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Movies - How Did I Miss That?


Well-known member
Seeing previews and hearing reviews can often lead to a build up of expectations that is rarely lived up to. I love finding gems that I knew nothing about.

Movie 43 was like this. Didn't know anything about it going in and just saw it had some recognizable names and gave it a whirl. It's good ol toilet humor but it had me rolling around laughing.


Cannabis ****
Almost human. 1974, Umberto Lenzi movie.
Umberto Lenzi and Lucio Fulci are 2 awesome great artists...
I love cronenberg (videodrome it's an all times masterpiece), Kubrick, Benicio del toro,the first John woo, Romero, lynch, Scorsese, Cohen brothers, jodorowsky, jorg buttgereit, Terry Gilliam, shinya tsukamoto, Otomo, Castiglioni brothers, ridley Scott, Bryan yuzna, the early Peter Jackson, Dino risi, Clint Eastwood and many many others...

White Beard

Active member
Speaking of John Woo, check out “Red Cliff(s)”.

Here’s the disclaimers: it’s in Chinese, so you have to read the captions, there’s a three hour “international” version, and the 5+ hour full film, so see the full film.

It’s historical, telling of a pivotal battle during the Hundred Kingdoms period: think China’s “longest day” or “band of brothers”. The battle scenes are jaw-dropping in originality, staging and scope. The human story is both very Chinese and very human. It’s told in a sweeping style that alternates with intimate moments that expose the characters’ nature and motivations.


ØG T®ipL3 ØG³
I second this. Not a Crowe fan per se but this role was his as ordained it seems. They keep teasing the fans with another of the series.

Yep hehe, Russell's best role if u ask me, easily. That unfortunate Robin Hood movie being his gutter ball, although that whole movie was a bit crap. Russell Crowe told the fans to email the studio heads and tell em that people want a sequel to MaC, apparently he really enjoyed it, too. But it's been like 16 years since the 1st one came out, and box office for the movie was like $210 mil vs a $150 mil budget, plus marketing. So while it didn't bomb, it wasn't a huge hit either. Then again, it went against Pirates of the Caribbean 1 and LOTR: Return of the King, AND it was a guy-flick. So I'd say it did just fine.

One of my favorite movies. Are you a big reader? The movie was based after the book series. Highly recommended.

Yessir. Dono about big, but I'm a reader.. Problem is, English is my 3rd language, and the books have a lot of old timey English, not to mention all that maritime stuff. Doesn't help that I served in the (Finnish) navy, I still need a glossary to understand em sometimes. That makes reading a bit slow, tho you learn new stuff like that, like the time I read 'Pimp' by Iceberg Slim.. That was good :)

Also, they've only translated the first 5 or 6 books to my numero uno language, but whoever translated em wasn't the best man/woman for the job. Accurate, yes, but the translated versions just don't flow like the originals, even with the occasional glossary break. Same thing with them Game of Thrones books. I find originals way more enjoyable, whether it's books, movies or TV-shows. I was visiting a pal in Germany a few years back, tried to watch South Park dubbed to German. The horror.. The horror...
That's why I was like ey yo motherF, learn the language, or learn to love subtitles. If Cartman goes something like "Achtung jungs!", and it's not one of those episodes where he's playing a Nazi and/or worshiping Mel Gibson.. Yea, no, just no.
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Active member
Watching "Regression" right now in bits and pieces. Has Emma Watson who is okay but Ethan Hawke's acting just sucks. It's the story I like. Scary. Based on real story too.


so what kind of party favors go with the 2005 version of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory? (with Johnny Depp--leaves Netflix tomorrow)

never seen it before. crazy movie :kos:

Anyone seen Bad times at el royale? It’s pretty good from last year

nope, but i will now, thx for the tip!


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
“ Hostiles”,, A one watch movie like “ Green Mile” but although extremely sad , Christian Bale, Wes Stuld as the chief dying of C being taken back to his people ,,,beautifully shot and haunting music,,,s2


Boreal Curing
All Quiet on the Western Front

WW1 from a German man's perspective. Great movie. 1929.

All Quiet on the Western Front tells the story of Paul Bäumer, a young German soldier fighting on the western front during the first world war. Bäumer and several of his friends join the army voluntarily after listening to the patriotic speeches of their teacher, but soon become disillusioned after experiencing the horrors of the battlefield.