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Cannabis may boost the immune system and fight cancer, scientists claim


New member
Cannabis can strengthen the immune system and fight cancer, according to research.

Scientists are calling for more studies to be done on humans after studying the cancer-fighting effects of chemicals in the drug.


I had this article on Vapingdaily in my mind https://vapingdaily.com/support/marijuana-smokers-health/. Here you can fund "Does Smoking Weed Cause Cancer?" topic with the answer to your question)
But I think it is individually, weed will have a good influence or not


New member
But I suppose the problem is "Smoking" weed - I think smoking anything is unhealthy

smoke actually contains toxic by-products such as carbon monoxide, tar, benzene and other carcinogens - chemicals we want to avoid, especially if using cannabis for its medicinal properties. Read More

From what I understand, It's counterproductive to SMOKE medical cannabis especially when there are so many other ways you could enjoy it.