the outside of those machines. You can see they've been used alot. Thanks for sharing your info with us.
Take care,


Thanks ilife. 1000 - 1500g's - what's that in a bucket size loosened up - 3 gallons give or take?


Active member
strainwhore said:
Thanks ilife. 1000 - 1500g's - what's that in a bucket size loosened up - 3 gallons give or take?

It is better to take the time and weigh your material first. This will help you have a more accurate percentage in the end.



Active member
acidfire said:
lol amazing setup! :yoinks:
looks like you process tons very quickly.

amazing he does anything with access to so much bubble hash. especially the 73micron my personal favorite. I would smoke myself into a coma


You guys are so fun to read.
When you say "TRIM" Are you talking about all the plant besides the stems and buds or is this trim specific to say Bud Trim. I cannot imagine ever having enough bud trim from 20 plants to do anything like this. How many plants does it take to make 1500 grams of trim?


Active member
Link for 220um zipper filter bags

Link for 220um zipper filter bags

ChiefOKief said:
If anyone has a link to purchase them online{{{ the zippered 220 micron mesh bag(for material in the machine) }}}} ..Please post//

thank you

You can find them under Extractions here www.hydroasis.com
