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The Internet and the Spread of Illiteracy


You mean that in America this is done on purpose? That the 'educated' people deliberately want to keep people dumb? Is this real or a conspiracy theory?

I heard that University/College can be very expensive in America. Is this true? My parents paid for my University education between 1,5 and 2k euro for each year. This included books too. Still expensive but it pays itself back.

The C. I. A. says that when nothing Americans believe is real, we've done our job.

Textbooks are a sales racket. The mandatory textbooks in the lower schools are just a way to fatten publishers' pockets. American history in particular is a bunch of shiny propaganda that skips most of the important things. University professors will find themselves unemployed if they discuss certain things. Saying university "can" be expensive is an understatement; like real estate, it continues to drastically increase, while real wages, or what you can afford per an hours' labor, plummets, if you can find anyone who will pay you to do something.

English as a second language must be one of the hardest ones. I can't explain to you why "good food" does not rhyme. In most other languages, there would be a different letter or accent mark or something. Here, you have to say the words differently or everyone would laugh at you, but, apparently, if you misspell them, that's considered a plus.

I for one am atavistic and believe we should have less technology. It ruins the soul. If the society is just going to breed people who are pro-robot and con-spelling, it's already dead. One is not really opposed to change, but what kind of change, is the issue. I have always found it much easier to communicate with Europeans, Chinese, and Africans, who bothered to learn my language, because there is someone behind those eyes. There's really a mental communication, where words are only a bridge; a lot of the people here are struggling to have a coherent thought.

Back around the 1930s, General Motors bought most of the train and trolley companies, quit doing maintenance, so everything fell apart, so public transportation went extinct and everyone had to buy cars. In Europe, I can easily hop on something, hop on something else, keep going forever and never stop with perfect ease. Here, you mostly get into a car, go into a store for some package with minimal human interaction, then return to your self-satisfying box of isolation. Totally different environments.

Childhood has been extinguished. As soon as I could walk, I went wherever I wanted and talked to anyone. Some of my first friends were Hindus, and a retired couple from what was then Czechoslovakia. Everyone was outdoors all the time. Now you don't see anyone. The draconian laws on children, and how little you have to do to have them legally kidnapped, are mind boggling.

In other words, the place where I was born, has been destroyed and replaced with a shill, over the course of (what I hope amounts to) half a lifetime. There's a few exceptions, but when progress amounts to new things like "homeless family", we can be sure that corporate interests are not at all the same as human ones.

You're allowed to gain a type of mechanical intelligence to allow you to become a specialist in one thing, and that's about all.

I've heard from some Europeans that they are actually shocked to see medicine and doctors' ads on television and so forth, as if there is not really a need to advertise these services in their countries. In most respects, this is not a country, it's a disease factory.


1960 - 21,000

1970 - 201,000

1972 - 321,000

2000 - 1,643,000

2017 - 303,000

Below 1972 levels, been declining since 2,000, so no “massive” “crisis”.
A manufactured problem created by those who don’t have a good product to sell.

I wonder if the government is counting undocumented immigrants, sort of like I'm not sure they count me as a human being anymore. I've been pretty close to the receiving end of the coyotes. And in a certain sense, that could be said to be declining. The reason is that there's not enough pie left to swipe. On the street level, the people of so-called third world countries have seen they stand a better chance at home, than to try to come here. If overall documented immigration is declining, the reason is probably the same.

I couldn't begin to guess how many fake green cards, and various types of non-identification I've seen. But it would outweigh the number of fake American driver licenses by a factor of ten or more.


Well-known member
I wonder if the government is counting undocumented immigrants, sort of like I'm not sure they count me as a human being anymore. I've been pretty close to the receiving end of the coyotes. And in a certain sense, that could be said to be declining. The reason is that there's not enough pie left to swipe. On the street level, the people of so-called third world countries have seen they stand a better chance at home, than to try to come here. If overall documented immigration is declining, the reason is probably the same.

I couldn't begin to guess how many fake green cards, and various types of non-identification I've seen. But it would outweigh the number of fake American driver licenses by a factor of ten or more.

Don't think there has ever been a time that our corporate masters thought of us as other than another resource.

Big Nasty

Active member
I've heard from some Europeans that they are actually shocked to see medicine and doctors' ads on television and so forth, as if there is not really a need to advertise these services in their countries. In most respects, this is not a country, it's a disease factory.[/quote]

Good point,I'm one of those Europeans.The saddest thing is that our governments(both italian and ue) are slowly trying to do what your governments have done in your country:private education and healthcare,fucking guns in our streets,angry kids and people working 24/7 for 365 days a year,always in debt with a bank since graduation.Fuck that shit,we gladly pay taxes for everyone's healthcare and education,be him american,french or russian;a country where it's easier and less expensive to buy a gun than to have my arms plastered?no thanks,i don't want to be scared of people.

