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8k coco grow show


Active member
Thanks man. Yeah been working on finally having this set up for a bit. It's clearing up outside this last week. So hopefully my outdoors will get back up to par.

So does anyone have any ideas as to why I'm having plants just up and die over night.? This happened last run. I lost about 4 plants and pretty much had to pull early cause plants were dying. And when a plant dies in the back row there is no way I can extract it with the nets and all that. Maybe heat stress.? It's in the mid 80s. Sometimes probably 88 89 I'm sure on the canopy. Says 85 86 on my thermometer that's hanging at the end of the room but that doesn't mean above the plants it's same temp. It's hotter. And where the hot spots are there is some yellowing on the leaves. Would heat or light stress make a plant die.? Good thing this one is close and easy to remove. Only thing I can think of is heat. Everything else is fine besides the heat. I also checked my feed line and it's not clogged or anything. Good thing I have the new A/C waiting to go in.. thinking I might do a post in the Infirmary.. I'm all worried now.. these are 6 week strains. So they are fast flower.. I hope I don't have anymore choke . I wanna at least get to 50 days..



Well-known member
Damn sorry to hear man. Post some numbers regarding your grow and I'm are other people can be of help.

It might be a root issue as well. I know aspenous had an issue in the girls got skills thread and she used z7 to deal with it. It was bio slime. It could have be that some of your plants are just more resilient.

Good luck brotha


Active member
Don't think it's slim . I've had that before with flood and drain. I do DTW and I clean my rez often. And add new water everyday. Sm90 and OG bio war in my feeds. It eats slime. And the roots on this plant were white and nice. It's weird man. Hopefully they wont start dying. Lol


Well-known member
Don't think it's slim . I've had that before with flood and drain. I do DTW and I clean my rez often. And add new water everyday. Sm90 and OG bio war in my feeds. It eats slime. And the roots on this plant were white and nice. It's weird man. Hopefully they wont start dying. Lol

Yeah man I hope you figure it out cause that heat shouldnt be killing plants imo. My boy runs his room at 90f because no AC and his plants are just fine. Could be humidity too though


Active member
Humidity.? Hmmm.. have my dehumidifier off when lights are on and c02 is running.its like 82 humidity And it kicks on at lights out. Then I'm 60 55 percent humidity. When they are sleeping


Well-known member
Hopefully someone more knowledgeable can chime in because now I'm just throwing stuff out there.


Active member
I posted in the Infirmary. Hopefully can sort it out. Lol hate this troubleshooting shit

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Sounds odd. What do they look like when you figure they are dead?

Wilted? Crispy?

My thoughts went to clogged drippers too.


Active member
I posted a pic of the dead one.. And drippers was first thing I checked . I'm really thinking it's a fungus . But I clean my rez well and keep temps at 64. Maybe the buildup in my pvc when the nutes just sit there when lights off.? It's strange. Everything is flourishing in there so well and growing and getting fatter, then all the sudden one just dies.. it's really weird like I said I lost about 4 last run.. if it is some kind of fungus that attacks the internal stem. Then how the hell do infill it and prevent it. ? Ugh.. well I have about 10 days and hopefully no more die. Fingers crossed.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
It looks like an irrigation issue. You said you checked that though? Im not very experienced with drip systems like this. Do they evenly distribute the moisture in the top of those pots? Or is it just watering one side on some of them? There has to be something unique going on w all of the ones that died. I am very curious. I will say if you are only irrigating one side of some of those pots could there potentially be root zone pockets that are drying out? Pot heavy when you pick it up? Too heavy? So many things could be going on. Weigh a healthy looking one compared to the one that died overnight. Just curious because i think its root zone related.

Happy Times

Well-known member
Fogger. half gallon drenches them. Gets in all the cracks. I'll never use a backpack sprayer again. Lol. Yes I drench the whole crop even if only a few spots get mites . They spread rocket speed so I don't take chances.

