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Spanish breeders? How is that possible?


New member
High guys,

Because I don't live in Spain, I'm very confused about a cercumstance in Spain. How is it possible that there are so many breeders of cannabis strains located in Spain if their work should not be legal? I mean they are selling the seeds world wide, you can't do that if that what you are doing is not legal in your country, isn't it? But their laws don't allow growing weed for commercial reasons. Breeding is also something that needs a lot of space and efford. You coudn't do this in illegal circumstances. The risk of getting caught by the cops would be far too high. So how is this working in spain?

I would be really thankful for answers. Thanks


~~ Auto Ninja ~~
ICMag Donor
They can grow weed, if you can not see it from public place .

If you don't sell weed no problem . Seeds vendors are labelled as cereal sellers ;)

So if you are Spanish resident, no problem .
Well , it is always better to have an advocate .

I hope it makes it clearer .

But a Spanish dude can tell this better than me, with more details .


It's cool you know ... :laughing:



Well-known member
Spanish laws do not allow growing cannabis with more than 0'7% THC, but it does not says anything about seeds. How you (legally) get those seeds is blurry, but they're just cannabis seeds, used also for feeding birds. Granted, if they'd be targeted, they'd be in shit. Not long ago in Catalonia a growshop got busted for whatever reason, and the police seized the seeds. They alleged they were intended to grow "illegal cannabis substances", sending a chill to the spines of growers and breeders. But I guess it was anecdotal and the judge didn't care for that. Thin line, though. To add a bit, some american and dutch dealers also make their seeds in Spain, and dutch coffee shops also get their buds. And certainly some german ex-pats say hello too. After all, eurozone. Hopefully those gits from Brussels do not start pushing for stricter control. Not that I personally care, I mostly grow from my own crosses and presents, but it's a trade as legitimate as any other.


ICMag Donor
Legal... illegal...

Why does it matter anymore?

Seed producers do what they do regardless of the rules.
It’s always been this way!


Well-known member
Free ☕ 🦫
It's one of the main reasons why cannabis seeds are so expensive.
They are grown in a gray zone. Spain is one of the more liberal eu countries towards cannabis and seed production.

I have heard many stories that several Dutch seedbanks have outsourced their seed production to Spain.

Maybe someone from the Spanish scene could enlighten us?


Well-known member
It is very easy to understand! In Spain Cananbis seeds are completely legal!

As they have no THC. No matter if the seeds are birdseed hemp or powerful Thai. You can carry by the street a 50 Kg bag (of clean seeds with no vegetable material) and go to a police station talk with the policemen there, tell them jokes and later you go to your home with your 50 Kg Thai seeds! They would be alarmed if you carry a bomb or any weapon in the bag, but not for the seeds!

Of course as they hold the pan by the handle they can annoy you. So I don't recomend you go to a police station with a big bag of seeds :D

You will not go to jail for smoking or carrying a small amount of weed or hash in the street but you will get a wonderful fine from the Spanish Administration from 600€ onwards! Depending if the authority agent has spent the previous night in the sofa or any other unknown circunstances!

On the other side growing plants (there is no number or size) is a legal offense and you can go to court and even to jail! Prepare yourself to pay a lot of money to the fantastic and awesome Spanish Judicial System!

Not long ago they weighed the soil and even the clay pots so you were amazed in the news by plants producing 20Kg of the dangerous substance!!! If they find an indoor closset it will appear in the newspapers as a drug lab!

Most Spanish breeders are only scammer entrepreneurs. They take a few famous clones, buying them or even from some forums. Among those clones Critical Bilbo is essential, Amnesia Cordobesa, Widow Poligonera,... any fancy name which rarely must something to do with the real origin of the clone. Also any female from a pack of Jack Herer... They take cuttings. They spray them with Siver Thiosulphate, et voilà! Around 10€ per seed or even more! Those seeds usually are sold more expensive than the original strain!

Some of those "breeders" give clones to other people of friends who make the seeds at home in their closets. Others hire a flat or chalet for that purpose.

Other times they buy bulk seeds and introduce them in a fancy package with an atractive name and overrated hype. I bet they spend more in their webpages, hype and marketing than in properly breeding and making the seeds.

That's all folks!

Pepé The Grower

ICMag Donor
Now that's the post of the decade ^^!...you just forget to say people whom make the seeds for those "breeder" are paid something like 20 eurocent a pop...just go figure how lucrative that is for the front man...especially when you think you can produce up to 10.000 seeds/ square meter...the good old "peace, love, unity" is gone to " cynism, opportunism, greed" nowadays...:no:
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Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
High guys,

Because I don't live in Spain, I'm very confused about a cercumstance in Spain. How is it possible that there are so many breeders of cannabis strains located in Spain if their work should not be legal? I mean they are selling the seeds world wide, you can't do that if that what you are doing is not legal in your country, isn't it? But their laws don't allow growing weed for commercial reasons. Breeding is also something that needs a lot of space and efford. You coudn't do this in illegal circumstances. The risk of getting caught by the cops would be far too high. So how is this working in spain?

I would be really thankful for answers. Thanks

G `day A

Your vision of a breeding facility and reality are far apart .
1 tent can supply years worth of seed in 2 months ...

Just refer to Rez and his hi tech breeding facility .
Cops found some tents and a wardrobe . :peacock:

Thanks for sharin

EB .

Green Squall

Well-known member
They can grow weed, if you can not see it from public place .

If you don't sell weed no problem . Seeds vendors are labelled as cereal sellers ;)

So if you are Spanish resident, no problem .
Well , it is always better to have an advocate .

I hope it makes it clearer .

But a Spanish dude can tell this better than me, with more details .

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It's cool you know ... :laughing:


That picture has been around for a while and I never get tired of seeing it! What do you think, is it a one floor apartment or just one floor of very like-minded tenants?