As far as illiteracy spreading this is happening in Italy too,there's actually people proud of being illiterate and to write a sentence full of mistakes and if you try to correct them then you are a nazi grammar,whatever that means.


Active member
^^ Well you win. Your numbers prove your point, well done. My numbers with population going up 60% are meaningless.

Not trying to win anything, but the numbers speak for themselves.

An entire campaign and presidency based on a “crisis” of “mass immigration”, sold by a career con man.

Lots of people will ride that log down the toilet apparently


Active member
Since the thread veered away from illiteracy to immigration, I just wanted to mention a few of my observations on the subject.

Has anyone else noticed all the similarities between now and 1931? Fear of Mexicans fostered by Hearst etc? Prohibition ended.

What else happened in 1931? The Great Depression happened. Harry Anslinger happened. Roosevelt made the supreme court 9 people instead of 7 so he could get his agendas passed happened. Eventually WWII happened.

Somebody said unless we learn from history we're doomed to repeat it. No shit.

St. Phatty

Active member
I for one am atavistic and believe we should have less technology. It ruins the soul. If the society is just going to breed people who are pro-robot and con-spelling, it's already dead. One is not really opposed to change, but what kind of change, is the issue. I have always found it much easier to communicate with Europeans, Chinese, and Africans, who bothered to learn my language, because there is someone behind those eyes. There's really a mental communication, where words are only a bridge; a lot of the people here are struggling to have a coherent thought.


I read Ted Kaczynski's (the UnaBomber) 35,000 word essay once. I think he got a lot of things right.

I think the ICMag membership is better at tackling complex social subjects than a lot of groups I've belonged to.

I tend to have more coherent thoughts in the morning.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Not trying to win anything, but the numbers speak for themselves.

An entire campaign and presidency based on a “crisis” of “mass immigration”, sold by a career con man.

Lots of people will ride that log down the toilet apparently

I was being sarcastic if you did not know. I said nothing of crisis but do know in my area of California half the people are from other countries. Well, it is a shitload anyways.

The freeways are clogged all the time. Emergency rooms, ugh well I think you know about that if you have been in one lately. There are a bunch of other bad things with all new arrivals but what is the point of even going on about it.

The log you rode was Obama, not orange but brown. Trump is a real estate tycoon not P T Barnum. He does talk a lot of crap but so did Obama or all the rest. Trump just talks to hear himself sometimes and gets in trouble for it. Obama and Clinton would think about their lie first.

Comparison to 1931 has some points of interest but not really buying the connection. Fear of Mexicans or other ethnics was ongoing and had Ike deport a bunch of illegals in the 50's. Prosperity reigned then. I think you are learning less from history than imagining things. Trump living in your head too dddaver?

Roman empire got dissolved at least partly by unchecked immigration. Has happened elsewhere. No shit.


Well-known member

I read Ted Kaczynski's (the UnaBomber) 35,000 word essay once. I think he got a lot of things right.

I think the ICMag membership is better at tackling complex social subjects than a lot of groups I've belonged to.

I tend to have more coherent thoughts in the morning.

This is the grown up version of in high school where the jocks, stoners, nerds and whoever learned they could enjoy a fat joint together.


Well-known member

I read Ted Kaczynski's (the UnaBomber) 35,000 word essay once. I think he got a lot of things right.

I think the ICMag membership is better at tackling complex social subjects than a lot of groups I've belonged to.

I tend to have more coherent thoughts in the morning.

you can't be a real nutjob without being frighteningly intelligent. the line between genius and madness is not black and white, the border is a wide gray band that those people wander around on. taken as an average, i agree; there are just as wide a variety of opinions on here as the street corner, but we (mostly) can work out differences. i find it encouraging that we are almost never on opposite sides on EVERYTHING. some folks here that are at each others throat on one subject are frequently on the same side on another. this is not true in the US political scene right now. ah....mornings.:woohoo:

PDX Dopesmoker

Active member
…Roman empire got dissolved at least partly by unchecked immigration. Has happened elsewhere. No shit.

The Nez Perce, Cayuse and Yurok empires fell to immigration for sure. The Roman empire eventually mostly dissolved over a period of about 1000 years because it was mismanaged from the top down. And of course you're operating on the assumption that the Roman empire was good and it's disappearance was some sort of historic tragedy, but I bet if you went back in time you'd find out that the vast majority of people back then felt like they'd be better off without the Romans. I don't accept the parallels between Rome and America either, because we get taught all that bullshit about equality in school and even though nobody seems to believe in it much, we're not supposed to be ruled over by a racially restricted class of superwealthy elites, we're supposed to get the cream that naturally rises to the top (unfortunately the scum also rises). In Rome that was pretty much the rule whatever retards the elites shitted out would be in charge of the show eventually, in America it just keeps on happening by accident.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
^^ I did not mention Rome being good, you assumed that. I did not like them at all.

