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Anybody here into self-sufficent food growing/Sustainable growing?

Long as we're on the bakery outlets... Don't ever get what they call "Cake". 2 ounce individually wrapped twinkies take a very long slow time to unwrap to get to where you have enough to keep Porky satisfied. Hostess cupcakes in August were one of my recurring nightmares. Chocolate up to my elbows. Swore off of cake in a hurry. Found a few twinkies behind some bales about a year later, they looked the same as the day I unloaded them. Scarey thought was that the rats and mice didn't want them


we had some great chickens and they produced plenty of eggs for my family to eat. we had 7 chickens and sadly, one month ago, my brothers dogs killed all 7.:mad:
we will be getting more in the next few weeks. I miss my fresh eggs!

dead dogs if they were on my lot your dumbass brother should be recompensing you for your flock and their value especially if they broke into coop.if you allowed them out while they were around it's your responsibility.


New member
So glad I found this thread! Thanks to the OP! I just recently joined after much reading and now I'm finding that my other hobbies/passions are all on one site!!

F'n A!!! :smokeit:

The class of citizens who provide at once their own food and their own raiment, may be viewed as the most truly independent and happy.
James Madison

Lets not forget thier own medicine!


makes we want to hit trader joes, whole foods for gourmet chicken feed a loved chicken is a happy chicken.ill have to post some pics og my green cracks being lollypopped by my barred rock hen.i also trapped 2 feral hens to compliment the feral javan rooster my neighbor trapped.i think their type where i could be guilty of a felony if buyer declared or I declared or allowed the sale or conveyance of roosters for fighting purposes unless It is legal in that state,territory :louisiana,and puerto rico.


New member
Along the lines of reading material, I have to reccomend Countryside Magazine and small stock jounal. All one title. Not trying to dis Mother Earth News, I just prefer that one.
Had some Chickens and still have 2 Americana (Easter Eggers) more or less for ornamental. They do lay regularly, though. I'm looking to get some Black Jersey Giants soon, and was pretty much sold on Buff Orpingtons.
Could any one reccomend some type of "hierloom" type chickens?
We had 3 goats and I LOVED them! We just didn't have the room at the time to properly care for them. Sold them at a deal to someone that had the space.


java chickens the fighting breeds are extremely hearty,wary and good if you have any threat of predation.II have a rooster and two hens watched a hawk try to grab the rooster multiple times fail!mean bird!any of the barred rocks or r.i.r. are good birds that do well in amost envornments.the pearl white leghorn is bred for early egg production4-5 months.if you free range them you can eggs for years as opposed to keeping them indoors with just feed.if you have predators make sure your coop is predator proof.


Wow I am glad I found this thread! My girlfriend and I are getting into subsistence gardening and we are starting our first garden together this spring. I am planning on raising chickens as well. One quick question, Our backyard is on a slope. Can chickens graze on a slope? The guy at our local feed and seed said they will graze on whatever terrain they can but I wanted to get other opinions before I followed his word as gospel. Keep it danK!


Active member
Yes, permaculture is pretty much what I am trying to practice, along with growing most of my own food, and all my own food if I should find food nowhere else one day.

I guess I have a survivalist mentality as well as a sustainable one.

Good luck with your food forrest mate

Establishing a Food Forest the Permaculture Way (2008) ... get it, its good :dance013:

I have so much growing its hard to keep up. Today i harvested zucchini & radish, two types. french brerakfast & saxa.

people who dont grow their own are missing out on important lessons in life.