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This guy gives us ALL a bad name!

Madrus Rose

post 69
America always seems to have the best armed wing nuts on the planet. If you stop the mouth breathers from buying guns it really does improve things for everyone.

We really do and you'd think we'd want to do a little "rethink" ?

(Now we have "Sons of Guns" one of the more popular shows on discovery channel ....just too much meth & steroids these days in America but we always were a "speedy bunch of violent drunks" from the very beginning , lol)

So we had some disturbed kid shoot up a Mall in Tuscon AZ and right before this they had just passed legislation in AZ allowing college kids to carry concealed weapons onto college campuses . Now after the poor Congresswoman , the Judge & all the others were shot you'd think there might be some tendency for peeps to want to rethink this issue , but no ...its too soon after & republicans say its not the time .

Earthquakes lead to giant Tsunamis in Japan that leads to 2 nuclear reactors getting knocked about & one almost melting down ...one would think that this might be a good time to talk about Nuclear reactor safety , yes?
No , nows not the time either ....biz as usual.

Always was a question in my mind after Pres Ronald Reagan got shot & there he was sitting in a Hospital bed recovering from bullet wound to the chest . You'd think he might have said something about gun control then ?
Nope, not a chance ...might lose him votes ,
(biz as usual )

Madrus Rose

post 69
Back in the summer of 1986 the DEA administrator initiated public hearings on cannabis rescheduling.

The hearings lasted two years, involving many witnesses & 1000's of documents and found :
DEA Chief Administrative Law Judge Francis L. Young on September 6, 1988 ruled that cannabis did not meet the legal criteria of a Schedule I prohibited drug and should be reclassified.
He declared that cannabis in its natural form is :

""Marijuana is the safest therapeutically active substance known to man... safer than many foods we commonly consume."
( end quote)



* Did that change a thing you'd think?
Nah , once again , pretty much biz as usual ...
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