The Indians did a lot of conquering of the various other tribes and assimilated whoever they failed to kill. Tribes were reduced or wiped out by each other. No reservations for the losers then or reservations about doing anything really.

No, I do not like the taking over of the Indians or anything like that in case you are getting that wrong like the Romans.


Active member
Yeah ya right, apart from sanitation, the medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, the fresh water system, and public health, what have the Romans ever done for us ?

Big Nasty

Active member
Since the thread veered away from illiteracy to immigration, I just wanted to mention a few of my observations on the subject.

Has anyone else noticed all the similarities between now and 1931? Fear of Mexicans fostered by Hearst etc? Prohibition ended.

What else happened in 1931? The Great Depression happened. Harry Anslinger happened. Roosevelt made the supreme court 9 people instead of 7 so he could get his agendas passed happened. Eventually WWII happened.

Somebody said unless we learn from history we're doomed to repeat it. No shit.
We never learn from history and that's why it keeps repeating on and on;we are falling because of corruption and a big war is exactly where we are heading,sooner or later.
Things have gone downhill in European countries since the introduction of UE,i can honestly say we were doing a lot better 20 years ago:look at France,Italy,Spain,Greece.
UE is just meant to be a business committee,they don't care about people rights,we have lost civil rights,we have lost work rights,now it's all about markets and big corporations,well that's capitalism.
Now an employer can fire people whenever he wants,this couldn't happen 30 years ago;he close a factory in Italy and puff,he opens a factory where the cost of workers and taxation are much more lower and the UE gives him money for that.
Immigrants from Africa started arriving in Italy from '90s but now there is no work to be found here unless you want to work for 15 hours a day at 2 euro per hour,I call it slavery and that's exactly what the masters in Bruxelles want,workers who can't complain about low salaries and terrible conditions thus lowering the conditions of all European workers,we keep losing rights constantly and people are getting more and more tired,angry and hungry;to me it is not surprising that Trump,Salvini,Le Pen and Orban are gaining more and more popularity:if the left is no longer able(or no longer wants)to protect and help the middle class then fascism can't be stopped.

St. Phatty

Active member
Yeah ya right, apart from sanitation, the medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, the fresh water system, and public health, what have the Romans ever done for us ?

I just had an ad for a home in pish-posh Laguna Beach shoved in front of me.

Looking at a few of the homes there, I imagine that's comparable to the nicer homes of the Roman elites.

Imagine being able to pay 12 months of power bill in one check !

And just pay bills once a year !

But that's for the 1%, not the 99%.

Travel 10 miles inland, and it's a whole nother picture. Desperate people living paycheck to paycheck outnumber the wealthy folks on the California coast.

My guess is, the demographics of Roman society roughly mirrored that of SoCal.

I'm sure this was covered in my history classes in school. But I seem to have forgotten.

Why did Rome fail ? I have a hunch it had something to do with being spread too thin.


You mean that in America this is done on purpose? That the 'educated' people deliberately want to keep people dumb? Is this real or a conspiracy theory?

The problem is well-meaning liberals making decisions that backfire. One example that comes to mind is state laws that require schools to mainstream special needs kids.

In my era, they had special classes for those kids. But by putting them in the classroom...it becomes disruptive to the other children...and their education suffers due to chaos in the classroom. Plus even the special needs kids don't learn as well as they would in smaller classes for their special needs.

Similar issues, forced curriculum, limits to teacher freedom and more...all combine to compromise rather then improve public education.

St. Phatty

Active member
Too much Talmudvision rotting people's brains.

Companies pay for Product Placement.

I don't think Israel paid for their product placement on NCIS, since it's such a Rah Rah Support the US gov type show.

There's one scene where Abby, played by Pauley Perrette, has a coffee cup on her desk with an Israeli flag in it. No US flag, just an Israeli flag.

There's about 30 seconds of video, in the middle of a slightly longer sequence, where the screen is filled with the Israeli flag.

With the panning & zooming of the camera, 3 or 4 different times.

It was like a Mega product placement. Imagine if the camera zoomed in on the Apple image on one of the actor's or actresses laptop. And just showed the 'Apple' for 30 seconds. I think most film critics would consider that "massive over-do".

I wonder if Israel got their product placement for free. NCIS Washington is one of the most pro-Israel TV shows out there.


My guess is, the demographics of Roman society roughly mirrored that of SoCal.

I'm sure this was covered in my history classes in school. But I seem to have forgotten.

Why did Rome fail ? I have a hunch it had something to do with being spread too thin.

Reminds me of a talk I heard the other day, went something like-

Does a collapsing society know they are collapsing ?

A scholar of Rome said that history seems to show that Romans had no clue they were collapsing only what the governing rule told them. They they probably just experienced was the gradual decline of their money and quality of life.

I wonder if silver coins turned to tin ?

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