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Calaveras County Has Screwed Over Every Legal Grower

who dat is

Cave Dweller
Yeah and how are people supposed to legally protect their property? Water Balloons? Pretty sure anything else on property isn't legal right? At least federally I'm sure.


No Jive Productions
get the names, addresses, and phone numbers as well as the public office title the decision makers hold and publish it for all to see linking them to this act.

repeat often at election time!


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
Calveras is the county that was supposed to set the bar for cultivation. I have many friends there and they are tripping big time!

They said on the application it would reveal the names and plot sizes to the public, but thats it...

They went far beyond that and WILL have blood on their hands from this...

Baron Greenback

That really is dangerously irresponsible, with the proliferation of firearms in the US, they've basically lined up a number of people to be killed.
Hopefully, the honest small scale growers will be safe and the ones who can afford security do.
It seems like complete idiocy, did they just let the temp loose on their site? Surprised they een named the rich, large scale operations - wouldn't have been surprised to learn they were behind this to erase the competition.


Well-known member
That really is dangerously irresponsible, with the proliferation of firearms in the US, they've basically lined up a number of people to be killed.
Hopefully, the honest small scale growers will be safe and the ones who can afford security do.
It seems like complete idiocy, did they just let the temp loose on their site? Surprised they een named the rich, large scale operations - wouldn't have been surprised to learn they were behind this to erase the competition.

There are new players looking to secure the market for themselves and be rid of the competition and are trying to pass a law proposed by a billionaire.

Many things, like the governors sudden signing of MMRSA seem to be an effort to reign in or eliminate the medical growers, to secure the market for the wreckreational / auma business.


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
From my lawyer, Omar Figueroa....

"If you or anyone you know is on the Calaveras County list, and would like to be considered for pro bono representation in seeking a judge or peace officer to convene a People's Posse to maintain public order (and prevent paranoia, vigilantism, and racial profiling of "outsiders" in Calaveras County), please contact the Law Offices of Omar Figueroa at 415-489-0420.

Calaveras County has published a "home invasion list" with detailed information for the more than 700 local applicants seeking medical cannabis cultivation permits, just in time for harvest.

Does the Calaveras County Sheriff's Office have 700+ deputies to guard against reasonably foreseeable home invasion robberies? Is local law enforcement close to prepared for the carloads of rippers who will target Calaveras County cultivators? An unforeseen consequence will be rampant paranoia, vigilantism and racial profiling in Calaveras County.

One possible solution is for local citizens to ask a judge or peace officer to "deputize" them to join a posse comitatus, in order to maintain public order (and prevent anticipated home invasion robberies) pursuant to Penal Code Section 150, which provides:
"Every able-bodied person above 18 years of age who neglects or refuses to join the posse comitatus or power of the county, by neglecting or refusing to aid and assist in taking or arresting anyperson against whom there may be issued any process, or by neglecting to aid and assist in retaking any person who, after being arrestedor confined, may have escaped from arrest or imprisonment, or by neglecting or refusing to aid and assist in preventing any breach ofthe peace, or the commission of any criminal offense, being thereto lawfully required by any uniformed peace officer, or by any peaceofficer described in Section 830.1, subdivision (a), (b), (c), (d),(e), or (f) of Section 830.2, or subdivision (a) of Section 830.33, who identifies himself or herself with a badge or identification card issued by the officer's employing agency, or by any judge, is punishable by a fine of not less than fifty dollars ($50) nor more than one thousand dollars ($1,000)."

If you or anyone you know is on the Calaveras County list, and would like to be considered for pro bono representation in seeking a judge or peace officer to convene a People's Possee to maintain public order (and prevent paranoia, vigilantism, and racial profiling of "outsiders" in Calaveras County), please contact the Law Offices of Omar Figueroa at 415-489-0420.

Baron Greenback

This could be absolute carnage. Hopefully there will be a peaceful resolution but that is just looking unlikely now.
What sort of rampant fucktard even considers releasing information like that? In the UK there's the Data Protection Act and there are very strict limits on what information can be passed on and released - there's no way any addresses would be given out.
It really does beggar belief, best wishes to anyone caught up in this nightmare.
Its the sheriffs fault. There is a dichotomy in california in some counties between local government and the sheriffs. The sheriffs want to see cannabis go down...theyre living in the past...still pushing that federal agenda regardless of what citizens vote for and counties get on board with. They were talking about doingthis a few months ago because all agricultural farms are listed...very naive and very .. whats the word im looking for....terroristic of them.

