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Gry could use your thoughts, prayers, meditations, or what ever you have to offer


Thinking about you gry. We appreciate all the information you have shared. Hoping you get better soon.


Active member
Very thoughtful thread for you to start, moose eater.

Gry started a thread on nausea, explains a bit on what he is dealing with.

Nausea and pain are the issues, and trying to stay off dialysis. He had surgery for clear cell carcinoma that didn’t go well a while back.

In his nausea thread he posted a link to plant based medicines someone found, he has been looking for something like that and was hopeful it could help him.


Chemon 91
To Gry and family....

James 5:15 King James Version (KJV)
15 And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.

Father God, I ask for healing in the name of your begotten son Jesus Christ for healing of Gry, he and his friendS and family amen.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Gry keep your chin up we really appreciate you and your contribution.

I love your personal experience and the wit with which you relate it.

Let me know if I can help in any way.


Love and light brother!!


moose eater

Thanks for the out-pouring of care for Gry. He's a deserving fellow. I've been out of rep twice this morning, in reflecting what meager thanks such a system permits.

Gry sounded more responsive and clear today (just a few minutes ago), than yesterday. A good thing.

I'm hoping to receive a mailing address soon; his cats have food for now, but he needs a number of fairly simple things. We'll put together a care package for him if/when the address arrives.

Thank you, redlaser, for clarifying some of the issues at hand. I was hesitant to get too specific with someone else's medical or social status. I knew Gry had posted a number of times, sharing some of his struggles, but his complaints on the boards have been relatively minor, other than to give a general definition of day-to-day challenges.

An added source of sadness for him, is that he's a loving person, and the physical community in which he resides is an all-too-typical, somewhat-closed-off (socially) urban setting. He tries to be the friendly and patient person you've seen on the boards in his real-time interactions with others he meets in life, but in many urban settings, that's ignored, or worse, seen as strange.

To be aging, denied recognition or respect, etc., and to suffer day-to-day, more or less alone, while surrounded by persons either intimidated by appearances of one sort or another, or aloof and into their own gigs, is a curse that few deserve.

Hopefully he'll check in here. He knows of the sentiments and presence expressed herein. Thanks again for that.

Mr D

Sending positive thoughts and vibes to Gry and his family.

Moose eater please PM me if you get a mailing address for Gry so I can make a donation.. I'd really like to help in any way possible.


Well-known member
Very sorry to hear this news, there's obviously a lot of care and support in this community and i really hope that Gry can break through his current troubles and come out the other end...all the best mate...

moose eater

Thanks again, all.

I asked Gry if the addy was slow in arriving due to privacy concerns, and he said "No." But I also know he's very polite, and sensitive to others' feelings. He cited a current lack of lucidity for not sending his address yet. I suspect energy and focus plays a part, too.

I told him earlier there's a good bit of support for him, and that I assumed there would be those who might want to 'pitch in' for him, should he decide to accept.

I'll let him know there's a line forming for such offerings, and all he needs do is say, "OK".

Thanks again, all.


Well-known member
I had no idea he was in a bad way. I'm gonna send him a PM. I always respected him and I hope he bounces back

Green Squall

Well-known member
Gry, my man, you got a lot of positive thoughts coming your way from this amazing and supportive community. Whatever is holding you down, I wish you the best. Please stay strong, positive and in good spirits.