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Vermont farmer crushes 7 police cars with tractor over pot arrest


How do we point out the wrong we live under every day? Unless it happens like this!

Bingo, we have a winner!

Regardless of how and who is paying for the cars, the message of intolerance is clear. People are disgusted with the failing crap that is cannabis prohibition!
We are all named Roger Pion now. History will look to this moment when one pissed off farmer had enough and inspired the cannabis rights movement to copy him across the nation.


Active member
That was one pissed off grower with a big set of ball's! He sure made a statement did'nt he? Prohabition is a crock of shit to say the least. Many people have been busted and had their live really screwed up over a harmless plant! I bet he's going to do some serious time for that move, Hopefully one day the madness will end!



to bad the local DA is probably going to be able to find a way to put the guy away for a very long time for something that would be called "property damage" if he had not done it in the police station parking lot


The guy didn't even crush the cars of the cops who arrested him though! He crushed the cars of the neighboring county. Also, no where does it say he was a grower. They got him on simple possession charges. This guy is less one a revolutionary and more a crazy Vermont farmer. My money is he was on ice when he he did this deed.


I read this somewhere else about the story

I just have to say this has been all over the news here, being so close to Vermont. This is the funniest **** news I've seen........ maybe in months !! When he ran over all the police cruisers, the police station was full of cops. How come no one came running out at the sound of crumpling steel and breaking glass??? They had all the air conditioners on 'cube' and couldn't hear anything but the A/C units !! Then, as neighbors began calling in to the police to let them know what was going on...... no cop was able to persue him because every one of their cruisers ( and their van ) was crushed like it was on the infield at a monster truck rally ! Apparently only two cops opted to run down Rt. 5 in an attempt to catch the guy......... apparently the rest of the cops had eaten too many donuts to run ???

Now, I'm not condoning this behavior...... but how can anyone not find this story funny ??

avant gardener

i wonder what pussy riot would do if they had tractors.


get themselves shot probably.