Honestly this is why I'm going to wait as long as I can to get a license. They are bullshit as far as im concerned. I feel for everyone in Calaveras. Shits about to get really fucking real.

Fuck the corrupt as fuck sheriffs of California. You know they're drooling over this list and making a map for next year.

who dat is

Cave Dweller
Its the sheriffs fault. There is a dichotomy in california in some counties between local government and the sheriffs. The sheriffs want to see cannabis go down...theyre living in the past...still pushing that federal agenda regardless of what citizens vote for and counties get on board with. They were talking about doingthis a few months ago because all agricultural farms are listed...very naive and very .. whats the word im looking for....terroristic of them.

Honestly this is why I'm going to wait as long as I can to get a license. They are bullshit as far as im concerned. I feel for everyone in Calaveras. Shits about to get really fucking real.

Fuck the corrupt as fuck sheriffs of California. You know they're drooling over this list and making a map for next year.

Glad you found this thread. That's what I was getting at earlier today. :yes:

There any kind of tweeker scene around that county? That would certainly be a recipe for carnage. I'm sure the media will be poised to cover it as well in the worst light possible when people start getting held up, shot at, threatened, etc. "It's Marijuana's fault certainly!"
Yup very tweaky plus the valley outside of the foothills swarms with them

That map has tons and tons of weed on it. Literally. Fuck them!


Has anyone stopped to consider the Streisand effect? (see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Streisand_effect)

I know it is public info, but how many people would have found this on their own? Genuinely asking, not sure how info like this is disseminated in NorCal.

To be clear, I am not defending the pigs. This is absolutely fucking evil and should be criminal. Someone is very likely going to get hurt over this.

Best of luck to those affected in Calaveras, hope you get through this smoothly.

Also: I wonder if the intent, or part of it at least, of this is to discourage others from attempting to go legit. Stories like this certainly reinforce skepticism and reluctance to put your name on a list, or go legit. The likely net effect is less people will be willing to come forward. Are they trying to create more criminals, rather than create more legit businesses? Cuz that is what shit like this will do.

edit: Just saw an article. All I had to do was google "Calaveras County" and it was in the top search results as a News article. Article is here - http://www.calaverasenterprise.com/news/article_ab0d2004-869b-11e6-8334-dba497a3bbcf.html

Found some interesting tidbits from the article, which is linked above...

This isn't going anyway, it's going to continue...
A list of nearly 1,000 applicants to be legal cannabis growers in Calaveras County was released Wednesday by the Calaveras County Planning Department.

...“This is a snapshot in time as of last Friday,” said Planning Director Peter Maurer on Thursday. “We’re going to update this list every week.

It did specify that the release of info varied according to the type of business, cold comfort I know, but it's an important distinction... (emphasis added is my own)
Information for nearly 740 commercial growers is detailed and provides names of the farmers, the name of the farm or business, whether the business is conducted as an indoor operation or is mixed-light or outdoor, addresses, county parcel numbers, zoning designation, and the size of the grow canopy.

Information for all personal and most caregiver growers, who are not commercial operations, is limited to zoning, city, zip code, light source and canopy size. The Planning Department did list names and addresses for some caregivers, but did not indicate why it listed some caregivers but not the vast majority.

No surprise here... this is how most towns operate. Permitting and licensing is a nightmare. (again emphasis added is my own)
So far, 27 applicants have been denied and at least 14 of those denials have been appealed to the Planning Commission for review. However, the commission has upheld every denial brought forward for review.

This is how small towns set up rackets. Their buddies get approved, and anyone else gets screwed. The good 'ol boy system. Look at the list of people involved in the county, especially the larger set-ups. Lots of former public officials. I'm sure they "know someone" downtown to help get their paperwork pushed through.
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Siro, gangs love information, I've even seen gang related google earth type vehicles in Cali driving into alleys mapping out spots to rob. I imagine anyone interested would have had this regardless. The sheriffs been threatening it for months.

By the next full moon people will be chopped up and put into septic tanks. I'm pissed and I dont even live there

It was the same in butte county. DA's son grew on a property that was raided the next year after selling high.

Yeah theyre trying to discourage licenses, but the licenses are just as suspect as they are in my opinion. I dont think they are really legal...and I think its going to be a while until the truth comes to light. Its just more oppression.

Keep growing...


and as a legal 215 holder you aren't allowed to have guns..
something similar to this also happened not to long ago in humboldt.