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Do you play music for your plants


Stoner Gardener

Someday I hope to set up a coral reef tank in a room that can accommodate both the tank and a sizeable garden.

This will eventually put years of indoor climate control mastery to the test.

Calming sounds will wash over it all. Since I'm usually enduring external sources of stress while away from home, my "Tranquility Room" will lend itself as Sanctuary from the madness elsewhere.

I can always wander over to the local bar to catch the Black Death Cookie Monster Grindcore earache any time I feel like throwing my sense of inner peace into a state of torture. LOL! < jk


I dooooooooo. lol. I play them lots of Classic Rock.They have seemed to grow better when they hear AC/DC, Rush, Zepp, and Foreigner atleast once a day. I also blow hits on them, always wondered if it was a good idea or not. Never got any concrete answers.Music of any nature has proven to help plants grow better than nothing, but every plant differences much like people.I play them Classic Rock because its what I listen to, but they seem to have their faves.