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I've never used an "additive"...do I "need" to?


Active member
I do OK with just good ferts...AN Sensi, GH...but I've been wondering..."am I losing out on an easy way to boost yield"?

Well...am I?

If I'm using a good dose of Sensi or Maxibloom, am I REALLY going to see an improvement? To me, the plants look great.

These are from my last grow...Sensi bloom only...and some molasses too...

Wally Duck "CindyHaze"






Apollo 11


Another CindyHaze pheno


Should I spend the money? What do you suggest? Best bang for the buck...

Or don't bother, you won't get much more than what you're getting?

These were "soil", vert 400W HPS or CMH. I'm trying hempy buckets for the first time this next grow. That's why I'm asking...will ferts/molasses alone be sufficient?



Active member
No...it was serious... I was hoping there were others who grew plants that looked similar before...and were much better after starting to use additives.

I hear SO much talk of them...so I thought I'd ask.

Thank you, I'll take it as a compliment.
Most experienced growers will tell you that genectics is KEY! I think alot of growers are unaware that after all thier additives and voodoo rituals, this only makes up about 10% at best of makes the plant grow healthy and big. The other 90% of what is REALLY important has notta to do with base nutes or additives...but especially NOT additives. Yet growers are simply in denial (i guess...not sure why they continue to waste there money on junk....guess its cause they can...lol).....

PS - your plants look AWSOME bro!


Well-known member
Your thread is the definitive to all the BS in "additives" this proves that less is so much more!


have you seen my lighter?
ICMag Donor
not having an answer, all the same I've got to say you're the perfect person to answer it.

somebody who's got great performance with the 'basics' is exactly who I'd be interested to see test additives in a side-by-side comparison.


Well-known member
Hey brother, I run the canna terra line. I have noticed much better performance with there additives - all of them. Specifically to your question about "boosting" Canna Boost gives me an average of about 4 grams a plant off 2 clones in same environment under same light only difference is one is boosted other is not. You do the math on 4 x how ever many you run and you may find out its definitely worth the minor investment. Also i notice my plants get more solid and have about 5% more trichs from "boosting."

Just my own research on the topic...


I'm going to make my contribution to the "additives are bogus" crowd...

These buds are all at day 45, in nothing but coco, fed only Maxibloom and H202(instead of bubbling in a res prior to feeding).


BOG Bubble



They are small because I can only run about 20 Watts/sq.ft. due to the heat in the summer, but you get the picture.


Active member
ICMag Donor
I use additives only when I get free samples and I've never seen big differences with them. The only ones I use to buy are those that can fix a real deficiency (that's a pretty rare case) or a real weakness of basic ferts.

Carl Carlson


You need (a) good quality water supply (b) a complete fertilizer program and (c) good quality controlled environment.

Assuming you've already got (a) and (b) taken care of...

In pics 3 and 4 we can see the leaf tips and margins curled up. This indicates that the plant is trying to retain moisture. Are you battling high temps? Is the bulb too close? A strong fan blowing directly on the plants? Not enough air exchange?

one Q

yes, you need silica, Floralicious+ you also need Liquid Karma, and Kushie Kush, AND Bloombastic.

But you also need florablend, and YOU GOTTA have SWEET, and molasses. To be quite honest, if you aint rollen' 15-20 bottles deep... you aint doing enough for your girls.

*jokes aside* some root stim is always good to have on hand and silica IS good.


Well-known member
silica, molasses, Epsom salts, and humics may improve the overall product marginally. I am a firm believer in over doing it with humics.


Active member
There has to be some truth to the additive game..or people wouldn't continue to buy bloom boosters and the such. Much like steroids, or like C02...they are to be used after all other conditions have been met. Things are dialed in..then boosters I would imagine can be quite helpful. As long as they pay for themselves...and I am sure they do...they make perfect sense.


Active member
ICMag Donor
There's always a truth somewhere. What we can be sure about is that moderate doses of additives don't cause diseases.
Months ago I opened a thread here asking for any scientific and indipendent studies that demontrate that adding amino-acids and enzymes to the ones the plants produce by themself is good for anything. Nobody found one.
There are also little questions shared here and there like:

If I have to mix 3 products for flowering stage, why the nutes company doesn't mix'em by itself producing a single bottle instead of 3? After all if they can be mixed, they're compatible.

Or: if the soil produced by a co. is specific for Cannabis plants, why do I need to add 10 other products to it and, above all, starting from the very early stage?
The problem is nobody EVER spends the time to LEARN and dial in the grows. They instead look for an ADDITIVE to replace or FIX some other part of thier grow that is lacking.....that is so ass backwards.....that is mainly how additives are used and why people keep wasting thier money of them......

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
Standard bloom nutes, 1000W HPS, 3x3 ebb/flow tray, single cola SOG, clones in at 4 per sq/ft, straight on to 12/12.





I don't think I need any additives, works just fine without them.