Ahhhh, fogger- that's a great idea. I don't know how one could ever use a sprayer with a room like that! I think one really needs to get exposure to every square millimeter of the plants and leaves. You aren't kidding about that rocket speed spreading, hate those little buggers. Sorry if you've already mentioned it, what do you fog with? (I have some bad memories of past times fighting mites in the summertime so I'm very curious)

Good luck with troubleshooting that dying plant thing- that's a weird one! Hope you get it figured out soon.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I was going to recommend oxy as well but that will kill any beneficials og biowar etc. i run sterile w oxy and i still see algae and buildup though. Why would a sludge, slime or fungus kill a plant overnight? Especially if it didnt clog the water line? Hmm


Active member
It's Fusarium. Found some good info in the infirmary thread I did.. guy nailed it.. right where the roots meet the stalk it's all rotted and stinks. I didn't notice and thought the roots looked fine when I took it out yesterday. I went back and pulled it out the bushes and started ripping up the root ball. I found it.
So now it's about being super diligent and cleaning my reservoir every 3 days now instead of 5 and also using air pots in the next run with added air movement below my canopy and my new AC going in will help with humidity while lights are on.. So yeah.. justneed to stay focused and address the problem. !!
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Active member
Ahhhh, fogger- that's a great idea. I don't know how one could ever use a sprayer with a room like that! I think one really needs to get exposure to every square millimeter of the plants and leaves. You aren't kidding about that rocket speed spreading, hate those little buggers. Sorry if you've already mentioned it, what do you fog with? (I have some bad memories of past times fighting mites in the summertime so I'm very curious)

Good luck with troubleshooting that dying plant thing- that's a weird one! Hope you get it figured out soon.

I fog with azamax and Monterey BT when clones first go in the room. I do this once and then a second time 3 to 4 days later to kill any eggs that hatched. If you have spider mites you have to spray 3 days after your first spray to kill the hatched eggs. If not they will come back. My rate is ounce and half of Azamax per gallon and 2 tablespoons BT. I mix them together.
After that then I only spray of biowar from then on. Once a week. This keeps the room spider mite free.

As long as in the begging you spray and keep a good regimen and make sure you don't walk in the room with the clothes you were wearing that you were walking around outside in. You will not have spider mites. Always shower and change to fresh clothes going in the grow room. It helps huge

And yeah Fusarium wilt. Joy. Lol I'm immersed online reading about it now, it's pretty nasty but what I can do is prevent it in the beginning and just keep diligent with clean, and making sure everything is clean that much more, as well as air flow and silicon potassium in my feeds. And the lower temperatures in my room that my new AC will bring is going to help a lot too. Basically this stuff is going to always be in my root system and i have to be on top of things, and shoot for a good harvest and prolong the wilt from being detrimental. So fun... hehe


Active member
Gotta be some kind of fungus or slime.

Running any h2o2?

Crossing fingers for ya!

The worst kind if slime bro.. Fusarium.. It's a big dog.. sucks but hey.. I got this. Just have to be more clean and do some changes. I'm researching and absorbing now..


Active member
It looks like an irrigation issue. You said you checked that though? Im not very experienced with drip systems like this. Do they evenly distribute the moisture in the top of those pots? Or is it just watering one side on some of them? There has to be something unique going on w all of the ones that died. I am very curious. I will say if you are only irrigating one side of some of those pots could there potentially be root zone pockets that are drying out? Pot heavy when you pick it up? Too heavy? So many things could be going on. Weigh a healthy looking one compared to the one that died overnight. Just curious because i think its root zone related.

Hey man thanks for chiming in and giving your time for help. I appreciate it. Yes it's root zone. So I'm learning preventive measures right now and different methods I just need to up my game with my family Nest air exchange air flow.. colder temps. Fusarium thrives in hot temps. And all my lines are directly in the middle so now dry zones in the roots..

I just read some stuff suggesting oxy. What else is there like that? Pro tekt is another that I'm going to get tomorrow first thing and throw it in my feed. Its Silicon. If I don't put OG biowar tea in my reservoir and feed my plants with it, I get root aphids instantly it's ridiculous I'm in a jungle so everything here is just nuts. Bugs everywhere But in my room because of biowar


Active member
Damn sorry to hear. I trust you can get through it.

I will. Just have to switch stance and tackle it.!!. Praying none die in next 10 days. Freaking me out. I will be confident next run when I start from the beginning knowing what this is now, and use preventatives from the start. Once again rainforest, Hawaii, spores, mold, and everything everywhere. it's a battle LOL