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Lots of weed today tastes straight up nasty


Well-known member
I'm in an illegal state where mid grade brick weed is still a thing, we also get lots of weed from legal states. I find more often then not the taste from brickweed more tolerable than the stuff that's so full of terps its harsh and nasty. I'm smoking on some blueberry cross that tastes like somebody sprayed perfume in my mouth just straight nasty putting the joint out every couple minutes can't even get high. I'm shitty I didn't just buy mids instead.

I can tolerate strong tasting weed but it just seems some terps are just straight nasty, Skunky, hashy, lemon, woody spice, earthy all smoke smooth for me. Nasty grape cigar, orange chemical, and berry perfume tasting weed you can't hold a hit in without gagging it's so bad and I'm definitely not the only one who thinks so. What the hell is wrong with some people?


Well-known member
Harsh herb mean not flushed well. On the other side some strains can have more of a bronchodilator effect than others so with somes you'll cough a lung, like with OG Kush. I personally like disgusting terps as long as they're not artificially added to the buds like they did in some Amsterdam Coffeshops spraying the nugs with really "nasty" chemical products.


Active member
I know what you mean. I do think it's a personal thing though. I find certain terps close my throat and make me cough. Other strains that taste just as strong and have the same potency don't do it to me. I might add the strains that make me cough don't necessarily taste bad they just don't agree with me if that makes sense.
I do have this problem when i buy it from the streets,never when i grow it.I use little BIO nutrients from any garden shop not to much and flush it good .My yealds are not great but i enjoy mu stuff.


Señor Member
The smugglers are buying the hype varieties that taste like that. Tell them to smuggle in some better tasting shit. :chin:


Well-known member
I will just get mids until that shit is gone, I can actually finish a joint of mids and catch a buzz. It really taste like somebody sprayed old lady perfume right in my mouth 3-4 hits and I'm back to gagging wanting to throw up so I put it out catching no buzz but I just can not take the taste I thought mids was bad but this is seriously worse.


ya its the commercial weed. somehow they really fuck it up. i bought some commercial weeds when visiting washington thats slogan was, "as good as any, and better than most"

also i just cannot take a lot of strains, like most fuel tasting indicas, sour diesel and Original Glue are the worst, white widow to a lesser degree.

its definitely a personal thing.
mids are the shit, good for edibles too. its usually well cured landrace pressed bud that may actually be fermented

edit- it wont let me type g.o.r.i.l.l.a glue. changes it to original. thats a funny thing. gorilla Original Glue hahaha and it changes it to caps i dont type in caps
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Well-known member
Makes you wonder if they are spray-flavouring the buds... I guess if they use the same terpenes you couldn’t test for it?


Well-known member
I have smoked weed that smelled like ammonia cat piss, but it tasted smooth and got me high. I just have a hard time believing some garbage like this comes from a legal state. Before this I got something that tasted like orange chemical perfume which was even harder for me inhale, sometimes something really good comes in.


Boreal Curing
Dry weed is harsh and most people dry way too much. I bag mine at 70% and let it cure until the vac seal is broken. It'll totally fuckup your grinder, but it's like smoking a cool menthol. There's no crunch when you squeeze my bags. I'm not surprised that some weed tastes like shit. It's probably sprayed with hairspray for bag appeal and dusted with incense for smell.

When I was a kid copping a dime bag at the community center, a couple people would jump in the car and we'd sample what they had before deciding what to buy.


Well-known member
Didn't bother reading much of whats been said already.

Never ever spray anything other than water on flowers. No matter what!

Over fertilization, not flushing, bad drying and curing, storage and just being shitty herb all can fuck weed up too.

In my experience people spraying stuff, any stuff on flowers is the easiest way to screw up flavor. Some products say safe up til harvest. That does not mean it taste good. If you have uncontrollable pest problem start over clean.


Autistic Diplomat in Training
I would say MOST of the time the cannabis is grown wrong. I personally have never had any nasty tasting cannnabis come from my gardens. I've had some slightly overfed, and some accidentally dusted out or full of pollen, but nothing like I've sourced from the street and dispensaries.

I would imagine there are tons of cannabis being diverted from legal states. Mainly the stuff which won't sell there any longer. Anyone playing with spraying crops with terps, will have an easier time offloading their mistakes to another state. I would imagine you're getting the really big screw ups.

A huge number of legal state growers have quit, because they did not understand even basic quality. The locals won't buy it now, there's much better quality for the same low price.

I'd like to hear more about the Tangie tasting like 'not-cannabis.' Makes me wonder if he's using a product he's grown accustomed to and can no longer detect the flavors from. I've run across many growers who've developed a blind spot for certain flavors, due to them consistently over-using a product.

I recommend every grower try at least a few runs with minimum NPK/micros only, so they get a real feel for what comes from **only** cannabis. ;)


Active member
A picture is worth a thousand words!


mack 10

Well-known member
I will just get mids until that shit is gone, I can actually finish a joint of mids and catch a buzz. It really taste like somebody sprayed old lady perfume right in my mouth 3-4 hits and I'm back to gagging wanting to throw up so I put it out catching no buzz but I just can not take the taste I thought mids was bad but this is seriously worse.

Sounds nasty.
There is a coffeeshop in 'Dam that sprays
It's purple or strawberry whatever,
Thats top of the menu, for years.

Stuff is unsmokable for the reasons stated above,
Way too much terps, is blatantly obvious
To anyone.
( especially if you know terps)
How they sell any, I don't know
But it was 16e/gram.

mack 10

Well-known member
How come sour d terps don't smell like sour d? (Or any other strain,?)
Seems strange to me,
What am I missing?

soil margin

Active member
Most commercial weed these days is either underdried or overdried, both of which hurt taste and flavor. Most commercial weed is also uncured or undercured, both of which hurt the taste and flavor as well. The gist of it is that good tasting and smelling weed requires effort/putting in a process/paying attention/etc. and most people aren't putting in the required amount.