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Costco carport greenhouse 2011


Active member

You grow them so big what ya need is a man lift...

No ladders that way...:whistling:


TB Gardens

Active member
suuubscribed ;-)

its a beautiful thing you are doing there! i was wondering about the smell, then i read a few posts up about how there is 'nothing you can do', and that makes complete sense. even a framed in greenhouse would stank so bad without constant scrubbing. i guess you got yourself some decent neighbors, lol! great start, can't wait to watch this one thru the summer!



Damn, how much are those ZZ? lol!

Thanks everyone, but seriously, I'm trying to keep it safe & sane this year. I'm having surgery in a couple of weeks to repair last falls damage, "torn meniscus & ACL". Should be good as new in a few weeks.

This carport greenhouse works great here in Sacramento where it gets 100+ all summer. The way the mesh fabric lets the air pass thru, keeps the heat down.

I hope to pick up organic compost tomorrow. I want to get the dirt mixed & resting before my surgery.




After your advice, I noticed the link in your signature again. I'm subscribed for sure bro, I can't wait to see these monsters get huge! I hope your feeling well, and I hope after your surgery you will feel 110%.

Glad to see you back in action DoubleJJ. I thought you said you were going to go smaller...no way that can be true with 100gal pots???

I am going to be here pulling your shirt sleeve for several months since this is my first time.

I started building mine last week also. Since i can only have 3 plants in flower i went with a $107 Delivered to my door)7'x7'x12' greenhouse from ebay. The plastic top looks like it should work real well and i have 3 rolls of the shade cloth to build the sides and ends. Why did you take out the link to that stuff? It is too cool not to use...not really trying to pun there.

The kit greenhouse is really flimsy so i am reinforcing it using 3/4" plastic pipe (mostly to tie the top and sides off on) with the 2"x4"x4' mesh around 3 sides and fashioned a kind of gate...my garage door. We have both skunks and squirrels in too high a numbers not to block them, and the mesh makes it real hard to get in and out to slow snoops and sticky fingers. One end is going to be fastened to the opening of my garage door for both strength and security. I also built-up the lower frame with the pipe to make it 9.5' tall.

I found 45gal rubber-maid totes at Home depot and furniture/mover's dollies at Harbor-Freight that fit perfectly under them. I intend to roll the ladies out of the garage each morning into their sun-room. This will let me sleep easier and get to work at night.

I could only get 4 bags of FFOF and 3 of Happy Frog. That was all that was in town, plus large bag of chunky perlite and box of dolomite. The plants are already in 7gal pots so how much more of what do i need to track down? I don't know how long before local shops get more bags of fox??? Is there anything else close that i might easily track down?

The plants were cloned back in end of Jan. They are getting close to outgrowing my poor little 30"x30"x6' cabinet...I didn't think they would get THAT bushy in there.

I hope your surgery goes smooth and you are back to this project in plenty of time.

While you are sitting around healing up would you be kind enough to consider what i should do on lighting schedule? I have no clue how to acclimatise the plants into the room. Do i change from the 18/6 they are now on, or should i just get a couple of cfls on a timer in the garage to extend the light exposure time? That question has been bugging me for several weeks now.

THANK-YOU for the great inspiration on this. I hope you get all the ladies through to a VERY fruitful harvest. I will be checking for updates CONSTANTLY.:thank you: You ARE the :artist:in trees :tiphat:.


Thanks everyone, I enjoy posting & sharing my experiences with you.

Hey Doc, glad your giving it a try. Sounds like you've got a good set-up going. Any chance you could take a picture, sounds interesting. If you can take some pic's & make a post here & I'll help you all I can.

I got into trouble here on ICmag about a week ago for posting a link on another thread. The ICmag administration deleted that thread & told me to remove any other links I had posted. Sorry.

But you can find it at Home Depot I just bought 2 rolls, $27ea.

As for lighting, how big do you want them? With your set-up, they're gonna get too big to move in & out, before normal daylight hrs. will trigger flowering. With your set-up, I'd grow them as large as I wanted & then start keeping them inside for 12 hrs. You could probably do this year-round.

Buy the best organic potting soil you can & start using Maxsea all purpose 16-16-16. Switch to bloom 3-20-20 for flowering.

Good luck man, I'll be posting my soil mixing pic's as soon as I getter done.



