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Cobra420's 600w Tent


Things in the tents are chugging along nicely!! Just lowered the plants from the lights a little and evened out the canopy a bit. They were put into 12/12 the other day so today makes Day 4 of 12/12. FINALLY ordered the other HPS bulb today. I'm a staunch procrastinator...

Tent 1 - C99 #3


Tent 2 - Satori #1



Tents are still chugging along nicely.

I'm definitely going to work on maintaining more of an even canopy. The difference in the canopies this round within each tent is insane. Either way, they seem to be growing quite nicely.

As of today, all 3 tents are at day 27 of flower.

C99 Tent



The flowers on these C99's are MASSIVE compared to the plants in my other 2 tents. They got large QUICK. I'm unsure what's going on with them, but I feel they are going to get huge. I love it too because this particular plant, when cured, has an amazing fruity aroma. The best I've smelt from everything I've grown so far.


Satori Tent



This plant smells quite good. As you can see, the canopy is FUBAR. This clone is quite branchy. The bonsai mother turns into a MONSTER quickly. I haven't had a chance to test this clone yet due to mold in the past. Now that the dehumidifier has been installed, I'm hoping to get a good sample from her.

I know one thing, one of the 4 pheno's I grew out from seed a few months back, was a beast! The flowers were larger than anything I've ever grown. They had to have been 4-5 times larger than any of the other plants growing at the time. Wish I had gotten my cloning rate to where it is now back then... I'd be running her right now. Still got a few more seeds so maybe I'll run into a similar pheno in the future.


PExCC Tent



Another one I will be working on evening the canopy of in future runs. This one I got as a freebie from the Boutique. Created by Bueno Time. 1 female out of the 5 seeds I started. All 5 plants were super uniform and grew larger and faster than the Satori and Strawberry Diesel Kush tents I was running at the time. Amazing smelling plant with a great smoke after a cure. One of the wife's favorite to go to. Excited to get more of this jarred up!!


Jarred up C99 from the most recent harvest. Got 7 half gallon jars of flowers. Slowly getting them into the cure zone.

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Weighing it out once they've stabilized.

The tents will be getting loaded up soon.

Finally got around to weighing this all out. 14.5oz of my C99 #1. Quite low for the amount of light I'm running, but considering the amount of tops that had to be tossed due to mold, most of the mains, at least I got something salvageable from the goodness down below. :biggrin:

With the dehumidifier running, the humidity is WAY lower now by 30-40% so I'm hoping the mold will be a thing of the past. Next on the list are oscillating fans. I've been looking at a bunch of them, but its hard as hell to find something that will fit in these tents while being powerful enough to move some air.

If anyone has any suggestions for an oscillating fan for a 39.5"x39.5" tent, it would be appreciated!! Also any recommendations on ways of mounting it would help as well.


Active member
do you keep your exhaust fan on 24/7 in the flower room? What was the humidity before the dehumidifier?


do you keep your exhaust fan on 24/7 in the flower room? What was the humidity before the dehumidifier?

The fan exhausting the tents, runs 24/7. Previously, it was sitting at 75%+ all the time. During that time, the temps were in the upper 70's/lower 80's. That with the super high humidity spelled disaster. Now the temps are mid/upper 70's and the humidity is normally in the 40's or lower but has hit low 50's when its really humid outside.

I think another part of my problem is I exhaust the tents out of the tent room, but the tent room is still within the room the tent exhaust is being sent. It just turns the area into a convection oven. (minus the heat, only humidity)

The lights get exhausted to either the upstairs part of the house (during winter time for warming... DOES AN AMAZING JOB) or into a crawl space (during summer time).

I'm thinking if I go ahead and duct the tent exhaust into the light exhaust, with the addition of the dehumidifier, it should completely eliminate any chance of high humidity. The added humidity through out the house would be welcomed since this wood stove sucks any moisture out the air.


If anyone has any suggestions for an oscillating fan for a 39.5"x39.5" tent, it would be appreciated!! Also any recommendations on ways of mounting it would help as well.

You could use a tower fan they dont take up much room and have alot of different modes to mess around with.

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