The greenhouse supply should have PVC clips that you clamp over the cloth onto the pipe. They work pretty well without having to put holes in your cloth. I like the way you increased the support for your top with the rope trusses. Should help with wind flapping. I love them Widows from last year.


you werent worried about smell at all last year with the mesh sides or someone peaking over your fence? thats my situation? i was gonnna copy your design cause i have the same type carport but not sure if i wanna do plastic down the sides also or if the mesh will smell too bad?? any help appreciated

Without the mesh you would have to have a large intake at one end and large exhaust fan at the other to keep from cooking the girls.
As for odor. I had a cornfield grow one year. About 50 nine footers. Could smell them 300 yards away at the road. I drove around most of the night until I found a dead skunk. Tossed it in the back of the truck and then out beside the road at my grow. People smelled skunk they saw skunk. Problem solved.


Geeze, I wonder how long the city of Sacramento would let a dead skunk lay in front of my house?lol!

urban, the Costco frames are 3 times heaver than the cheap'o ones I've seen, well worth $199. Their frames are stout & heavy. You'll have this frame forever. You could sell the cover on craigslist for maybe $50.

P.S. Come to think of it, I have 3 of those covers in my garage, still in the plastic. Watch for them on craigslist!lol!


Geeze, I wonder how long the city of Sacramento would let a dead skunk lay in front of my house?lol
Here's how to handle that Skunk smell which BTW I can't drive by a died Skunk without it's smell putting a SMILE on my face.
So put up all around your property:
Good Luck on your 2011 grow. :tiphat:
So put up all around your property:
I hadn't thought about the fact that they might help hide things. The ones we have around here destructive, completely fearless, PITA! There have been several around town testing positive for rabies as well...I am thinking it is time to invest in a high-power pellet gun or silencer for the .22??? They were my main reason for wanting to put the 2"x4"x4' mesh fencing around the GH i am building...I just didn't realize a 50' roll of that stuff is around $75-100 in this area. I need to find it cheaper QUICK.

I am not getting anything done on mine till this weekend because of medical tests.

I will have to find a camera one of these days. Pulled mine out for Christmas only to find out it is on the fritz...don't know what it's trip is. But it seems i keep spending every spare dime on these plants. I even quitt smoking cigarettes last month to have more to build this GH.

When i transplant into the totes the totes will be 2' 4" tall with the dollies attached. I put all the bags of soil into one tub (more than twice what it should have when planted) along with a couple of old cranks and cams, and was pushing it all around the driveway and garage with ease. So the moving of the plants will be EASY. The problem is that the top of the door is only 7'3"...Can you LST trees?

On the light cycle i figure if i hang 2 or 3 CFLs right above the plants while in the garage it would be easy to have a timer click them on about 3 hrs before sunrise. Will that be enough to keep them from flowering?
I was checking the daylight hours here and became worried. May 1st SR (sunrise) 6:02am SS (sunset) 7:52pm = 13hrs 50 min. That seems like it Will definitely cause flowering. Even June 21st (the Summer Solstice, longest day and my B-Day) SR 5:31am SS 8:28pm = only 14hrs 57min. of daylight which seems like it might cause flowering??? So if i have CFLs click on at about 3am every day it will give enough time but are they strong enough (they wouldn't be extremely close, about 2-3 feet away) to keep the plants in veg untill i flip them in July. I guess to flip them i just put them in the garage after 12 hrs. out in the sun.


They are definitely going to flower right now w/out additional lighting. 2-3 cfls should work.

Yeah, that's what I was thinking when you told me about your set-up, just leave them inside for 12 hrs when you want to flower.

You could do a perpetual harvest, with overlapping cycles, always have some flowering.



urban, the Costco frames are 3 times heaver than the cheap'o ones I've seen, well worth $199. Their frames are stout & heavy. You'll have this frame forever. You could sell the cover on craigslist for maybe $50.

P.S. Come to think of it, I have 3 of those covers in my garage, still in the plastic. Watch for them on craigslist!lol!

lol, I found one on CL today for 100 with no cover, I passed.... Ill keep my eye out for the next one, although I may just get a bug up my ass and head to costco at lunch! The Mrs. would shit.
" Baby, you know that tent you didnt like at first, well this is a bigger one for OUTSIDE!" hehehhe:kiss:



Sorry folks, there's been a delay in picking up the compost. I hope to have some by the end of the week.



They were my main reason for wanting to put the 2"x4"x4' mesh fencing around the GH i am building...I just didn't realize a 50' roll of that stuff is around $75-100 in this area. I need to find it cheaper QUICK.

keep looking. locally here 330' roll (100m) = $80


Goal = $50 per pound

Goal = $50 per pound

My goal this year is; cost= $50 per pound.

I have a $1000 budget for dirt & supplies, & hope to get around 20#

9x100gl smart pots @ 2.2lbs per plant = 20#

So I'm shooting for 1 kilo per plant

A mans got to have goals!

P.S. Oohh how I remember $85 ki's, but now I'm really dating my self!

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